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[Files] NetClip 0.1ANN.lu
Posted on 21-Sep-2003 02:03 GMT by Peter Gordon9 comments
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The first version of NetClip has been released.

NetClip is a small utility that lets you share one global clipboard between your networked Amigas (or AmigaOS clones).

Data copied to the clipboard on one Amiga is immediately available to paste on other machines. Features:

· Transparency. Cut and paste over the network as easily as between apps on the same computer.

· Serverless and stateless protocol. Once NetClip is set up on your LAN, you can turn off or on any of your Amigas without it causing NetClip a problem.

· Pastes ALL kinds of clipboard data. You can write a Personal Paint brush to the clipboard on one Amiga, and paste it into iconedit on another.

Download it from my website
NetClip 0.1 : Comment 1 of 9ANN.lu
Posted by Nomad of Norad on 21-Sep-2003 00:33 GMT
Cool concept! Is there a way to turn it off and on at your whim? (So that two different users working on two different Amigas don't overwrite each others clipboards if they're independantly doing copy-and-paste stuff...) And, is there going to be a way to share clipboards between LANned Amigas and PeeCees? LANned Amigas and Macs? LANned PeeCees? LANned Macs? (I'm one of those guys who plan to have a bunch of different platforms co-existing on his LAN someday, so a feature like that would be handy.) A way for one or more machines to opt-out (and then back into) the sharing of clipboards, at the user's whim, while still allowing the other machines to share theirs?

Perhaps also integrate into it one of those multi-clipboard functions, too. You know, where it keeps up to, say, the last 10 items that were pasted to the clipboard and lets you select from that list before pasting back out.

Something to think about as you move from version 0.1 towards the eventual 1.0 version, eh? :-)

NetClip 0.1 : Comment 2 of 9ANN.lu
Posted by Peter Gordon on 21-Sep-2003 00:39 GMT
In reply to Comment 1 (Nomad of Norad):
> Is there a way to turn it off and on at your whim?

At the moment, you have to quit it with a CTRL-C, ad re-run it when you want to share again. The next version will be a commodity so you can disable it.

> And, is there going to be a way to share clipboards between LANned Amigas [everyone else]

I won't be writing clients for other platforms (I have AmigaOS and LinuxPPC here, and the minute I get OS4, well, byebye LinuxPPC). However, the protcol is VERY simple, so if someone wants to cooperate on a Linux/Windows/Whatever client, get in touch.

> A way for one or more machines to opt-out (and then back into) the sharing of clipboards, at the user's whim, while still allowing the other machines to share theirs?

From 0.2, it'll be a commodity that you can disable on a per-machine basis.

> Perhaps also integrate into it one of those multi-clipboard functions, too. You know, where it keeps up to, say, the last 10 items that were pasted to the clipboard and lets you select from that list before pasting back out.

It is certainly possible to integrate some sort of "Clipboard manager". Thats something for the distant future, I feel ;-)
NetClip 0.1 : Comment 3 of 9ANN.lu
Posted by Joe "Floid" Kanowitz on 21-Sep-2003 01:10 GMT

Did you ever see my blather on the 'corral' concept? (Basically an argument for an improved, consistent, beyond-single-item interface to 'clipboard'/ramdisk functionality.)

Being able to truck 'objects' (be they file-equivalents, or more 'ephemeral' things) around a network without pain is certainly convenient. Whether or not the reality is perfect - the multiuser issue is limiting, I can't tell if this would really make anything easier crossplatform versus network filesystems - the perspective is a good way to go.
NetClip 0.1 : Comment 4 of 9ANN.lu
Posted by Adam Waldenberg on 21-Sep-2003 04:22 GMT
Very nice idea indeed :) ....
NetClip 0.1 : Comment 5 of 9ANN.lu
Posted by Ami603 on 21-Sep-2003 09:00 GMT
What about this? is possible to add a feature like allowing external IP`s (over internet) to share clipboard while doing work with others around the globe? ;)

This way one team can coordinate their efforts easily.
NetClip 0.1 : Comment 6 of 9ANN.lu
Posted by 3seas on 21-Sep-2003 12:30 GMT
Amiga can have like 256 clipboards. I think you can access them via arexx, but Gui4Cli has provisions for access them.

What happens if two people clip something at the same time while another trying to paste something else?

you are going to have to id from which system you want to paste it's clipboard.
NetClip 0.1 : Comment 7 of 9ANN.lu
Posted by Peter Gordon on 21-Sep-2003 13:34 GMT
In reply to Comment 6 (3seas):
> Amiga can have like 256 clipboards.

You can specify the clipboard device unit to share over the network. If more applications supported multiple clipboard units, you could set NetClip to unit 1, and use 0 for local clips. HOWEVER, almost nothing allows you to specify a clipboard unit, so for most people NetClip will have to share their main clipboard. Hopefully in future, people will update their software to allow the user to select clipboard units.

> What happens if two people clip something at the same time while another trying to paste something else?

At the moment, if NetClip is in the middle of receiving clipboard data from one machine, and another one comes along, it just ignores the second request. NetClip isn't really designed to work well in multi-user environments. The reason I wrote it was so that I could paste URLs posted on IRC into the browser on my other Amiga.

*HOWEVER*, if more Amiga applications allowed you to specify a clipboard unit, NetClip would become a *LOT* more useful in a multi-user enviroment, since people could use unit 0 for local copy/paste operations, and unit 1 to paste to, or copy from the "global" clipboard.

(so take the hint, developers ;)
NetClip 0.1 : Comment 8 of 9ANN.lu
Posted by Don Cox on 21-Sep-2003 17:34 GMT
In reply to Comment 7 (Peter Gordon):
"You can specify the clipboard device unit to share over the network. If more applications supported multiple clipboard units, you could set NetClip to unit 1, and use 0 for local clips. HOWEVER, almost nothing allows you to specify a clipboard unit, so for most people NetClip will have to share their main clipboard. Hopefully in future, people will update their software to allow the user to select clipboard units."

This is really something that should be in the OS. For example, LA+C copies to clip zero, LA+C+F1 copies to clip 1, etc.

I can't imagine wanting more than 10 clipboards outside of a script.
NetClip 0.1 : Comment 9 of 9ANN.lu
Posted by Phill on 22-Sep-2003 07:06 GMT
In reply to Comment 8 (Don Cox):
To be honest the whole clipboard unit thing isn't very user friendly.
They need names and it needs to be much more flexible.

i.e. I ought to be able to have different shared clipboards, with access control. Something that shows you the last ten things that you copied and allow you to drag them into a shared clipboard would probably do me.

However I don't do too much in the way of cooperative work, so I can get away with just emailing the person sitting next to me if I want to share something.

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