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[Web] My Pegasos / MorphOS reviewANN.lu
Posted on 21-Jun-2003 02:25 GMT by Christophe Decanini58 comments
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It has been two and half a month since I bought my Pegasos.
I used it almost every day and wrote a review that you can find here.
My Pegasos / MorphOS review : Comment 1 of 58ANN.lu
Posted by Paul Gallant on 21-Jun-2003 02:04 GMT
That is a very honest a staight forward reveiw. Things should be really
interesting in September
My Pegasos / MorphOS review : Comment 2 of 58ANN.lu
Posted by Janne on 21-Jun-2003 02:16 GMT
Thanks Christophe! A very nice review.
My Pegasos / MorphOS review : Comment 3 of 58ANN.lu
Posted by bbrv on 21-Jun-2003 04:31 GMT
In reply to Comment 2 (Janne):
Thanks Christophe!


My Pegasos / MorphOS review : Comment 4 of 58ANN.lu
Posted by Druideck on 21-Jun-2003 05:55 GMT
Very nice review, of Morphos/Pegasos.
Very smooth combination in my opinion.
I still got my A500/020 for backup though ;)

My Pegasos / MorphOS review : Comment 5 of 58ANN.lu
Posted by Thomas W on 21-Jun-2003 07:04 GMT
Neat case you've got there.
My Pegasos / MorphOS review : Comment 6 of 58ANN.lu
Posted by Neko on 21-Jun-2003 08:04 GMT
How many times do I have to drive home the differences between parts of
the operating system to you people?

Christopher, a quote from your article:

"Thanks to MUI Ambient is fully skinable. Some skins are available on the
betatester2 FTP site. A skin is a set of presets defining what bitmaps compose
the window borders and gadgets, the main menu etc"

WRONG! MUI has practically nothing to do with the skinning. The skinning is
part of the native v50 Intuition library. Please. Please. Get this stuff right
for once.

My Pegasos / MorphOS review : Comment 7 of 58ANN.lu
Posted by Janne on 21-Jun-2003 08:38 GMT
In reply to Comment 6 (Neko):
A bit of politeness wouldn't hurt, though.
My Pegasos / MorphOS review : Comment 8 of 58ANN.lu
Posted by takemehomegrandma on 21-Jun-2003 09:25 GMT
Balanced and objective review! Very nice! :-)
My Pegasos / MorphOS review : Comment 9 of 58ANN.lu
Posted by Ben Yoris on 21-Jun-2003 09:58 GMT
Christophe : nice review ! Well wriiten and informative ! Bravo !

Neko : How about trying Lexomil ? Double dose.
My Pegasos / MorphOS review : Comment 10 of 58ANN.lu
Posted by Kjetil on 21-Jun-2003 10:07 GMT
I think there review where detailed, lots of images, gives good inside on the applications that work, gives an inside on what things that are missing,

There is a image displaying library version and information, looked briefly trow the list, basically 80% is copyrighted by Ralph,


I'm looking forward to OS4.0/AmigaOne 800Mhz or more, I some way I guess this explains what to expect form a new OS, the exception is MP that OS4.0 has in ExecSG kernel, no need for Q/BOX, as time goes by MorphOS and AmigaOS will be come more alike at the same time less compatible and less equal to look at,
My Pegasos / MorphOS review : Comment 11 of 58ANN.lu
Posted by Robin Cloutman on 21-Jun-2003 10:15 GMT
Nice to see rc-ftpd gets third billing in the "Emulated Applications" department, one thing I would be interested in seeing (from a personal point of view) - what's the maximum cps it gives on there? On 68060 I can get up to 400k/sec, and it's a combination of internal IDE and bad design in the original network code that uses all the cpu...

My Pegasos / MorphOS review : Comment 12 of 58ANN.lu
Posted by Atheist2 on 21-Jun-2003 10:19 GMT
Alright, you're a power user!

I will be REALLY disappointed if AOS4.0 doesn't have a RAD:

If it doesn't, well......WE NEED CUSTOM HARDWARE!!!! PCs suck!!

AmigaOne! Amigas are better!
My Pegasos / MorphOS review : Comment 13 of 58ANN.lu
Posted by Anonymous on 21-Jun-2003 11:02 GMT
In reply to Comment 12 (Atheist2):
Topic reminder: "My Pegasos / MorphOS review"
My Pegasos / MorphOS review : Comment 14 of 58ANN.lu
Posted by Emeric SH on 21-Jun-2003 11:07 GMT
Very nice, informative and as I can judge unbiased review. Congratulations!
My Pegasos / MorphOS review : Comment 15 of 58ANN.lu
Posted by Some Farker on 21-Jun-2003 12:29 GMT
In reply to Comment 12 (Atheist2):
"I will be REALLY disappointed if AOS4.0 doesn't have a RAD: "

Since that's a function of the OS and not the hardware, this statement:

"If it doesn't, well......WE NEED CUSTOM HARDWARE!!!! PCs suck!! "

...is the depth of stupidity.

Let's take a look at it, beyond the fallacious assumption that OS4 won't have a ram-disk.


"Custom Hardware", while neat on the A500 and A1000, is exactly what held the Amiga back, and is the reason why there are no more Amigas being produced. Ask Dave Haynie about making an AGA chipset today. Furthermore, ask him in general about custom hardware versus off the shelf. A new amiga "needs" custom hardware like you "need" a hole in your head.

"PCs suck!!"

This is a real rib-tickler, and one inspired by sheer envy more than any logical argument. You do understand, don't you, that I've got a GPU on my video card that's more powerful than a stack of A500's, custom chips and all. The thru-put of AGP and PCI leave the best and brightest efforts of Zorro buses in the dirt. And please, please don't get me started on the various I/O interfaces vis a viz hard-drives on the Amiga. That horrid little interface on the A1200? I shudder to think about trying to do any sort of serious work through it. Come to think of it, I've tried. It has all of the suck. Ditto for the A4000's IDE interface. The A3000's SCSI interface is servicable, but in all cases you're far better off with some PCI based ATA controller solution.

Memory bandwidth? Find me an Amiga that can keep up with PC2100 DDR RAM and I'll give you a cookie.

Finally, you *are* cognizant of the fact that the AmigaOne is essentially x86 hardware adapted to use/be used by a (very slow) PPC CPU, right? That some glue logic and wiring aside, it's an x86 motherboard? I hope you are; then you can post a retraction on "PCs suck!!" and wake up and realize that just because Shadow of the Beast was neat in 1989, that does not mean that a decrepit, tottering heap of kludges on top of totally stagnant hardware somehow supersedes over a decade of advancement that in computing terms represents paradigm shifts that completely leave the best Amiga things in the dust.

AmigaOne! Amigas are better!
My Pegasos / MorphOS review : Comment 16 of 58ANN.lu
Posted by Christophe Decanini on 21-Jun-2003 13:19 GMT
In reply to Comment 15 (Some Farker):
While Pegasos and AmigaOne have much better RAM speed it is not possible to have a RAD drive because of the limitation of the hardware: The northbridge reinit the ram when there is a reset.

So yes in some respect the Amiga has some advantages. On the other hand the Amiga motherboard were not updated in a decade.
My Pegasos / MorphOS review : Comment 17 of 58ANN.lu
Posted by Ian Shurmer on 21-Jun-2003 13:19 GMT
In reply to Comment 6 (Neko):
@Christophe, thanks - a nice, balanced and detailed review!

@Neko, Didn't your mother teach you ANY manners?

My Pegasos / MorphOS review : Comment 18 of 58ANN.lu
Posted by Christophe Decanini on 21-Jun-2003 13:22 GMT
In reply to Comment 6 (Neko):
How many times Neko should I have to say that my name is Christophe and not Christopher ! ;)

OK It is an intuition V50 feature. I will correct the review later when time permit.
My Pegasos / MorphOS review : Comment 19 of 58ANN.lu
Posted by Anonymous on 21-Jun-2003 14:17 GMT
"I used it almost every day"

So you do not use it anymore for some reason? Or was the "d" at the end of "used" a typing error? Or are you haing a soft/hardware problem?
My Pegasos / MorphOS review : Comment 20 of 58ANN.lu
Posted by Kjetil on 21-Jun-2003 14:51 GMT
In reply to Comment 12 (Atheist2):
If it doesn't, well......WE NEED CUSTOM HARDWARE!!!! PCs suck!!

AmigaOne! Amigas are better!

Guess you know nothing about computers to write this, chipsets are there to control hardware, even new PC's have custom hardware, gfx card has GPU, the ATA has DMA, I can continue and less about all the chips in PC that controls firewrite or USB, every computer need chipset to have efficiency need for communication, video and disk access.

In the old days programs where written to access the gfx card directly, there where standards like VGA, EGA, this standards only exists to day to make the old programs work, I do expect them to be remove now that we live in DOS free world, this days we no need to access the chips directly, the main reason for this is that if you are going to improve hardware with better an faster hardware you most always take in count the old hardware and it's limits, this is way drivers are used, small programs that goes between the program and the hardware allowing you to replace the hardware with otter type of hardware that works in different way whit about following an out dated hardware standards.

way do I use PC as an example for Amiga custom chips well PC has always hard custom chips, in the old days they where not so advanced as the Amiga used at the time, butt the reality is that the way programs are written is the problem of to day, by not using drivers you get less latency if you know how to use the hardware, it depends on how good you are to code, this where needed when you only hard 7Mhz , now we have 800Mhz and 600Mhz, the latency is not really an issue any more.
My Pegasos / MorphOS review : Comment 21 of 58ANN.lu
Posted by hooligan/dcs on 21-Jun-2003 15:01 GMT
In reply to Comment 20 (Kjetil):
Save your breath.. nothing is going to change his mind. Only AmigaOne RULEZZZZZ as it stands on his website.
My Pegasos / MorphOS review : Comment 22 of 58ANN.lu
Posted by zimmy on 21-Jun-2003 15:16 GMT
In reply to Comment 17 (Ian Shurmer):
No he doesn't have any manners because he hides behind the web. He wouldn't say that to anyones face by his own ommission. (From his moobunny days) He is a troll in that respect.

(loved the review of Peggie by the way!)

Rubi Ka 2
My Pegasos / MorphOS review : Comment 23 of 58ANN.lu
Posted by Kjetil on 21-Jun-2003 16:09 GMT
In reply to Comment 21 (hooligan/dcs):
If you say that your operating system rolez over any thing else then you don't know any thing about otter operating systems, and the same goes for hardware, if you say that only Pegasus rulez the argument is equally valid, this is not Peg or Ami forum is mixed one allowing all type of views and interest to speak there mind,

I favor the AmigaOS4.0, and AmigaOne, and I'm going to AmigaOS4.0 tour, and if it's get boring i find some thing else to do, thats how it goes.
My Pegasos / MorphOS review : Comment 24 of 58ANN.lu
Posted by Neko on 21-Jun-2003 16:46 GMT
In reply to Comment 18 (Christophe Decanini):
Would you have paid as much attention if I spelled your name right? :)

As for everyone else: manners would have been to find out the real component
that dealt with skins before writing an "article" or "review", and me taking
pills would not fix other peoples' laziness and/or stupidity.


My Pegasos / MorphOS review : Comment 25 of 58ANN.lu
Posted by Christophe Decanini on 21-Jun-2003 18:05 GMT
In reply to Comment 19 (Anonymous):
Thank you to report this English mistake.
I still use it every day.

And it is becoming better. For example since I wrote the article I have installed a nice dock bar and I have tested UAE which is of course faster and more usable than it is on Cyberstorm (I would still wish for a UAE JIT though).
My Pegasos / MorphOS review : Comment 26 of 58ANN.lu
Posted by corpse on 21-Jun-2003 18:09 GMT
In reply to Comment 20 (Kjetil):
"Guess you know nothing about computers to write this, chipsets are there to control hardware, even new PC's have custom hardware, gfx card has GPU, the ATA has DMA, I can continue and less about all the chips in PC that controls firewrite or USB, every computer need chipset to have efficiency need for communication, video and disk access."

PC chip-sets where a combination of the various bits of logic that made up the glue between the CPU, the memory , I/O etc and the basic on-board hardware e.g. RTC, Keyboard controller, UARTS etc in an AT. Modern chip-sets aren't that different but support newer,bigger,faster(TM)

"In the old days programs where written to access the gfx card directly,"

In the real mode you would use BIOS VESA etc services to program the graphics controller unless you were coding for a particular card. Once you've moved into an OS you could use either the functions it provides or BIOS services if they still work.

"I do expect them to be remove now that we live in DOS free world,"

You'd be surprised how many still use DOS based windows systems or legacy DOS based applications for their businesses.

"this days we no need to access the chips directly,"

There are still reasons to bang the hardware, for instance: if you want to control devices from a IBM/PC serial port using the OS can be very slow and BIOS services aren't much better because they have to take into consideration the various different UARTs out there.

"way do I use PC as an example for Amiga custom chips well PC has always hard custom chips,"

Original PC's were made up of huge arrays of TTL logic circuits, integration of these into chip-sets came later.

"in the old days they where not so advanced as the Amiga used at the time"

PC chip-sets have to be compatiable with the original AT's to some extent, for example I think in most cases you're still required to open the A20 gate in real-mode to be able to address the upper memory regions.

The Classic Amiga's have never needed to be AT compatible and thus have been able to integrate spankingly good graphics hardware, sound etc focused towards multimedia applications never seen on a IBM/PC. That sort of integration was great in the day when it was expensive to produce even the barebones AT clones but to design and produce something akin to the Classic Amiga chipset today would be expensive and surpassed by the time it hit the shops.
My Pegasos / MorphOS review : Comment 27 of 58ANN.lu
Posted by Christophe Decanini on 21-Jun-2003 18:22 GMT
In reply to Comment 24 (Neko):
It looks that the people in this thread have less difficulties to accept that I was confused with MUI and the underlying Intuition than your way of telling it to me so "friendly".

As for being lazy or stupid you had a chance to read the article and correct me before anyone here since I posted it on the Phoenix ML before posting here. Well I guess you prefered to wait that I posted it here so you could bash me.

As someone said you would not act like that if we were meeting for real.
One day you may be at the same place as me or someone else and It would be wise from you to change your attitude before someone loose his control.

Thankfully, I have got nice feedbacks so far on the review, including from some core MorphOS developers. The same people who banned you from the #morphos channel for a while because of your so nice manners with other users ...
My Pegasos / MorphOS review : Comment 28 of 58ANN.lu
Posted by Kjetil on 21-Jun-2003 18:44 GMT
In reply to Comment 26 (corpse):
Well the comment where not meant for you, it where meant for a newbie,

PC chip-sets where a combination of the various bits of logic that made up the glue between the CPU, the memory , I/O etc and the basic on-board hardware e.g. RTC, Keyboard controller, UARTS etc in an AT. Modern chip-sets aren't that different but support newer,bigger,faster(TM)

There where lots more I where kinking about when i wrote what it, think more of internal/external devices (PCI/ISA/VESA), like SCSI, Ethernet, and on-chip logic as well, floppy disk controller, serial controller, etc.

"I do expect them to be remove now that we live in DOS free world,"

You'd be surprised how many still use DOS based windows systems or legacy DOS based applications for their businesses.

You are right on this one it even surprising that you find even new hardware designed for DOS, mostly handtermnals and PDA's to be used as dumb clients for sales orders, big storage facilities, the terminal are commonly connected to telnet service, by using 803.11b.

"way do I use PC as an example for Amiga custom chips well PC has always hard custom chips,"

Original PC's were made up of huge arrays of TTL logic circuits, integration of these into chip-sets came later.

the first computers where mechanical,

if any one like to lookup more you can find a page loaded with stuff like this.
My Pegasos / MorphOS review : Comment 29 of 58ANN.lu
Posted by corpse on 21-Jun-2003 19:25 GMT
In reply to Comment 28 (Kjetil):

Anyways, I would rather have small loopback devices in place of RAD: and IIRC a couple virtual floppy systems already exist for AmigaOS :)
My Pegasos / MorphOS review : Comment 30 of 58ANN.lu
Posted by Kjetil on 21-Jun-2003 19:49 GMT
In reply to Comment 29 (corpse):
As I understand it RAD don't remain in ram when you do soft-reboot/hard-reboot due to some hardware reset, guess if you store this type of information on one of this flash crads it will be able to boot from them, it's really no problem most of the games will not work any way, due to some hardware dependency, so it's better to rep the data stored and use UAE for this type of task.

// Anyways, I would rather have small loopback devices in place of RAD:

Amiga has i loopback device,
LOL... just kiding... I know what you are think about.

yes mount the disk right form the hard-drive with out loading them to ram, the cool thing about this is that you can make large disk contain a project you working on,

and when you need a backup just burn the file as disk-image no problems, guess some mount list wont expect to find AFFS on the CD-ROM
My Pegasos / MorphOS review : Comment 31 of 58ANN.lu
Posted by Ian Shurmer on 21-Jun-2003 19:51 GMT
In reply to Comment 27 (Christophe Decanini):
A Genesi guy got banned from #morphos?? Well there's irony for you...

However, I do agree with your point about changing his attitude before people lose control Christophe. The same could be said for a lot of people who post on ANN tho.

My Pegasos / MorphOS review : Comment 32 of 58ANN.lu
Posted by Daniel Miller on 21-Jun-2003 19:54 GMT
In reply to Comment 27 (Christophe Decanini):
Christolpho ;) wrote:

> Thankfully, I have got nice feedbacks so far on the review,
> including from some core MorphOS developers. The same people
> who banned you from the #morphos channel for a while because
> of your so nice manners with other users ...

He was banned from MooBunny too, IIRC. Don't sweat it Chris, it takes all kinds to rule the world. ;)

PS: Nice review.
My Pegasos / MorphOS review : Comment 33 of 58ANN.lu
Posted by Christophe Decanini on 21-Jun-2003 19:58 GMT
In reply to Comment 31 (Ian Shurmer):
Most of the people are nicer on irc than on news sites.
Most of the people are nicer in real life than on IRC.

Of course there are exceptions.
My Pegasos / MorphOS review : Comment 34 of 58ANN.lu
Posted by Ian Shurmer on 21-Jun-2003 20:05 GMT
In reply to Comment 33 (Christophe Decanini):
And so is life...

Anyway, keep up the good work Christopher.

I mean Christophe ;-)

(what a stupid mistake!)

My Pegasos / MorphOS review : Comment 35 of 58ANN.lu
Posted by Anonymous on 21-Jun-2003 20:14 GMT
In reply to Comment 29 (corpse):
Loopback mounted ramdisks are supported out-of-box on most Linux distributions.

Or if you like to do temporary modifications to a large amount of data, you can use a shmfs overlay. Good for patching that read-only game CD too :)
My Pegasos / MorphOS review : Comment 36 of 58ANN.lu
Posted by menelaus on 21-Jun-2003 20:46 GMT
oh yea, pegasus is sooo cool computer. Its a really computer for geek men :)
i like holding mouse still while booting else mouse/keyboard doesnt not work, is it a feature or security thing?
My Pegasos / MorphOS review : Comment 37 of 58ANN.lu
Posted by Eva on 21-Jun-2003 21:50 GMT
Chris, thx for your near perfect review! I ca''t write one due my dog english", but I want to say that it is a honest, clear and calibrated review of Genesi-Bplan-Morphos creation.
Again thx.

I want to add only 3 points that MUST be added to Morphos to create something full usable out of the box:
1) a Tcp stack
2) Printers support
3) Full Multimedia support (i.e. a real support for the integrated audio, a movie player [frogger shoudl be perfect], a real 3D support [something too important to see new games on this gooood machine])

Thx to all fo the good work on Pegasos-morhpos
My Pegasos / MorphOS review : Comment 38 of 58ANN.lu
Posted by Atheist2 on 21-Jun-2003 21:53 GMT
In reply to Comment 15 (Some Farker):
@ Comment 21
Hi hooligan/dcs,

Thanks for looking at my little site (not much there, at all). I've got to do something about it, but I keep trying to get xp to work, then that dos ftp is like pulling teeth to use. Very cryptic commands.

@ Comment 15
Hello Some Farker,

@ Comment 20
Hello Kjetil,

Although I'm not fully acquainted with how hardware works, I do know that:

Direct x 8.1 needs 65 megs of harddisk space.
Then the video card needs some unknown ridiculous sized driver. As does the sound card, I imagine.

My MSI G Force 4 4600 only has 128 megs of ram.

I don't get how these things work together at all!

Then theres, can't I find even ONE piece of software that works "out of the box"?

Just yesterday I installed Morrowind on xp. I dread installing new software on this thing, I never know what's going to happen. I bought it May 2nd.

Guess what? It doesn't work! When I face a person, and they are talking, I don't hear anything (just background sound/music). When I turn 90 degrees, left or right, I hear them perfectly! There's your PC "standards" in action. I have and Audigy sound card and a P4 @ 2.26 GHz. Name brand stuff, yet, Totally useless.

Laugh at custom hardware, and by all means complain about it being expensive, but remember; it's reliable!

AmigaOne! and Pegasos: RELIABLE!!!!!
My Pegasos / MorphOS review : Comment 39 of 58ANN.lu
Posted by Kjetil on 21-Jun-2003 22:46 GMT
In reply to Comment 38 (Atheist2):
Hello Kjetil,

Although I'm not fully acquainted with how hardware works, I do know that:

Direct x 8.1 needs 65 megs of harddisk space.
Then the video card needs some unknown ridiculous sized driver. As does the sound card, I imagine.

Most of the suff that comes with install packages are images, music and stupid programs mpeg/avi videos, you have no use for, on Creative Install CD you find games lots of crap,

there are several otter factors that make things big, example programs that are compiled with static library's bundles dlls inside the executable, one otter factor is the capability issue as thing evolve developers thens to keep the old code for comparability reasons making the program increase in size every time they change some thing. There is allows the fact that developers have different background they like to do things there way, so there is lots of reinventing the wheel development, there is otter things as well VB programs are not really compiled, just like Amos program they are interpreted, and just like AMOS the VB programs have larger file size the programs compiled i C++, VB programs are where poplar in windows due to the short development time it take to make program, how ever VB programs take lots of CPU if you are not thinking when you type, every running programs effects the total performance of the OS.

then again 65 MB of storage is not extreme this days, 120GB hard-drives cost less the 200 euros, guess you can start wondering where all this 65Mb are used.

// My MSI G Force 4 4600 only has 128 megs of ram.

You need alot of ram to store the big texture used in quality games and remember the textures stored on videocard is not compressed, think 24bit BMP images,

/* Then theres, can't I find even ONE piece of software that works "out of the box"? */

You need to pick the just the right driver when you install, using 2000 driver in XP is not good thing try finding the driver for you OS then tings gets better, there are things that are changed from windows to windows,

Guess what? It doesn't work! When I face a person, and they are talking, I don't hear anything (just background sound/music). When I turn 90 degrees, left or right, I hear them perfectly! There's your PC "standards" in action. I have and Audigy sound card and a P4 @ 2.26 GHz. Name brand stuff, yet, Totally useless.

I don't understand what the problem is guess it is driver issue try removing the old drivers an get some fresh once from the Internet is normally helps, there can allows be some configuration issue.

if you think your XP is preforming poorly try changing to standard look and turn of all this textures it will help the performance, this textures fills up the memory and the use some extra CPU power to be rendered on the screen.

Laugh at custom hardware, and by all means complain about it being expensive, but remember; it's reliable!

there is no need to upgrade drivers if there is no drivers, an the otter thing is when you have standard hardware for you OS, you can be shore the OS tuned for the hardware,
one example is Mac; they use standard hardware and no once is complaining even if it's basically the same hardware as used on PC, the drivers are included with the OS so the user never notice there existence.

There is one more factor if you are used to AmigaOS you know how to fix the problems when you have them then they do not appearer as if they where a problem in the first place.
My Pegasos / MorphOS review : Comment 40 of 58ANN.lu
Posted by Kjetil on 21-Jun-2003 22:53 GMT
In reply to Comment 38 (Atheist2):
// AmigaOne! and Pegasos: RELIABLE!!!!!

you can reliability of some this that don't work, is like this you can expect them to not work to morrow as well, there is no reason to use all effort on thing that don't work.

on the otter hand things that will work will mostly work so it reliable in a way.

so you lose some and you gain some that the sorry of OS4.0 and MorphOS,
if you know your computer has DMA problems the turn DMA off disk access time is not every thing in a computer, end of story.
My Pegasos / MorphOS review : Comment 41 of 58ANN.lu
Posted by Nicolas Sallin on 21-Jun-2003 23:17 GMT
In reply to Comment 35 (Anonymous):
MorphOS supports RAD disks.
Christophe meant you currently lose its content after a Pegasos reboot.
My Pegasos / MorphOS review : Comment 42 of 58ANN.lu
Posted by Some Farker on 22-Jun-2003 03:51 GMT
In reply to Comment 38 (Atheist2):
"Although I'm not fully acquainted with how hardware works, I do know that:

Direct x 8.1 needs 65 megs of harddisk space.
Then the video card needs some unknown ridiculous sized driver. As does the sound card, I imagine."

You would be quite amazed at exactly what they do *not* need. In the time I've been doing IT, I've pulled quite a few tricks, not the least of which was creating "minimal driver sets" and "minimal DX sets" that consisted of a few hundred kb worth of .vxd's, .dll's and so forth that I used simple DOS scripts to put in to place. All extracted by hand, of course, and with no small amount of investigating.

What this amounts to is that there's a *lot* of chaff. Some call it features, and since I have the HD space and a system robust enough to do what I want to with, I don't bother tearing my hair out because something is 85mb in size.

"My MSI G Force 4 4600 only has 128 megs of ram."

??? ...and...what?

"I don't get how these things work together at all!"

What are you driving at here? That you don't understand fundamentally how drivers and hardware work together? Or motherboards and daughtercards or what? Clarify, son. Clarify.

"Then theres, can't I find even ONE piece of software that works "out of the box"? "

Now you're just whining, and not telling the truth to boot. I could say the same thing about the Mac, the Amiga, BeOS, VMS, whatever. That wouldn't make it true. The computer - even your vaunted Amiga - can't read your mind and ascertain what you wish. Put some goddamned effort into it! Sheesh!

Let me ask you something. Say you manage to "convert" someone from using an x86 system running Windows XP which just plugs into a router and *bang* is on the 'net, to using a second-hand Amiga loaded with 3.1. Would *you* suggest that they're right if they said "This stupid computer doesn't work out of the box!" because they couldn't get it on the 'net immediately?

Or would you tell them where to get TCP/IP stacks, web-browsers, newsreaders, FTP clients and the like so it could do what they wanted to?

I'll give you a little free info: to compute is to tweak. Period. There are no computers immune from the need for attention. Each computer and it's OS requires some input and handling from the user.

"Just yesterday I installed Morrowind on xp. I dread installing new software on this thing, I never know what's going to happen. I bought it May 2nd.

Guess what? It doesn't work! When I face a person, and they are talking, I don't hear anything (just background sound/music). When I turn 90 degrees, left or right, I hear them perfectly! There's your PC "standards" in action. I have and Audigy sound card and a P4 @ 2.26 GHz. Name brand stuff, yet, Totally useless."

Bull. "Name brand stuff, yet, totally useless"? You *do* know that Morrowind has issues, right? Have you asked in alt.games.elder-scrolls? Fired off an email or hit the Bethedsa Software homepage for support?

Frankly if you think that one (known buggy) game not working is a ringing damnation of hardware that's quite literally beyond your apparent ability to come to grips with, then you need help. I'll tell you what. You box up that PC you're so obviously dissatisfied with and send it along to me and I'll make sure it doesn't bother you any more, 'k?

(Oh, as an aside, I've got Morrowind working fine on a PIII/750 with a gig of RAM and a dinky little GeForce2. Sounds to me like you've got a PEBCAK there, my friend.)

"Laugh at custom hardware, and by all means complain about it being expensive, but remember; it's reliable!"

Yeah, I'll remember that the next time I'm cleaning out my closet and come across the box full of dead CIA chips I keep around for nostalgia's sake. Or when I think of the two or three A520s that came apart, etc. etc.

Here's something else custom hardware is: stagnant. I refuse to sit around and wait for a computer company to tell me when it's time to go buy a new computer because it's built around a new architecture. Thanks but no.

"AmigaOne! and Pegasos: RELIABLE!!!!!"

Of course - that's why DMA has to be turned off. That's why they're so ultra-picky about the RAM you can use. That's why the various patches to the MAI chipset have been developed. Because they're so "reliable" *rolls eyes*.
My Pegasos / MorphOS review : Comment 43 of 58ANN.lu
Posted by Anonymous on 22-Jun-2003 06:54 GMT
In reply to Comment 40 (Kjetil):
DMA is used for ethernet, usb, scsi and a lot other things which you can't
just switch off.
My Pegasos / MorphOS review : Comment 44 of 58ANN.lu
Posted by JoannaK on 22-Jun-2003 08:34 GMT
In reply to Comment 16 (Christophe Decanini):
Well.. having RAD: on a PCI card or similar should be realtively easy to implement.. IF there is enouh market to tool like that.

Personally.. Instead of havign 'reset proof ramdisk' I would rather see system that does not need to be resetted so often.
My Pegasos / MorphOS review : Comment 45 of 58ANN.lu
Posted by Tom on 22-Jun-2003 09:13 GMT
In reply to Comment 42 (Some Farker):
Dont waste your time, most Amiga users what complain about other operating systems and hardware are just brain dead ingnorant fools who are to stupid to set up a machine properly and then act like sad pathetic children shouting "Windows SUCKS" "AMIGA RULEZ" "X86 STINKS" "LINUX IS SHIT" etc and other pathetic sayings.

If your so stupid that you can not operate another machine (what has not got an Amiga logo on it) then you clearly are STUPID and deserve NO HELP.
My Pegasos / MorphOS review : Comment 46 of 58ANN.lu
Posted by Kjetil on 22-Jun-2003 10:08 GMT
In reply to Comment 43 (Anonymous):
DMA is used for Ethernet, usb, scsi and a lot other things which you can't
just switch off.

yes butt thats different chipsets you know, different dma controllers. there is not just one DMA controller in a PC, there are many different DMA controllers in PC.

you only need to turn of the one that is not working!!!!!

yes you can not disable all types of dma controllers or chipsets, some dma controllers do not have manual interface, some are only controller by jumpers setting, and some you can not disabled, however if looked true the PC Bios you be amazed by the tings you can disable or turn off,
My Pegasos / MorphOS review : Comment 47 of 58ANN.lu
Posted by bbrv on 22-Jun-2003 10:28 GMT
Great work Christophe as the review is now featured on OSNews.

This is precisely the kind of positive coverage the community here needs.

The rising tide lifts all boats...;-)

My Pegasos / MorphOS review : Comment 48 of 58ANN.lu
Posted by Lando on 22-Jun-2003 17:51 GMT
In reply to Comment 45 (Tom):
Yes, obviously everyone who dislikes Windows and Linux is obviously a braindead fanatic with an IQ in single figures. And of course if they ever have problems then it's their fault for being so stupid and unable to operate the computer properly.

Interestingly, right-clicking on a jpg on my desktop, and selecting "open with..." and "choose program" from the menu, it takes 37 seconds for the box to appear so that I can choose a program to open it with. But that's understandable as I only have an Athlon 2200+ and 1GB RAM. I guess such a processor-intensive operation needs at least a 3Ghz CPU and 2GB RAM.
My Pegasos / MorphOS review : Comment 49 of 58ANN.lu
Posted by Johan Rönnblom on 22-Jun-2003 19:23 GMT
One nice effect when some drivers and stuff is moved to the Qbox is of
course that you can have a RAD disk there as well.. of course it still
wouldn't survive a reboot, but it would survive a restart of the Abox
and that'd probably be almost just as useful.. :-)
My Pegasos / MorphOS review : Comment 50 of 58ANN.lu
Posted by Atheist2 on 23-Jun-2003 08:28 GMT
Thanks for the responses, I apologise for disrupting the thread.

Sometimes it's better being "anonymous".

/me - ducks out trap door in floor!/

AmigaOne! No comment.
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