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[News] Motion for Summary Judgement Against Amiga to be Heard on Nov 21, 2003.ANN.lu
Posted on 16-Nov-2003 08:23 GMT by Rich Woods263 comments
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Motion for Summary Judgement Against Amiga to be Heard on Nov 21, 2003 in Washington Federal District Court. Motion for Summary Judgement Against Amiga to be Heard on Nov 21, 2003 in Washington Federal District Court.

It also looks like Amiga is again without counsel.

"This matter comes before the Court on "Plantiffs' Motion for Judgement and dismissal of Counter Claims for Lack of Representation." Although corporations must be represented by counsel, defendant's failure to retain new counsel has not yet been given rise to a sanctionable failure to prosecute. Plantiff's motion for judgement and dismissal of the counterclaims is DENIED. Defendant must, however, obtain counsel to defend this litigation if it hopes to avoid an adverse ruling on plaantiff's pending motion for summary judgement.

DATED this 7th day of November,2003.

/s/ robert S. Lasnik

United States District Judge

Get it here .

Motion for Summary Judgement Against Amiga to be Heard on Nov 21, 2003. : Comment 1 of 263ANN.lu
Posted by T_Bone on 16-Nov-2003 09:26 GMT
What exacly does this mean? Wasn't the trial delayed untill March(april?)?
Motion for Summary Judgement Against Amiga to be Heard on Nov 21, 2003. : Comment 2 of 263ANN.lu
Posted by Amon_Re on 16-Nov-2003 10:05 GMT
Here we go again... *sigh*

When's this mess going to be over with?

Motion for Summary Judgement Against Amiga to be Heard on Nov 21, 2003. : Comment 3 of 263ANN.lu
Posted by Rich Woods on 16-Nov-2003 10:22 GMT
In reply to Comment 1 (T_Bone):
Posted by T_Bone ( on 16-Nov-2003 10:26:38

What exacly does this mean? Wasn't the trial delayed untill March(april?)?
Yes - and it is reflected in the court docket.

It appears that Amiga again is not represented by an attorney - and if they aren't by this Friday - the motion for Summary Judgement will be granted.

Suffice to say - IF amiga gets legal representation - they new attornies will want substantial amount of funds to cover the anticipated expense of representation.

(Read $20,000 plus most likely).

Wonder where they'll come up with the money?

I think billyboy is running out of tricks.
Motion for Summary Judgement Against Amiga to be Heard on Nov 21, 2003. : Comment 4 of 263ANN.lu
Posted by Rich Woods on 16-Nov-2003 10:24 GMT
In reply to Comment 2 (Amon_Re):
Posted by Amon_Re (Trusted user) on 16-Nov-2003 11:05:05

Here we go again... *sigh*

When's this mess going to be over with?

Probably Friday, 11/21/2003.

To bad there isn't anyone in Seattle to go to the proceedings and tape it.
Motion for Summary Judgement Against Amiga to be Heard on Nov 21, 2003. : Comment 5 of 263ANN.lu
Posted by Amon_Re on 16-Nov-2003 10:31 GMT
In reply to Comment 4 (Rich Woods):
Heh :)

Stupid question time again, just what is a "summery judgement"?

Motion for Summary Judgement Against Amiga to be Heard on Nov 21, 2003. : Comment 6 of 263ANN.lu
Posted by Kronos on 16-Nov-2003 10:35 GMT
In reply to Comment 5 (Amon_Re):
Stupid answer:

A typo.

Motion for Summary Judgement Against Amiga to be Heard on Nov 21, 2003. : Comment 7 of 263ANN.lu
Posted by T_Bone on 16-Nov-2003 10:54 GMT
In reply to Comment 6 (Kronos):
Motion for Summary Judgement Against Amiga to be Heard on Nov 21, 2003. : Comment 8 of 263ANN.lu
Posted by T_Bone on 16-Nov-2003 11:02 GMT
In reply to Comment 2 (Amon_Re):
> Here we go again... *sigh*
> When's this mess going to be over with?

By the looks of this, my guess is sooner rather than later.
Motion for Summary Judgement Against Amiga to be Heard on Nov 21, 2003. : Comment 9 of 263ANN.lu
Posted by Amon_Re on 16-Nov-2003 11:07 GMT
In reply to Comment 8 (T_Bone):
Let's hope so, it's getting a drag, no matter what the outcome is, i want this mess gone ;)

Motion for Summary Judgement Against Amiga to be Heard on Nov 21, 2003. : Comment 10 of 263ANN.lu
Posted by T_Bone on 16-Nov-2003 11:51 GMT
In reply to Comment 9 (Amon_Re):
[conspiracy nut theory]
Is this why Ben Hermans has no time free due to him being a lawyer?
[/conspiracy nut theory]

Yea, I know it wouldn't work since he's not licensed here, but it would make the made-for-TV version of events smoother if he was :D
Motion for Summary Judgement Against Amiga to be Heard on Nov 21, 2003. : Comment 11 of 263ANN.lu
Posted by MIKE on 16-Nov-2003 12:54 GMT
In reply to Comment 5 (Amon_Re):
It would be a complete loss for Amiga, similar to what happened in their other lawsuits, they didn't show up or participate properly in the cases, so the plaintiff wins the case by default.
Motion for Summary Judgement Against Amiga to be Heard on Nov 21, 2003. : Comment 12 of 263ANN.lu
Posted by Matt Parsons on 16-Nov-2003 13:09 GMT
In reply to Comment 8 (T_Bone):
I just don't understand why the Judge is allowing this to drag on, I hope there is no Tax Payers money going into this!!! :-?
Motion for Summary Judgement Against Amiga to be Heard on Nov 21, 2003. : Comment 13 of 263ANN.lu
Posted by smithy on 16-Nov-2003 13:37 GMT
Excellent - less than a week before possibly the last nail in Amiga Inc's coffin!
Motion for Summary Judgement Against Amiga to be Heard on Nov 21, 2003. : Comment 14 of 263ANN.lu
Posted by Bill Hoggett on 16-Nov-2003 13:58 GMT
In reply to Comment 1 (T_Bone):

The trial is only a part of the proceedings. The Discovery is still due to be completed this month.

The advantage to Amiga Inc of delaying the trial is the hope that they would get some extra income from the sale of AmigaOnes and AmigaOS4 by the time the trial resumes. The drawback is that they must still employ legal representation throughout the proceedings, which means the costs continue.

It appears as if Amiga Inc thought they'd get away with hiring new lawyers when the trial resumes, and not having to retain counsel in the interim period. This assumption was obviously mistaken.

One has to wonder why they didn't cut their losses and reach an earlier out-of-court agreement, since they must have known that they didn't have the resources to defend themselves all the way. A summary judgement is likely to be much more damaging to them than a compromise would have been, not to mention the costs involved in the actual case.
Motion for Summary Judgement Against Amiga to be Heard on Nov 21, 2003. : Comment 15 of 263ANN.lu
Posted by cheesegrate on 16-Nov-2003 14:05 GMT
In reply to Comment 13 (smithy):
>Excellent - less than a week before possibly the last nail in Amiga Inc's >coffin!

heh if only we could be so lucky smithy ;) most optimistically genesi will have the right to pay for a port but will instead hijack the trademarks of amiga to promote the pegasos as the ppc 'amiga'
Motion for Summary Judgement Against Amiga to be Heard on Nov 21, 2003. : Comment 16 of 263ANN.lu
Posted by smithy on 16-Nov-2003 14:27 GMT
In reply to Comment 15 (cheesegrate):
>heh if only we could be so lucky smithy ;) most optimistically genesi will
>have the right to pay for a port but will instead hijack the trademarks of
>amiga to promote the pegasos as the ppc 'amiga'

I think Genesi would be silly to want anything to do with the trademarks. Thanks mainly to billyboy & fleecy's behaviour the name Amiga is considered a joke. It'd just harm anyone that uses it now. Anyway, the Pegasos/MorphOS brands are now getting known in the computing enthusiast market, so Genesi would be silly to drop them.
Motion for Summary Judgement Against Amiga to be Heard on Nov 21, 2003. : Comment 17 of 263ANN.lu
Posted by KenH on 16-Nov-2003 14:33 GMT
If I get this straight, AI are suing Genesi for wanting to use their product and give them money for it. If that's right, surely the benefit of having DE on more machines and opening up more oportunities for the developers would outweigh the loss of not being the sole platform with DE? At this rate, Bucky boy(isn't that irritating?) is going to be the owner of the only Amiga-like platform.
Motion for Summary Judgement Against Amiga to be Heard on Nov 21, 2003. : Comment 18 of 263ANN.lu
Posted by bbrv on 16-Nov-2003 14:48 GMT
In reply to Comment 16 (smithy):
You are right smithy.

Motion for Summary Judgement Against Amiga to be Heard on Nov 21, 2003. : Comment 19 of 263ANN.lu
Posted by KenH on 16-Nov-2003 14:57 GMT
In reply to Comment 16 (smithy):
To be honest, there may be at most 20,000 people in the world who resent/know what Amiga has become. To be fair, that's hardly a viable market.

>Thanks mainly to billyboy & fleecy's behaviour the name Amiga is considered a joke. It'd just harm anyone that uses it now. Anyway, the Pegasos/MorphOS brands are now
Motion for Summary Judgement Against Amiga to be Heard on Nov 21, 2003. : Comment 20 of 263ANN.lu
Posted by Eva on 16-Nov-2003 15:01 GMT
In reply to Comment 5 (Amon_Re):
just what is a "summery judgement"?

Ahem ... Amon your brain is in BillyBoy head?
Motion for Summary Judgement Against Amiga to be Heard on Nov 21, 2003. : Comment 21 of 263ANN.lu
Posted by Eva on 16-Nov-2003 15:03 GMT
In reply to Comment 14 (Bill Hoggett):
The advantage to Amiga Inc of delaying the trial is the hope that they would get some extra income from the sale of AmigaOnes and AmigaOS4 by the time the trial resumes ...

I can't add commentery ... I think, a part that the process should be placed for the end of 2004 (if a miracle happens) to gain 300-400 dollars from the revenue from Aos4 :D
Motion for Summary Judgement Against Amiga to be Heard on Nov 21, 2003. : Comment 22 of 263ANN.lu
Posted by IanS on 16-Nov-2003 17:49 GMT
In reply to Comment 21 (Eva):
>>I can't add commentery ...

So just stop right there then, rather than treating us to helping of Eva ignorance!

Motion for Summary Judgement Against Amiga to be Heard on Nov 21, 2003. : Comment 23 of 263ANN.lu
Posted by T_Bone on 16-Nov-2003 17:52 GMT
Should we wait for Samface's version? :0
Motion for Summary Judgement Against Amiga to be Heard on Nov 21, 2003. : Comment 24 of 263ANN.lu
Posted by Daniel Miller on 16-Nov-2003 17:55 GMT
If Amiga Inc. needs money to retain lawyers so as not to incur a summary judgement against them, maybe they could have a boing ball jacket promotion where Amigans get a boing ball embroidered nice leather jacket (design and details to be worked out when possible), lifetime membership in the new Deluxe Amiga Society, and free OS4 (when available) for only $250. ;)
Motion for Summary Judgement Against Amiga to be Heard on Nov 21, 2003. : Comment 25 of 263ANN.lu
Posted by T_Bone on 16-Nov-2003 18:25 GMT
In reply to Comment 14 (Bill Hoggett):
> The advantage to Amiga Inc of delaying the trial is the hope that they would
> get some extra income from the sale of AmigaOnes and AmigaOS4 by the time the
> trial resumes.

that's assuming there's any money coming in to Amiga with the sale of OS4, if they assumed that, then they couldn't be planning on the T-shirts, or the refunds, when Os4 comes out. (although I doubt much fuss would be made over it anyway)
Motion for Summary Judgement Against Amiga to be Heard on Nov 21, 2003. : Comment 26 of 263ANN.lu
Posted by Eva on 16-Nov-2003 18:34 GMT
In reply to Comment 22 (IanS):
Posted by IanS (Trusted user) on 16-Nov-2003 18:49:56
In Reply to Comment 21:
>>I can't add commentery ...

So just stop right there then, rather than treating us to helping of Eva ignorance!

Ignorance? Please Ians, you are one of the "wise guyz" to trust in AmigaInc and Hyperion announce "AmigaOs4 will be out in 3 months" (November 2001).
Where is your toy Ians? I think in your short view mind.
Motion for Summary Judgement Against Amiga to be Heard on Nov 21, 2003. : Comment 27 of 263ANN.lu
Posted by T_Bone on 16-Nov-2003 18:35 GMT
In reply to Comment 26 (Eva):
> Please Ians, you are one of the "wise guyz" to trust in AmigaInc and Hyperion announce "AmigaOs4 will be out in 3 months"

To be fair, they never said WHICH 3 months. :D
Motion for Summary Judgement Against Amiga to be Heard on Nov 21, 2003. : Comment 28 of 263ANN.lu
Posted by IanS on 16-Nov-2003 18:38 GMT
In reply to Comment 26 (Eva):
>>Ignorance? Please Ians, you are one of the "wise guyz" to trust in AmigaInc and Hyperion announce "AmigaOs4 will be out in 3 months" (November 2001).

Yet more ignorance. I don't think i'm the one in "short view mind".
Motion for Summary Judgement Against Amiga to be Heard on Nov 21, 2003. : Comment 29 of 263ANN.lu
Posted by Tigger on 16-Nov-2003 19:17 GMT
In reply to Comment 25 (T_Bone):
that's assuming there's any money coming in to Amiga with the sale of OS4, if they assumed that, then they couldn't be planning on the T-shirts, or the refunds, when Os4 comes out. (although I doubt much fuss would be made over it anyway)

Amiga Inc will make no money from OS 4, the break even point is best case 8-10K units, and I dont see that happening. And thats just so they can pay the CAM & Pack Rebates and maybe afford the T-Shirts. The problem of course is that those who sued Amiga Inc are due money first, so we another 10K units need to be sold to pay those bills. So say 20K units and then Amiga Inc may not owe creditors (but still have no offices etc) and will have delivered the rebates and T-Shirts. But will still owe all there employees 18+ months of backpay, have sold all the OS 4.0 they are likely to sell, what are they going to do for money then???
Motion for Summary Judgement Against Amiga to be Heard on Nov 21, 2003. : Comment 30 of 263ANN.lu
Posted by T_Bone on 16-Nov-2003 19:27 GMT
In reply to Comment 29 (Tigger):
> what are they going to do for money then???

More of the same I guess :D

Jeeze, at some point Amiga Inc are just going to have to bite the bullet and come up with a product of their own to sell. Simply licensing the name isn't working out too well.
Motion for Summary Judgement Against Amiga to be Heard on Nov 21, 2003. : Comment 31 of 263ANN.lu
Posted by Neko on 16-Nov-2003 19:30 GMT
In reply to Comment 17 (KenH):

Not quite. Genesi (& Thendic Electronic Components) are suing Amiga for breach
of contract, in that we made an agreement with them in good faith for them to
port the AmigaDE to specified devices, with additional devices to be evaluated
and approved by Amiga as the time comes.

As it stands the point is: Amiga did nothing of the sort, and practically
refused to look at the Pegasos as an additional device. By this time Genesi
hopes to be actually producing the devices in the original contract, but
without the AmigaDE in sight, we can't do much, and are going to lose a lot
of money because we can't sell the planned device without it.

Bill McEwen's counterclaim is basically that we have no grounds to sue him
for not porting AmigaDE, because he never received a Pegasos - notwithstanding
the fact that they had been thrown out of their offices and had no mailing
address. It has been shown that we certainly offered.. and that Bolton had a
Pegasos anyway (two, now :)

Summary judgement, by the way, is when a trial based on a debt (here it is lost
revenue for Genesi) has a judgement made (therefore ending it) because there
is no argument to take it to court for.

In this case, it would be that Amiga have absolutely no defense (i.e. Amiga
can't justify themselves) or means of defense (i.e. they have no attorneys
to justify themselves anyway) and the general opinion is that it gets settled
in favour, here, of Genesi.

What that means for Amiga is up to the judge. They could just be ordered to
say sorry, shake hands and make up :D

Motion for Summary Judgement Against Amiga to be Heard on Nov 21, 2003. : Comment 32 of 263ANN.lu
Posted by T_Bone on 16-Nov-2003 19:39 GMT
In reply to Comment 31 (Neko):
> What that means for Amiga is up to the judge. They could just be ordered to
> say sorry, shake hands and make up :D

At least that would fit in their current budget.
Motion for Summary Judgement Against Amiga to be Heard on Nov 21, 2003. : Comment 33 of 263ANN.lu
Posted by TheRealNapster on 16-Nov-2003 21:00 GMT
In reply to Comment 31 (Neko):
>>faith for them to port the AmigaDE to specified devices,
>>with additional devices to be evaluated
>>and approved by Amiga as the time comes.

You guys never LIVED up the to the contract in the first place by never even delvering the devices that you contracted to have Amiga DE ported to.
Motion for Summary Judgement Against Amiga to be Heard on Nov 21, 2003. : Comment 34 of 263ANN.lu
Posted by Rich Woods on 16-Nov-2003 21:15 GMT
In reply to Comment 29 (Tigger):
Amiga Inc will make no money from OS 4, the break even point is best case 8-10K units, and I dont see that happening. And thats just so they can pay the CAM & Pack Rebates and maybe afford the T-Shirts. The problem of course is that those who sued Amiga Inc are due money first, so we another 10K units need to be sold to pay those bills. So say 20K units and then Amiga Inc may not owe creditors (but still have no offices etc) and will have delivered the rebates and T-Shirts. But will still owe all there employees 18+ months of backpay, have sold all the OS 4.0 they are likely to sell, what are they going to do for money then???
OS4.1 - "on schedule and rockin'"!
Motion for Summary Judgement Against Amiga to be Heard on Nov 21, 2003. : Comment 35 of 263ANN.lu
Posted by Rich Woods on 16-Nov-2003 21:22 GMT
In reply to Comment 31 (Neko):
In this case, it would be that Amiga have absolutely no defense (i.e. Amiga
can't justify themselves) or means of defense (i.e. they have no attorneys
to justify themselves anyway) and the general opinion is that it gets settled
in favour, here, of Genesi.

What that means for Amiga is up to the judge. They could just be ordered to
say sorry, shake hands and make up :D

Actually the judge's order was quite specific. If Amiga has no legal represenatation come Friday a summary judgement will be issued.

billyboy is running out of people to con - no law firm is going to represent amiga without substantial ($20-$25K up front to start) and to finish a potential trial.

A question is if Amiga gets the money - where did they get it from? Borrowed?
billyboy's personal credit is shot (he couldn't get a $100 K-Mart Master Card) - as a matter of fact I have the Gateway Credit card application that was amongst his stuff from the Snoqualmie auction - Amiga's D&B rating is shot also - no one in their right mind would lend amiga or billyboy any money.

billyboy is on the edge with his house - if it already hasn't been foreclosed on - so there is NO collateral for any type of loan.

akey and peak have finally shut up in the forums (I guess they finally took the advice I gave them a while back which was STFU - listen to your lawyers - everytime they opened their mouths their thighs went in deeper.

So what's left? "Funding is around the corner"? The only one who MIGHT believe that are billyboy, peak and akey.
Motion for Summary Judgement Against Amiga to be Heard on Nov 21, 2003. : Comment 36 of 263ANN.lu
Posted by Rich Woods on 16-Nov-2003 21:25 GMT
In reply to Comment 33 (TheRealNapster):
Posted by TheRealNapster (Trusted user) on 16-Nov-2003 22:00:05

In Reply to Comment 31:
>>faith for them to port the AmigaDE to specified devices,
>>with additional devices to be evaluated
>>and approved by Amiga as the time comes.

You guys never LIVED up the to the contract in the first place by never even delvering the devices that you contracted to have Amiga DE ported to.

you better hurry up and call the court clerk and get an affadavit to the judge - you've got until this Friday AM.

Deliver devices? Pretty plain billyboy went to great lengths to hide his whereabouts - one reason they "dislike" me so much for showing peake's and billyboy's home address, phonenumbers and pictures of their current residences.

Phew - thank goodness we have legal talent like yourself that can straighten out this whole mess.
Motion for Summary Judgement Against Amiga to be Heard on Nov 21, 2003. : Comment 37 of 263ANN.lu
Posted by T_Bone on 16-Nov-2003 21:28 GMT
In reply to Comment 33 (TheRealNapster):
> You guys never LIVED up the to the contract in the first place by never even delvering the devices that you contracted to have Amiga DE ported to.

If that were really the case, and it were that simple, surely Amiga's counsel should have had this wrapped up by now, no? How long would it take to get that thrown out of court, if that were the case? This lawsuit's been going on a while.
Motion for Summary Judgement Against Amiga to be Heard on Nov 21, 2003. : Comment 38 of 263ANN.lu
Posted by Rich Woods on 16-Nov-2003 21:34 GMT
In reply to Comment 37 (T_Bone):
Posted by T_Bone ( on 16-Nov-2003 22:28:16

In Reply to Comment 33:
> You guys never LIVED up the to the contract in the first place by never even delvering the devices that you contracted to have Amiga DE ported to.

If that were really the case, and it were that simple, surely Amiga's counsel should have had this wrapped up by now, no? How long would it take to get that thrown out of court, if that were the case? This lawsuit's been going on a while.
The lawsuit has been going on a while due to billyboy's "disappearance" to Montrana to see a heart specialist reffered to him by a "horse riding" acquaintance of his wife's.

Plus more delays, stories and lies. Basically, business as usual.
Motion for Summary Judgement Against Amiga to be Heard on Nov 21, 2003. : Comment 39 of 263ANN.lu
Posted by TheRealNapster on 16-Nov-2003 21:36 GMT
In reply to Comment 36 (Rich Woods):
@ Dick Woods

>>Deliver devices?

The devices that were to include AmigaDE like "CASHBOY, MOBICASH, TRANSPONDER - SMART CHIP READERS, CASHBOY@HOME"...

That's what the contract was for right? They never delivered these right? Bill Buck sure did a great job holding up his end of the contract.

And you can have access to my legal talents any time you want.


>>How long would it take to get that thrown out of court, if that were the case?

There are PLENTY of BULLSH!T cases that are heard in court every day. They don't just throw them out....
Motion for Summary Judgement Against Amiga to be Heard on Nov 21, 2003. : Comment 40 of 263ANN.lu
Posted by T_Bone on 16-Nov-2003 21:45 GMT
In reply to Comment 39 (TheRealNapster):
> There are PLENTY of BULLSH!T cases that are heard in court every day. They don't just throw them out....

But your theory doesn't appear to be part of Amiga Inc's defense strategy, at all. We keep hearing conflicting defence strategies, one day, it's stated they never recieved a Pegasos to do the port and that's why there's no port, another day we hear Amiga Inc never agreed to do the port. Then in court, the only reason given for not doing the port is because of platform issues, ie: the chipset support's been dropped by Tao.
Motion for Summary Judgement Against Amiga to be Heard on Nov 21, 2003. : Comment 41 of 263ANN.lu
Posted by TheRealNapster on 16-Nov-2003 22:00 GMT
In reply to Comment 40 (T_Bone):
>>But your theory doesn't appear to be part of Amiga Inc's defense strategy, at all.

I don't claim to know what their stategy is. I was just making the statement that Bill Buck didn't deliver the products he contracted to have Amiga DE on.

Is that a breach of contract? I have no idea....
Motion for Summary Judgement Against Amiga to be Heard on Nov 21, 2003. : Comment 42 of 263ANN.lu
Posted by Rich Woods on 16-Nov-2003 22:28 GMT
In reply to Comment 39 (TheRealNapster):
Posted by TheRealNapster (Trusted user) on 16-Nov-2003 22:36:53

In Reply to Comment 36:
@ Dick Woods

>>Deliver devices?
Read the original message again, bright one. I didn't post deliver devices - that was a quote from another message.

And you can have access to my legal talents any time you want.
Thanks - you've shown me all I need. Go help Amiga.


>>How long would it take to get that thrown out of court, if that were the case?

There are PLENTY of BULLSH!T cases that are heard in court every day. They don't just throw them out....
Apparently after 10 months of litigation the judge has seen fit to allow both parties to continue - this is a Federal court - take your legal talents to traffic court. Maybe you can get yourself out of a parking ticket.
Motion for Summary Judgement Against Amiga to be Heard on Nov 21, 2003. : Comment 43 of 263ANN.lu
Posted by Ray A. Akey on 16-Nov-2003 22:34 GMT
In reply to Comment 35 (Rich Woods):
"akey and peak have finally shut up in the forums (I guess they finally took the advice I gave them a while back which was STFU)"

Don't flatter yourself with assumed importance. It has less to do with you and more to do with a busy schedule. In fact, pigs on mars would be a better reason for me to "STFU" than the meanderings of a stalker.

P.S. The name is Ray.
Motion for Summary Judgement Against Amiga to be Heard on Nov 21, 2003. : Comment 44 of 263ANN.lu
Posted by Rich Woods on 16-Nov-2003 22:49 GMT
In reply to Comment 43 (Ray A. Akey):
Posted by Ray A. Akey (Trusted user) on 16-Nov-2003 23:34:24

In Reply to Comment 35:
"akey and peak have finally shut up in the forums (I guess they finally took the advice I gave them a while back which was STFU)"

Don't flatter yourself with assumed importance. It has less to do with you and more to do with a busy schedule. In fact, pigs on mars would be a better reason for me to "STFU" than the meanderings of a stalker.

P.S. The name is Ray.
so you are saying the lawyers DIDN'T tell you to cool it?

chatter on son, chatter on.
Motion for Summary Judgement Against Amiga to be Heard on Nov 21, 2003. : Comment 45 of 263ANN.lu
Posted by IanS on 16-Nov-2003 22:58 GMT
In reply to Comment 44 (Rich Woods):
Man, just take your own advice and STFU.

Is anyone else sick of this sh*t?
Motion for Summary Judgement Against Amiga to be Heard on Nov 21, 2003. : Comment 46 of 263ANN.lu
Posted by KenH on 16-Nov-2003 23:02 GMT
In reply to Comment 36 (Rich Woods):
Keep on saying it richie, for your childish name calling would have men and women believe there is no case but your tunneled vengence. ;)

>Pretty plain billyboy
Motion for Summary Judgement Against Amiga to be Heard on Nov 21, 2003. : Comment 47 of 263ANN.lu
Posted by Ray A. Akey on 16-Nov-2003 23:07 GMT
In reply to Comment 45 (IanS):
Aw let him yammer. If he didn't come here and pretend to be important, he'd be bugging granny clampett or something. :)
Motion for Summary Judgement Against Amiga to be Heard on Nov 21, 2003. : Comment 48 of 263ANN.lu
Posted by Anonymous on 16-Nov-2003 23:07 GMT
In reply to Comment 45 (IanS):
The timing of all these legal attacks is pretty amusing - every time an OS4 milestone is reached (I believe the one that triggered this latest attack was "OS4 is now booting off hard disk instead of TFTP"), we get more "news from the court". Am I going to be the only one who's not surprised when Rich announces, in a few weeks, that he's now a proud member of the Genesi team?
Motion for Summary Judgement Against Amiga to be Heard on Nov 21, 2003. : Comment 49 of 263ANN.lu
Posted by KenH on 16-Nov-2003 23:13 GMT
In reply to Comment 48 (Anonymous):
I'm afraid he's already beaten you to that milestone.
I don't know about others, but this case seems pretty petty to me. As far as I'm aware, Amiga don't even have a proper working DE for a desktop yet. I don't know the terms of the deal struck or why the case is taking so long to decide, but frankly I don't care. Genesi aren't doing themselves any favours in the heart and mind of this potential customer.

>Am I going to be the only one who's not surprised when Rich announces, in a few weeks, that he's now a proud member of the Genesi team?
Motion for Summary Judgement Against Amiga to be Heard on Nov 21, 2003. : Comment 50 of 263ANN.lu
Posted by TheRealNapster on 16-Nov-2003 23:17 GMT
In reply to Comment 45 (IanS):

>>Is anyone else sick of this sh*t?

He makes me laugh. I guess I always picture him as a little child laying on the floor and kicking his feet.

I think it's great he spends so much of his time stalking people, it just proves what kind of person he is. He's a negative person and I don't think there is anybody that likes him.

Sure, people that don't like Amiga Inc. tolerate him because of the material he provides, but I think even they are leery of Dick Wood's sanity.

Things like registering Merlancia.us just shows how childish he is. Plain and simple his probably about 5' 2", he got beat up a lot in Middle/High school, and now he likes playing the big man behind the computer and insulting people.

The part that makes me laugh is that he is completely incapable of having a conversation with someone. He immediately resorts to name calling. Even of people he's never talk to before.

He's the kind of guy that will open his mouth one to many times and some drunken biker will knife him and then that'll be the last we ever hear from him again.
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