[News] OS4 On Tour hits Denmark. | ANN.lu |
Posted on 31-Jul-2003 11:17 GMT by Troels Ersking | 22 comments View flat View list |
We hereby welcome all Amiga fans to a couple of hours of Amiga OS 4 demonstration. Amiga OS 4 (newest BETA) will be shown running on an A4000 fitted with a CyberstormPPC accelerator, but it will also be possible to have a closer look at an AmigaOne XE-G4. 9th August from 13:00 to 17:00 at Syvstjerneskolen in Værløse, Denmark.
For more details, please look at our website: Danish OS4 on tour site
OS4 On Tour hits Denmark. : Comment 1 of 22 | ANN.lu |
Posted by takemehomegrandma on 31-Jul-2003 09:24 GMT | Nice! Just a thought though, perhaps a lot of Danes went to Gothenburgh allready, when the OS4 was shown there? |
OS4 On Tour hits Denmark. : Comment 2 of 22 | ANN.lu |
Posted by Anonymous on 31-Jul-2003 09:33 GMT | In reply to Comment 1 (takemehomegrandma): Read again, it says "latest BETA" -- over a
month of progress has been made, I bet people
would like to see that:) |
OS4 On Tour hits Denmark. : Comment 3 of 22 | ANN.lu |
Posted by takemehomegrandma on 31-Jul-2003 09:38 GMT | In reply to Comment 2 (Anonymous): > Read again, it says "latest BETA"
No, it says "newest BETA"!
:-p ;-) |
OS4 On Tour hits Denmark. : Comment 4 of 22 | ANN.lu |
Posted by Olegil on 31-Jul-2003 09:41 GMT | In reply to Comment 3 (takemehomegrandma): Congratulations, you're being pedantic ;-) |
OS4 On Tour hits Denmark. : Comment 5 of 22 | ANN.lu |
Posted by Olegil on 31-Jul-2003 09:44 GMT | In reply to Comment 2 (Anonymous): I would like to see it, but I can't justify the trip :-(
I guess I could rest today and row to Denmark tomorrow, but I'm not Superman, so maybe it's not such a good idea ;-)
Anyway, have fun, report the latest and hottest back here, and don't mind the naysayers. They would say nay no matter whatcha did :-) |
OS4 On Tour hits Denmark. : Comment 6 of 22 | ANN.lu |
Posted by Peter Gordon on 31-Jul-2003 11:12 GMT | In reply to Comment 5 (Olegil): Maybe they're all horses, and they're just saying "neigh" :) |
OS4 On Tour hits Denmark. : Comment 7 of 22 | ANN.lu |
Posted by Anonymous on 31-Jul-2003 11:24 GMT | In reply to Comment 3 (takemehomegrandma): Noticed that just milliseconds after I had posted ~:-) |
OS4 On Tour hits Denmark. : Comment 8 of 22 | ANN.lu |
Posted by Robert on 31-Jul-2003 12:08 GMT | In reply to Comment 6 (Peter Gordon): > Maybe they're all horses, and they're just saying "neigh" :)
Maybe they're the Knights who say "Neigh".
Give them a shrubbery and they'll go away. ;-) |
OS4 On Tour hits Denmark. : Comment 9 of 22 | ANN.lu |
Posted by MarkTime on 31-Jul-2003 13:38 GMT | you know if they had the OS4 dog and pony show in Nashville, TN, in the USA, within a few miles of my apartment, and if it was a particularly sunny day without a lot going on, I would go to the show and look at this OS 4.
That's not going to happen for a lot of different reasons, but when they make the public beta (gaww, I kill myself...) then I will definately have a look at it.
Well, its obvious I may not see OS 4 for a long, long, long time, its ironic, isn't it...that all these OS 4 'shows' kind of hide the fact, that they are having them precisely because they do NOT want people to know about OS 4 in its current state. If they really wanted people to see it, it would be available for sale, it was $29 for Mac OS X public beta...to order the media.
And NO, people do not continue to use the beta to avoid paying for the full version.
And NO, people do not still think the beta is the final version...though some idiots think OS 9 is still the final version.
And NO, it didn't put Apple's reputation in the dumpster, the opposite, people could tell it was real, and very close to being released.
Nevertheless, it wasn't till 10.3 that they really got it right. |
OS4 On Tour hits Denmark. : Comment 10 of 22 | ANN.lu |
Posted by Elwood on 31-Jul-2003 13:45 GMT | In reply to Comment 9 (MarkTime): > they are having the OS4 tour precisely because they do NOT want people to
> know about OS 4 in its current state.
Strange, it is exactly the opposite...
>If they really wanted people to see it, it would be available for sale,
> it was $29 for Mac OS X public beta
Wow, it's the Micro$oft way of doing things. Are you Bill Gates ? You hide to post on ANN, am I right ? |
OS4 On Tour hits Denmark. : Comment 11 of 22 | ANN.lu |
Posted by Troels Ersking on 31-Jul-2003 13:59 GMT | In reply to Comment 9 (MarkTime): "its ironic, isn't it...that all these OS 4 'shows' kind of hide the fact, that they are having them precisely because they do NOT want people to know about OS 4 in its current state."
How can they hide something that we show in public?
The current state can be seen at the public showing, apart from maybe some stuff that is beeing worked on and isn't integrated yet (stuff in the process of being migrated). |
OS4 On Tour hits Denmark. : Comment 12 of 22 | ANN.lu |
Posted by Don Cox on 31-Jul-2003 15:12 GMT | In reply to Comment 9 (MarkTime): "Well, its obvious I may not see OS 4 for a long, long, long time, its ironic, isn't it...that all these OS 4 'shows' kind of hide the fact, that they are having them precisely because they do NOT want people to know about OS 4 in its current state. If they really wanted people to see it, it would be available for sale, it was $29 for Mac OS X public beta...to order the media."
No previous version of the Amiga OS has been released in a beta state (except perhaps 1.0), and IMO it is not a good idea to start now.
Think what the review on OSNews would be like if there were gaping holes and major bugs.
It might be even better to hold it back until the AmigaOne version is ready, rather than issue a version for slow old hardware first. |
OS4 On Tour hits Denmark. : Comment 13 of 22 | ANN.lu |
Posted by Anonymous on 31-Jul-2003 16:39 GMT | In reply to Comment 12 (Don Cox): > No previous version of the Amiga OS has been released in a beta state (except
> perhaps 1.0), and IMO it is not a good idea to start now.
1.4 |
OS4 On Tour hits Denmark. : Comment 14 of 22 | ANN.lu |
Posted by DaveP on 31-Jul-2003 16:49 GMT | In reply to Comment 13 (Anonymous): I never recall 1.4 being *released*. It was kept back until it mutated into 2.04. |
OS4 On Tour hits Denmark. : Comment 15 of 22 | ANN.lu |
Posted by Peter Gordon on 31-Jul-2003 16:51 GMT | In reply to Comment 14 (DaveP): 1.4 was shipped with the first few batches of A3000. |
OS4 On Tour hits Denmark. : Comment 16 of 22 | ANN.lu |
Posted by DaveP on 31-Jul-2003 16:57 GMT | In reply to Comment 15 (Peter Gordon): Thanks. Thank god I didn't get one. |
OS4 On Tour hits Denmark. : Comment 17 of 22 | ANN.lu |
Posted by Don Cox on 31-Jul-2003 16:57 GMT | In reply to Comment 15 (Peter Gordon): "1.4 was shipped with the first few batches of A3000."
We had a couple of early A3000s (with the kernel on disk) but IIRC they had AOS 2.04.
If they had had 1.4, I would still have a copy in my archives, and I don't.
I remember lots of articles about what would be in it. |
OS4 On Tour hits Denmark. : Comment 18 of 22 | ANN.lu |
Posted by Tigger on 31-Jul-2003 18:16 GMT | In reply to Comment 17 (Don Cox): The Superkickstarts that shipped with the initial A3000's, contained 1.4. The A3000s shipped with 1.4 floppies for a short time before they began shipping with 2.01 (another beta release) and eventually we worked up to everyone running 2.04 (the official release). Commodore shipped lots of betas to it hundreds of registered developers. Especially during the creation of 3.0 days we used to download new builds from the bbs system at least once a week. Newtek has done a very successful paid beta on the last 2 Video Toaster version and the last 4 or 5 versions of Lightwave. OS X beta for the Mac was also very successful, and Microsoft has done betas on the last 4 or 5 windows versions (thats why I have Win2K for the Alpha). Its not a new idea, frankly the AmigaOne people in our user group would rather have a beta 0s 4.0 then a second or third linux box.
-Tig |
OS4 On Tour hits Denmark. : Comment 19 of 22 | ANN.lu |
Posted by Anonymous on 31-Jul-2003 18:58 GMT | In reply to Comment 18 (Tigger): sure, there is a beta group of "more than 100 people" - it's just not a public beta *everyone* can download. (and ofcourse amigaone ppl probably wouldn't have much use of it now) |
OS4 On Tour hits Denmark. : Comment 20 of 22 | ANN.lu |
Posted by Anonymous on 31-Jul-2003 23:20 GMT | In reply to Comment 18 (Tigger): If the release version of OS4 is delayed further I'd gladly pay to play around with a beta version. This might also give Hyperion some extra cash. Just a thought. |
OS4 On Tour hits Denmark. : Comment 21 of 22 | ANN.lu |
Posted by Hans-Joerg Frieden on 02-Aug-2003 11:32 GMT | In reply to Comment 9 (MarkTime): Some companies might decide to sell beta versions of their products (and NO, this is no pun vs. MorphOS, just matter of fact).
Some companies decide not to sell beta versions.
The reasons are completely irrelevant, there's pro's and con's to both sides. We've decided not to sell betas. I'm afraid you have to live with that.
You can always try to formally apply for beta testing :-) |
OS4 On Tour hits Denmark. : Comment 22 of 22 | ANN.lu |
Posted by Thomas Würgler/Pagan on 02-Aug-2003 18:25 GMT | Well, I for one look very much forward to seeing it in action and meeting the other Danish Amiga users once more. This time there will probably also be a chance to see some of the people who seldom come out of the woodwork &) |
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