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[Files] GoldED SP16 releasedANN.lu
Posted on 02-Mar-2004 00:39 GMT by dietmar12 comments
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GoldED is an editor and C/C++ IDE for AmigaOS and MorphOS. Service pack 16 contains improvements for the C/C++ mode. The console that displays compiler warnings in a corner of a text window has been re-implemented as DOS handler (screenshot) for better compatibility with AOS4 and MorphOS. The new versions of GoldED and microgolded can be downloaded on the GoldED web site: http://golded.dietmar-eilert.de/golded/files.htm

GoldED SP16 released : Comment 1 of 12ANN.lu
Posted by oGALAXYo on 02-Mar-2004 07:11 GMT
Hi Dietmar, great work on your Editor.
GoldED SP16 released : Comment 2 of 12ANN.lu
Posted by Tcheko on 02-Mar-2004 07:45 GMT
Golded is a pure text editor.

Will we see auto completion of struct or class's members in a next release?

This is really missing : it would be great to see all members of a structure/class.

Follow the great job!

GoldED SP16 released : Comment 3 of 12ANN.lu
Posted by Anonymous on 02-Mar-2004 08:49 GMT
In reply to Comment 2 (Tcheko):
# Will we see auto completion of struct or class's members in a next release?

Not from me but theoretically, it's possible to add it as add-on because the hooks and infrastructure for that are already in place. Those containers you see in VisualC and Linux IDEs (the areas next to, above and below the text that show classes etc.): no problem, everything needed for that is available and documented. The problem with code awareness is "just" the parser: you have to write a C/C++ interpreter that understands source code while it is in an intermediate, incorrect state. That's quite challenging because it also has to be very fast and be able to update the database of scopes and contained objects in the background, and match it with the user input, all while the user is typing. Personally, I feel that there is not enough customers left to justify that effort.
GoldED SP16 released : Comment 4 of 12ANN.lu
Posted by Tcheko on 02-Mar-2004 09:35 GMT
In reply to Comment 3 (Anonymous):
@Dietmar (I guess),

All the stuff is ready for but lack of market interest. Sad. It would be a great addon for every developer on Mos/Aos platform IMO. Hope that market will rise... and sales of GED too.

Anyway, It won't stop me working with SDK Morphos GED.

Have a nice day!
GoldED SP16 released : Comment 5 of 12ANN.lu
Posted by Bill Panagouleas on 02-Mar-2004 10:58 GMT
How much is this to buy?
GoldED SP16 released : Comment 6 of 12ANN.lu
Posted by Anonymous on 02-Mar-2004 12:45 GMT
In reply to Comment 3 (Anonymous):
Another thing preventing anyone from adding addons to GED is the fact that the examples are written in SAS/C, not very complete, i.e. lack of documentation, and comments.

Best case, I would like to see the source code for the current working C/C++ Syntax Highlighter. I would love to tinker with the current highlighter, but I ABSOLUTELY do not want to create a whole new program just so I can get highlighting for the operators (+, -, *, /, et.al.)
GoldED SP16 released : Comment 7 of 12ANN.lu
Posted by Anonymous on 02-Mar-2004 12:53 GMT
In reply to Comment 6 (Anonymous):
Also, don't get me wrong. GoldED is THE Amiga editor in this day and age. No doubts. Great Work! I use GoldED AIX for all my OS4 development on OS4 and it works beautifully with OS4.

I would just like to see it get better, and the developer stuff provided with GoldED AIX is the same stuff that came with GoldED 4 AFAIK. There should be gcc versions, and a complete working example is essential!
GoldED SP16 released : Comment 8 of 12ANN.lu
Posted by dietmar on 02-Mar-2004 14:45 GMT
>Another thing preventing anyone from adding addons to GED is the fact that the examples are written in SAS/C, not very complete, i.e. lack of documentation, and comments.

Actually, the examples are full of comments. The documentation is not as good as I would like it to be but when more Amiga users were around, many people created add-ons for GoldED4 based on that material. You shouldn't have problems with the basics, such as moving code from SAS/C to another compiler. Making add-ons is easy but not trivial. You will have to understand shared libraries, message ports and signals, tasks and the use of semaphores.

> Best case, I would like to see the source code for the current working C/C++ Syntax Highlighter.

I prefer to document interfaces and write short examples over releasing messy over-optimized real world source code that many people wouldn't understand and that has no value as example. I want people to implement new ideas, not to mess with old code for a few minutes. To that end, examples with increasing difficulty are included. Besides, in this case, there is no need to step down to the depths of source code because C/C++ syntax highlighting in GoldED AIX is provided by the "generic" syntax parser, which is configurable. If you want something to be highlighted, you add it to its dictionary in a dialog.
GoldED SP16 released : Comment 9 of 12ANN.lu
Posted by Gregg on 02-Mar-2004 15:13 GMT
Good work, again, Dietmar; glad you've stuck with it - thought we were (understandably) losing you to Windows at one point. As a matter of interest, what's the current status of GoldEd-for-Windows, please?

By the way, I noticed a little feature of Golded Studio 6 this weekend - the date display doesn't clock over to the next day. At first I thought it might be a Feb. 29th bug, but it displayed the correct date after re-starting the app. Didn't think you'd be interested in a "bug" report for this version; let me know if you want an e-mail.

Finally, while I'm here - I've written quite a bit of GoldED Arexx/macro code; are you interested in including this sort of stuff as examples (assuming its not all complete crap)? Again, we can discuss further in e-mail if you want.


GoldED SP16 released : Comment 10 of 12ANN.lu
Posted by dietmar on 02-Mar-2004 15:41 GMT
In reply to Comment 9 (Gregg):
Hi Gregg,

> As a matter of interest, what's the current status of GoldEd-for-Windows, please?

Just keeping the source code in a form that should make a port easier but I have pretty much lost interest in porting. I would rather write a brand new editor (wxwindows-based) to fix issues that can not be fixed without a complete rewrite: unicode, LF-terminated paragraphs, hyperlinks etc.

> By the way, I noticed a little feature of Golded Studio 6 this weekend - the date display doesn't clock over to the next day

The title bar clock has been removed in versions after GoldED6 to avoid optical issues with MorphOS and AOS4, users should install a suitable clock for their OS.

> Finally, while I'm here - I've written quite a bit of GoldED Arexx/macro code; are you interested

Nice :) I'd love to get a copy of your macros (my e-mail address is on www.dietmar-eilert.de). I think it would be best if you upload to Aminet, that's now the recommended place for GoldED6 material.
GoldED SP16 released : Comment 11 of 12ANN.lu
Posted by Thomas on 02-Mar-2004 20:59 GMT
Are there any chances to see the improvements of the C mode in a MorphEd ServicePack?
GoldED SP16 released : Comment 12 of 12ANN.lu
Posted by Anonymous on 02-Mar-2004 22:27 GMT
> Are there any chances to see the improvements of the C mode in a MorphEd ServicePack?

No. The C/C++ mode in GoldED is going in a different direction, it now needs "devkits", which is a free project to install equally free Amiga compilers (and SDKs, if I can get the permission) in a unified tree, with point-and-click installation:

devkits is about having a tree for compilers that has branches such as "devkits:compilers/amigaos3/gcc/stable/" etc. At the root of devkits, a configuration file describes what compilers are installed, what SDKs, and how to use the stuff. Software such as GoldED AIX (IDEs, generally speaking) can read the configuration file and thus knows how to use the compilers and where to find the SDKs to cross-reference Autodocs and such. And it gets the syntax of the make command, the stack requirements, the target platform etc. out of it. "devkits" is also designed to select a compiler for use: it includes a tool to choose a compiler by its symbolic name, which is assigned in the configuration. One can have several versions of gcc installed next to each other: gcc for pcc/morphos and gcc for m68k, to give an example (the switching tool runs "on" and "off" scripts to select a compiler).

All recent changes to GoldED's C/C++ mode are tied to "devkits". To use the new code with MorphED, the MorphOS SDK installation would have to be be rewritten and be made compatible with devkits. You can not have a separate gcc on the disk outside devkits that is not integrated into the compiler-switching setup and tries to assign gg: on its own in user-startup. No big deal but I somehow doubt that they would be willing to give me control over their SDK installation :)
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