[Rant] My AmigaOne Experience | ANN.lu |
Posted on 06-Oct-2003 15:31 GMT by Joe (Edited on 2003-10-09 10:04:34 GMT by Christian Kemp) | 151 comments View flat View list |
Read at your own risk.
[ Please also read Alan M Redhouse's side of the story. - CK ]
Hello there. Heres some good things to say to all you chirpy AmigaOne owners.
I ordered a G3SE in November 2002 and it arrived Christmas eve. It wouldnt work from the start. Oh what a fun christmas that was. After a day of owning it I felt like smashing it to pieces. Nothing would boot whatsoever and when it did get so far it would crash at the logon screen.
I called Eyetech and they sorted it out. After a while they switched it to KDE.
Next set of problems. Instability. I tried everything and nothing would resolve. The machine was basically unusable, it was logging out randomly. I posted on sites like this for help and didnt get much really. Then it wouldnt even boot KDE after a while for some reason, so I tried a re-install.
Then it decided not to read any CD's.
I just left it there gathering dust, too stressful to even think about to be perfectly honest.
Fast forward to about 3 weeks ago, I called Eyetech and explained about the constant problems. They said if I replaced the ROM chip and installed Debian instead of Suse it would make things better.
I explained to them on the phone, I am a bit of a novice and dont really know how to do this. "Well the instructions are very clear" they say. I say "Well could I just send it back. I dont really know what I'm doing here and I dont want to make things worse". The phone conversation ends.
As I'm getting prepared to post the whole thing off I recieve an envelope from Eyetech which apparently contains a ROM puller and a ROM chip. We did not spot this at the time. There were instructions saying you need a paperclip (not a rom puller) so we got our paperclip and got prepared to remoev the "ROM". The instructions were very clear indeed... right. The photograph supposedly illustrating how to remove the ROM properly is somewhat poor quality and the mans finger is completely covering the ROM chip, thus making it impossible to see which part to remove (like I said on the phone, were novice).
After trying hard to remove the thing we ended up removing the ROM chip AND the socket and most of the pins. We knew instantly the motherboard was now well and truly ####ed. We call Eyetech and they say there is nothing we can do now. After that we discover the ROM chip and puller hidden in a tiny sponge on the back of the envelope, with the replacement ROM (if we had seen this we would have known which exact part to remove).
As you can imagine I am furious with this, after 10 months of sheer hell from investing in the new "Amiga" computer, I am over £900 down, not going to get a penny back really and I feel like smashing the thing up.
Such a thing as this is what has driven me more and more away from the Amiga community.
One furious ex-Amigan.
My AmigaOne Experience : Comment 1 of 151 | ANN.lu |
Posted by DaFreak on 06-Oct-2003 13:38 GMT | *lol*
.. :D |
My AmigaOne Experience : Comment 2 of 151 | ANN.lu |
Posted by Darren Eveland on 06-Oct-2003 13:41 GMT | Hi Joe, I'm sorry about your experiences. You did realize that the early-bird machines were not really for end users? It seems like from what you say in your post it would have been better for you to wait until OS4 is ready.
I will quote from Eyetech's site:
..regarding the early-bird offer:
"This of course will not suit everybody, and if you want a switch-on-and-go AmigaOne system then this Earlybird offer is not for you." |
My AmigaOne Experience : Comment 3 of 151 | ANN.lu |
Posted by Don Cox on 06-Oct-2003 14:00 GMT | How much of that £900 was the motherboard? You could use the graphics card etc in any other computer.
However, if you look around you should find someone who can repair surface mounted circuits. It will of course cost you something, but not as much as replacement AmigaOne board. |
My AmigaOne Experience : Comment 4 of 151 | ANN.lu |
Posted by - GALAXY - on 06-Oct-2003 14:02 GMT | You can't blame your own incapabilities to run Linux on Eyetech or Amiga. You need quite some experience to run Linux, regardless on what Architecture. I don't want to blame you for your incapabilities but you made a fool out of yourself in the public because your described issues are more user related than Hardware related. Linux requires some time getting used to and KDE or GNOME are not Linux only or NOT what one should call Linux, they are own Desktop Environments ontop of that system. They either work or not. And yes thats how Open Source is, made by volunteers and known that it may fail. |
My AmigaOne Experience : Comment 5 of 151 | ANN.lu |
Posted by Peter Gordon on 06-Oct-2003 14:03 GMT | In reply to Comment 2 (Darren Eveland): I echo Darrens statement, but I really feel for you. Its not really Eyetechs fault that you didn't spot the ROM-puller, though.
If all you did is rip off the socket, the board could be salvagable. If you find someone with experience of dealing with surface mount components, they might be able to fix it. |
My AmigaOne Experience : Comment 6 of 151 | ANN.lu |
Posted by Amon_Re on 06-Oct-2003 14:11 GMT | Erm, so if i get this straight, you received an envelope containing a ROM & Puller + instructions, but only noticed the letter?
You tried removing the ROM chip, without knowing you actually had the new rom?
You actually managed to rip out the whole socket??
*sigh* Sorry mate, but you broke it, not Eyetech
Cheers |
My AmigaOne Experience : Comment 7 of 151 | ANN.lu |
Posted by John on 06-Oct-2003 14:25 GMT | Stop blaming your own stupidy on Eyetech, you did the damage and deserve the consequences, i hope you did loose out on money because clearly you knew what product your was buying and now trying to play the innocent man does not wash.
I think you really bought that just to say "Hey people i have a AmigaONE" |
My AmigaOne Experience : Comment 8 of 151 | ANN.lu |
Posted by John on 06-Oct-2003 14:26 GMT | stupidy = stupidity |
My AmigaOne Experience : Comment 9 of 151 | ANN.lu |
Posted by Anonymous on 06-Oct-2003 14:37 GMT | Buy Pegasos MorphOS. |
My AmigaOne Experience : Comment 10 of 151 | ANN.lu |
Posted by Ronald on 06-Oct-2003 14:45 GMT | About the instability: Is this motherboard outfitted with the broken chipsets like the ones the first Pegasos series had?
And why the hell did they recommend you to remove ROM chips? Incredibly stupid move on the part of Eyetech. It says on a reseller page that anyone can load up TurboLinux, SuSE Linux and Debian Linux. So I don't see the need to remove any ROM chips at all. |
My AmigaOne Experience : Comment 11 of 151 | ANN.lu |
Posted by Peter Gordon on 06-Oct-2003 14:47 GMT | In reply to Comment 10 (Ronald): Its an updated U-Boot. More recently sold boards can be flashed from software, but the first boards had protected ROMs which can only be updated by a physical replacement. |
My AmigaOne Experience : Comment 12 of 151 | ANN.lu |
Posted by Peter Gordon on 06-Oct-2003 14:48 GMT | In reply to Comment 9 (Anonymous): What if the person doesn't want a Pegasos or MorphOS? People are allowed to choose other solutions, you know. |
My AmigaOne Experience : Comment 13 of 151 | ANN.lu |
Posted by Amon_Re on 06-Oct-2003 14:53 GMT | In reply to Comment 9 (Anonymous): No thx, i'll pass
Cheers |
My AmigaOne Experience : Comment 14 of 151 | ANN.lu |
Posted by whoopsy! on 06-Oct-2003 15:22 GMT | Hey Joe,
Chirpy chirpy chirp!
Mines A1G4 works fine, you should not fiddle with things you are not understanding.
You broke it, tuff luck. |
My AmigaOne Experience : Comment 15 of 151 | ANN.lu |
Posted by Anonymous on 06-Oct-2003 15:32 GMT | In reply to Comment 3 (Don Cox): >However, if you look around you should find someone who can repair surface mounted circuits Ah, just send it to DCE for repair! ;-)) |
My AmigaOne Experience : Comment 16 of 151 | ANN.lu |
Posted by Anonymous on 06-Oct-2003 15:34 GMT | In reply to Comment 9 (Anonymous): >Buy Pegasos With Pegasos you break the IDE clamps. |
My AmigaOne Experience : Comment 17 of 151 | ANN.lu |
Posted by T_Bone on 06-Oct-2003 15:35 GMT | While I sympathise with your expierence, this isn't something that's in any way Eyetech's fault. |
My AmigaOne Experience : Comment 18 of 151 | ANN.lu |
Posted by Amon_Re on 06-Oct-2003 15:41 GMT | In reply to Comment 15 (Anonymous): "Welcome, to the twilight zone" ;)
Cheers |
My AmigaOne Experience : Comment 19 of 151 | ANN.lu |
Posted by reflect on 06-Oct-2003 15:52 GMT | why do you search for help "in places like this" in the first place? There are NUMEROUS channels for you to get help, both online forums created specifically for the purpose and mailinglists. I hope you tried that first, in any case.
Secondly, I don't understand why you didn't just ask someone who knows a little about computers to do the change for you.
Seems to me like you bought the icecream, dropped it on the way home and is now pissed at the girl in the icecream stand.
However, contact some amigan with soldering knowledges and have him/her look at your board, all hope isn't lost yet. |
My AmigaOne Experience : Comment 20 of 151 | ANN.lu |
Posted by Anonymous on 06-Oct-2003 16:02 GMT | What a tard. Should have sought out experienced help.
Just mount it on the wall and call it modern art! |
My AmigaOne Experience : Comment 21 of 151 | ANN.lu |
Posted by JoannaK on 06-Oct-2003 16:06 GMT | In reply to Comment 19 (reflect): Better Business Bureau is about only place to point to .. Anythign
else is too late. (like returnign nonworkign board and asking
refund).. |
My AmigaOne Experience : Comment 22 of 151 | ANN.lu |
Posted by Anonymous on 06-Oct-2003 16:08 GMT | boy, if you broke the rom, it's YOUR FAULT, not Eyetech's. |
My AmigaOne Experience : Comment 23 of 151 | ANN.lu |
Posted by whoopsy! on 06-Oct-2003 16:15 GMT | In reply to Comment 22 (Anonymous): Thats what happens when you don't follow the ANTI-STATICman precautions. ;-) |
My AmigaOne Experience : Comment 24 of 151 | ANN.lu |
Posted by reflect on 06-Oct-2003 16:24 GMT | In reply to Comment 21 (JoannaK): Better Business Bureau? For what? |
My AmigaOne Experience : Comment 25 of 151 | ANN.lu |
Posted by reflect on 06-Oct-2003 16:27 GMT | Strange, I have searched through my entire mailarchive which reaches back to july, and there's no mail from Joe or the email he specified, and no mails from a user mentioning anything you described here. I searched for such generic terms such as "socket" and "rom" etc.. you DID contact the mailinglists, didn't you? |
My AmigaOne Experience : Comment 26 of 151 | ANN.lu |
Posted by MarkTime on 06-Oct-2003 16:32 GMT | Thanks for posting that honest review.
I have said before, and will say again, these boards are not ready for the mainstream.
And of course, in this community, all you will get for posting a much needed warning to other novice users...is a lot of ranting and ill will from the Amiga faithful.
This once again underscores why the Amiga faithful are not helping their platform of choice, but driving most people away.
I was frustrated with my pegasos, but the difference is, I didn't pay 800 to 900 dollars for it, and I wasn't out of any money. They knew it was a developer system and treated it like one. I could evaluate, and then return, and no hard feelings and no money lost.
You may think he doesn't have a legal case against eyetech, and you may be exactly right. But that doesn't mean eyetech provided him with a positive experience, its clear they did not.
And they need to build a positive reputation at some point. If not today, then soon. |
My AmigaOne Experience : Comment 27 of 151 | ANN.lu |
Posted by Anonymous on 06-Oct-2003 16:53 GMT | This is what the AmigaOne mailing list is for and the A1 forums at AmigaWorld. The help was there. |
My AmigaOne Experience : Comment 28 of 151 | ANN.lu |
Posted by takemehomegrandma on 06-Oct-2003 16:54 GMT | @ Joe
I am sorry to hear about your situation. When you have spent that kind of money you just expect things to work or to get the help you need to get it working (or simply having it replaced), even if it is targeted to very experienced Linux users.
I am also sorry to see some of the replies you got here from your fellow A1/Eyetech supporters. I understand that you were very keen to get yourself a new "Amiga", and supporting the company that made them available by doing so, and perhaps you wanted it so much that you simply overlooked the fact that the systems was not really ready yet and that it would take some experience in both HW and Linux to get it working? Perhaps you overlooked the fact that Eyetech outsources their repairs of the €900 A1 hardware to their customers?
Anyway, what's done is done. Eyetech gave you new components and told you to fix your board yourself, and by doing so you damaged it. But don't throw it away. A socket (if that is the only thing you broke) is replacable. You should try to find a TV repair shop or similar that has the equipment and experience on surface soldering. They should be able to replace the broken socket with the new one and place the new ROM chip in that. Hopefully your A1 will be more stable after that.
BTW, did Eyetech explain why you would need to replace Suse with Debian? |
My AmigaOne Experience : Comment 29 of 151 | ANN.lu |
Posted by takemehomegrandma on 06-Oct-2003 17:00 GMT | In reply to Comment 19 (reflect): > why do you search for help "in places like this" in the first place? There
> are NUMEROUS channels for you to get help, both online forums created
> specifically for the purpose and mailinglists.
> Strange, I have searched through my entire mailarchive which reaches back to
> july, and there's no mail from Joe or the email he specified, and no mails
> from a user mentioning anything you described here. I searched for such
> generic terms such as "socket" and "rom" etc.. you DID contact the
> mailinglists, didn't you?
I read: "I called Eyetech ...", and then later I read: "I called Eyetech ..." again.
Does that count? |
My AmigaOne Experience : Comment 30 of 151 | ANN.lu |
Posted by Fabio Alemagna on 06-Oct-2003 17:03 GMT | In reply to Comment 12 (Peter Gordon): > What if the person doesn't want a Pegasos or MorphOS? People are allowed to
> choose other solutions, you know.
Hum, I didn't see him pointing a gun at the guy's head, did he? Look for the word "suggestion" on the dictionary. |
My AmigaOne Experience : Comment 31 of 151 | ANN.lu |
Posted by Lando on 06-Oct-2003 17:16 GMT | Basically, ignore the people telling you it was your fault - they're talking crap.
You have a very good case against Eyetech - I recommend talking to your credit card company, and the Trading standards authority.
They sold boards that were not fit for the purpose they were sold. They were falsely advertised and faulty. The fact that 1. sold you faulty goods in the first place and 2. then sent you another faulty board and 3. sent you equipment and inaccurate instructions to pull the ROM chip even though you told them on the phone you were a novice puts the blame squarely on them.
The board was faulty - you called the suppliers and got a replacement. The board still did not work - you called the suppliers and they ignore your request to send it back and instead sent you a replacement ROM, knowing full well that you were inexperienced in such matters.
At the very least their actions are despicable. Hope you get your money back.
By the way, are the AOne boards even CE approved yet? I know they were selling the boards for a while illegally without having been CE tested or even a "CE approved" label but how about the most recent ones? |
My AmigaOne Experience : Comment 32 of 151 | ANN.lu |
Posted by reflect on 06-Oct-2003 17:26 GMT | In reply to Comment 29 (takemehomegrandma): takemehomegrandma :
no, it doesn't count. That's why the supportforums was put in place, if Eyetech were to handle all the inquiries etc themselves, they wouldn't be able to handle even a quarter of it, due to manpower issues. The supportforums have hundreds of experienced linuxgurus, hw-developers, linux kernel hackers and the like. You could argue that Eyetech should have enlightened "Joe" and pointed him to these lists. This information has gone out a number of times to the A1 owners and alot of work has been laid down to organize this support structure. I find it a little strange for someone this novice to buy a early bird, and then attempt to fix the board himself, instead of asking a friend. In fact, I find this story a little weird in alot of ways. I'm not so sure it is true, to be honest.
If it IS true, it's a shame that it happened. On the other hand, I know lots of dealers that WILL take in the entire board and happily replace the ROM for you.
And he said it himself, if he would have seen the rom chip in the letter he was sent, he would have fixed it himself. So, after his attempt to remove the chip, what would he do if there was no rom in the package, as he thought at first? It doesn't make sense to me. |
My AmigaOne Experience : Comment 33 of 151 | ANN.lu |
Posted by DaveP on 06-Oct-2003 17:26 GMT | In reply to Comment 31 (Lando): "I know they were selling the boards for a while illegally without having been CE tested or even a "CE approved" label but how about the most recent ones?"
Strong allegations, care to stand up in court? ;-) |
My AmigaOne Experience : Comment 34 of 151 | ANN.lu |
Posted by Amon_Re on 06-Oct-2003 17:58 GMT | In reply to Comment 26 (MarkTime): In my humble opinion Eyetech did all they were required to.
It was him that bought a machine clearly marketted as being "rough" arround the
edges, they *did* send the required tools for replacing the rom.
As for Eyetech's reputation, i still consider their service to be good.
Cheers |
My AmigaOne Experience : Comment 35 of 151 | ANN.lu |
Posted by Amon_Re on 06-Oct-2003 18:04 GMT | In reply to Comment 31 (Lando): A good case against Eyetech? Sure, and pigs fly, and Windows is flawless.
Bottom line is, they provided him with the tools needed, and he messed up, shit
BTW, there are more companies that let end users replace components in their
computers, hell, even Packard Bell has done so in Belgium
Cheers |
My AmigaOne Experience : Comment 36 of 151 | ANN.lu |
Posted by hippie2000 on 06-Oct-2003 18:10 GMT | imho the fault was on both sides.
noone could expect such an action from a novice at *his* own risk.
its an implementation fault today to put roms there instead of a flash
(especially when its an early version which mostly show up probs later).
they should learn from that by doing a better howto which clearly states
that a novice may well kill not only the chip(s) but also the board.
being a hardware developer myself i would never expect a novice to do such
tasks, no matter how good the introduction is written (which usually is written
by no novice, who could never imagine how a novice understands the text).
fiddeling with electronic circuitry requires quite some precautions, and is
nothing for the average end user, no matter what tools are added to the package.
well, installing linux maybe too... :) |
My AmigaOne Experience : Comment 37 of 151 | ANN.lu |
Posted by JoannaK on 06-Oct-2003 18:12 GMT | In reply to Comment 33 (DaveP): What's the hurry to get to court? :) |
My AmigaOne Experience : Comment 38 of 151 | ANN.lu |
Posted by Clive on 06-Oct-2003 19:13 GMT | Alan Redhouse should be taken to court over this and everyone genuine knows that so drop the "we luv ya Eyetech" type comments.
Joe take those jokers to court, stand up for your rights and certainly do not let them get away with ripping of Amiga users again.
Boycot Eyetech and ignore their freaky followers. |
My AmigaOne Experience : Comment 39 of 151 | ANN.lu |
Posted by Anonymous on 06-Oct-2003 19:43 GMT | LOL.
P-leeeeeeeeeease. |
My AmigaOne Experience : Comment 40 of 151 | ANN.lu |
Posted by Lando on 06-Oct-2003 19:45 GMT | In reply to Comment 35 (Amon_Re): >BTW, there are more companies that let end users replace components in their
>computers, hell, even Packard Bell has done so in Belgium
What happened in Belgium?
Did they ship broken computers and then ship replacement computers that didn't work either and then when users wanted to return them they instead sent out new chips with poorly photocopied, incorrect instructions telling customers to use a paperclip?
Even when the customers had made it perfectly clear on the phone that they weren't confident working inside a computer?
If this is what Packard Bell did then I think they're despicable too. But just because PB does it doesn't mean it's ok for Eyetech to do the same. |
My AmigaOne Experience : Comment 41 of 151 | ANN.lu |
Posted by Troels E on 06-Oct-2003 20:08 GMT | In reply to Comment 40 (Lando): According to many peoples logic in here it seems all computer companies ships broken computers, as all gets Bios updates to work more flawlessly.
Once I even flashed my parents old ASUS board, just as the power went off (my parents didn't tell me there where someone working on the electrical instalations in house:). My own fault that I needed a new Bios, but guess how Asus in Germany (I never got an answer from the Danish distributor) told me we could solve it?
yeps.. they simply send me a new Bios chip (free of charge:) and I installed it myself! EVIL COMPANY :)
"As you can imagine I am furious with this, after 10 months of sheer hell from investing in the new "Amiga" computer, I am over £900 down, not going to get a penny back really and I feel like smashing the thing up. Such a thing as this is what has driven me more and more away from the Amiga community. One furious ex-Amigan."
I wonder WHY Static bought a barebone system in the first place(as a novice), why he waited over 6 months before comlaining and why he constantly talks about £900 being lost (a G3SE have never cost anything near that amount)? I actually at one point wondered if his story was true... |
My AmigaOne Experience : Comment 42 of 151 | ANN.lu |
Posted by itix on 06-Oct-2003 20:33 GMT | In reply to Comment 41 (Troels E): I wonder why anyone buys earlybird boards at all... is there something special in them? :-P |
My AmigaOne Experience : Comment 43 of 151 | ANN.lu |
Posted by Anonymous on 06-Oct-2003 20:53 GMT | Bastards |
My AmigaOne Experience : Comment 44 of 151 | ANN.lu |
Posted by Alan M Redhouse on 06-Oct-2003 21:05 GMT | @joe aka Mike Powell
I don't usually comment on ann, but I must make an exception in your case to put the record straight, as you seem to have been somewhat economical with the truth in your frustrated need to find someone to blame for your misfortunes.
First we managed to get your A1 system to you for Christmas, against considerable odds and with a fair bit of overtime required, after some significant pressure from your mother. We explained the nature of the 'earlybird' systems to her, but she was insistant that you were a computer whizz and knew what you were doing. The system was fully installed and working when it left us.
Between Christmas and New Year I noticed that you were complaining on amiga.org that it was not working, but again under a psuedonym making it hard to track you down, particularly as you didn't bother to email us directly. After finding out who you were I rang you and arranged for one of our engineers to visit you, a 300 mile round trip, to sort it out, without any charge. Somehow the linux swap file had got corrupted and our engineer reinitialised it, showed you how to use it and left it in a working state.
During the year you asked about an upgrade to a XEG4 and we quoted you the cost, but heard nothing more.
Three weeks ago your dad rang up and I spoke to him. He said you had lost interest and wished to sell the A1, but needed to show the prospective purchaser that it would boot into Linux properly first. He asked what was the cheapest way to achieve this, and we discussed sending it back to us. I explained to him, and you when you came to the phone, that although we were perfectly happy to do this there is always a risk that something will come dislodged in transit, or worse, damaged. I said that things had moved on since you purchased your Earlybird system and that we were now shipping the systems with Debian Linux and updated firmware. We discussed would have to be done at your end to update your sytem, and that if it was beyond your or his capabilities it is somthing that any competant local PC shop could do in a matter of minutes. We agreed that we would send you a new firmware chip and instructions on how to remove it, a new set of Debian disks and the installer CD, and the latest Quickstart guide (all without charge). You were to either change the ROM and install Debian yourselves, or pay a local PC shop to do it for you.
If there were still operational problems after that then you were to send the system back to us for sorting and we would jointly work out a less harsh method of getting the system back to you than via a courier.
The new ROM's, instructions, disks etc were sent off to you as promised.
We received a phone call from your dad today saying that you had asked him to pull the ROM, but that he had not really known what he should be doing. He told me that he had attempted to - and with the aid of a small screwdriver used as a lever - succeeded in pulling the ROM socket off the PCB, complete with attached surface mount tracks. I told him that this in my view would not be a practicable repair operation on a multilayered board such as the A1.
I am sorry that you have had this bad luck, and can understand your frustration, but I believe that we have given you good customer service over the period of ownership of your AmigaOne. I think that it is grossly unfair for you to imply otherwise, or to imply that your lack of satisfaction with the system you purchased is caused by anything other than your own lack of ability with Linux. As others on this list have pointed out we clearly state on our website that 'if you want a switch-on-and-go system the earlybird offer is not for you'.
Alan M Redhouse |
My AmigaOne Experience : Comment 45 of 151 | ANN.lu |
Posted by John on 06-Oct-2003 21:15 GMT | In reply to Comment 44 (Alan M Redhouse): All lies, take these people to court pronto. |
My AmigaOne Experience : Comment 46 of 151 | ANN.lu |
Posted by Peter Gordon on 06-Oct-2003 21:25 GMT | In reply to Comment 45 (John): I have no idea if that post above is actually from Alan Redhouse, but I have first hand experience of Eyetechs excellent customer service in the past from previous purchases, and *from personal experience* I'm more inclined to believe that they would have done everything possible to help their customer.
I would like to know on what, if anything, you base your obvious vitriol toward a company with a proven track record for excellent customer care. |
My AmigaOne Experience : Comment 47 of 151 | ANN.lu |
Posted by Skyraker on 06-Oct-2003 21:44 GMT | Nuff said I think, this topic should be left alone... |
My AmigaOne Experience : Comment 48 of 151 | ANN.lu |
Posted by 3seas on 06-Oct-2003 22:12 GMT | all I see is failure to understand the real problem not to mention the lack of any real interesting in addressing the real problem. But then I suppose you need to first see the problem for what it really is and that might be a bit difficult depending on how subjective you are.
Its easy to get side tracked by the perspective of a consumer mislead by an industry. Easy for a mother to see more in their child then is there. Easy to
be mislead by experts to believe.... etc..
but there is a point of frustration anyone will experience when they get tired of a carrot they want but can never get even a taste of.
Then again, there are many in teh remains of Amiga following that for all practical purposes, know nothing else.
be all you can be.....just by buying into..... |
My AmigaOne Experience : Comment 49 of 151 | ANN.lu |
Posted by Lando on 06-Oct-2003 22:20 GMT | In reply to Comment 44 (Alan M Redhouse): Well, this puts a whole different light on things. Eyetech obviously did everything they could to help, and should not be blamed for their customer's misfortune. |
My AmigaOne Experience : Comment 50 of 151 | ANN.lu |
Posted by reflect on 06-Oct-2003 22:36 GMT | People here seem a little too quick to "jump the gun" and judge before hearing both sides of the story. That's a shame, really. I do hope that this will be a reminder of that, but I guess that in 2 days time it'll be forgotten and then we'll see the same thing again: people judging others after hearing one side of the story. |
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