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[Forum] MicroAmiga available in October.ANN.lu
Posted on 28-Aug-2004 19:07 GMT by drHirudo126 comments
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After some delay, the first Next generation Amiga at affordable
price will be available at the dealers in start of October. More info is Here The suggested end user price for these boards is as follows:

µ-A1-C - gbp349/euro499/USD599 (ex VAT/sales tax)
µ-A1-I - gbp399/euro599/USD699 (ex VAT/sales tax)
MicroAmiga available in October. : Comment 1 of 126ANN.lu
Posted by JoannaK on 28-Aug-2004 19:26 GMT
A) This is dup0lilcate
B) Term affordable is quite debatable.
MicroAmiga available in October. : Comment 2 of 126ANN.lu
Posted by ehaines on 28-Aug-2004 20:05 GMT
In reply to Comment 1 (JoannaK):
No, "affordable" isn't debatable. Anyone with even a low-paying job could afford one, maybe needing to save for a couple of months in the worst case.

What's debatable is "bang for the buck." x86 is cheaper, faster, more powerful, etc. blah blah, whatever...surely everybody knows that.
MicroAmiga available in October. : Comment 3 of 126ANN.lu
Posted by Lando on 28-Aug-2004 20:19 GMT
In reply to Comment 2 (ehaines):
"No, "affordable" isn't debatable. Anyone with even a low-paying job could afford one, maybe needing to save for a couple of months in the worst case."

Bullshit. Here in the UK where Eyetech is based, many people work for £130-£150 a week take home pay (I worked in a bank for 1 and a half years and took home £134 a week). Can you explain how someone earning this much can save up for a "couple of months" after paying bills, rent, food, and still afford nearly £500 for an A1 system?

The new A1's are obviously completely out of the price range of the majority of people. They're only £100 less than an A1-XE G3, over twice as expensive than a PegasosII G3, and over 4 times more expensive than an x86 MiniITX board. Anyone outside the tiny Eyetech / AInc fanbase would laugh at you if you asked them to pay these prices for such old technology.

But, what can you expect from a company who charges £60 for a 72MB Simm?
MicroAmiga available in October. : Comment 4 of 126ANN.lu
Posted by Lando on 28-Aug-2004 20:20 GMT
In reply to Comment 3 (Lando):
72MB Simm = 32MB/72Pin SIMM
MicroAmiga available in October. : Comment 5 of 126ANN.lu
Posted by coldfire on 28-Aug-2004 20:37 GMT
In reply to Comment 3 (Lando):
If OS4 was finalized and available now I'd buy one today. Where else am I going to get a new generation amiga?

MicroAmiga available in October. : Comment 6 of 126ANN.lu
Posted by Anonymous on 28-Aug-2004 21:11 GMT
In reply to Comment 5 (coldfire):
Why are you going to get a new generation Amiga? Are you also going to buy a new generation carpet beater, and a new generation reel-to-reel tape recorder?
MicroAmiga available in October. : Comment 7 of 126ANN.lu
Posted by Anonymous on 28-Aug-2004 21:17 GMT
In reply to Comment 3 (Lando):
You'd have earnt more stacking shelves in Tesco.
MicroAmiga available in October. : Comment 8 of 126ANN.lu
Posted by Anonymous on 28-Aug-2004 21:44 GMT
In reply to Comment 3 (Lando):
What exactly where you doing in this bank, sweeping the floors? that's a pretty low salary.
MicroAmiga available in October. : Comment 9 of 126ANN.lu
Posted by Anonymous on 28-Aug-2004 21:53 GMT
In reply to Comment 8 (Anonymous):
OK, I just had a look at http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/programmes/inside_money/3132575.stm and I know you're talking crap. According to that page, the lowest average income in the UK this time last year was in the North East, and that's £27,405 pa. Divide that by 52 (in reality it will be less than 52) and you get £527 per week, before taxes. Are you trying to tell us that in the UK you live in the 80% tax bracket?
MicroAmiga available in October. : Comment 10 of 126ANN.lu
Posted by Lando on 28-Aug-2004 22:15 GMT
In reply to Comment 9 (Anonymous):
You said "Anyone with even a low-paying job could afford one", not "Any family, when living in a household with a combined average family income equal to or greater than the regional average could afford one"

There is a large disparity between those earning very little, and those top few % earning a large amount, which pushes the "average" income up.

People in low-paying jobs in the UK such as those working in supermarkets, fast-food places, bars or pubs, tend to get the national minimum wage of about £3.80/hr.

For a person in this situation, £500 for an A1 board probably represents their total disposable income for the year. Hardly "affordable".

If you'd said that your definition of a low-paying job was over £500 a week, I'd have agreed.
MicroAmiga available in October. : Comment 11 of 126ANN.lu
Posted by Lando on 28-Aug-2004 22:20 GMT
In reply to Comment 8 (Anonymous):
"What exactly where you doing in this bank, sweeping the floors? that's a pretty low salary."

Processing cheques that had been paid in, and checking signatures on cheques that had been drawn on the bank I worked at. I got £4.50/hr, for a 38 hour week, but this was about 6 years ago. I believe they pay £5.75/hr now.

Interesting fact: banks only actually check the signatures on cheques of £5000 or more.
MicroAmiga available in October. : Comment 12 of 126ANN.lu
Posted by Anonymous on 28-Aug-2004 22:56 GMT
In reply to Comment 10 (Lando):
Someone with a low-paying job would get the UK equivalent of an eMachines box, costing a couple hundred pounds for the entire working system (incl monitor, OS and cheapo office suite). A non-Wintel system would be completely out of the question (unless it's something like an ancient candy iMac they got second hand). Face it, an Amiga is just like a Mac - you buy one not because you want a computer, but because you want *that* computer (except that, in a twisted way, getting a Mac or Amiga means that you get *less* computer for your money, if you measure the computer by the choice of software you have for it).

So my advice to geeks living in the lower income brackets - get a cheap Wintel box and run WinUAE. You'll get 90% of the experience and pay 10% of the price.
MicroAmiga available in October. : Comment 13 of 126ANN.lu
Posted by ABM$ on 28-Aug-2004 23:43 GMT
Okay, it cost more than a Pee Cee - get over it already!
I don't want to run Linux or the current offerings from
M$ and I don't want to use X86 HW. If you are cheap and
just want to run with the hapless Winherd then buy an X86
box. Be happy in the knowledge that the virtually every
virus written in the last 3 years probably has your name
on it. Say hello to browser hijaking spyware, addware,
and enjoy all those pesky Outlook worms. My time and sanity
are worth a lot more than the extra cost of a Mac (or OS 4
and Micro A1, for that matter).
MicroAmiga available in October. : Comment 14 of 126ANN.lu
Posted by Anonymous on 28-Aug-2004 23:45 GMT
> the first Next generation Amiga


The Amiga computer is dead and nobody's making new ones. It's been 10 years already. Now get over it and enjoy whatever hardware that's available instead, such as these Terons, or Pegasi, or ASCI Q, or whatever floats your boat. Pick an OS or two or ten and have fun.

If ainc/kmos/whatever don't wanna let you buy amigaOS unless you buy a 'next generation affordable amiga' *grin*, tough shit for them and aos. Then it's RIP for AmigaOS too, but that's just the way things go.
MicroAmiga available in October. : Comment 15 of 126ANN.lu
Posted by Ronald St-Maurice on 29-Aug-2004 00:18 GMT
In reply to Comment 3 (Lando):
Bullshit. Here in the UK where Eyetech is based, many people work for £130-£150 a week take home pay (I worked in a bank for 1 and a half years and took home £134 a week). Can you explain how someone earning this much can save up for a "couple of months" after paying bills, rent, food, and still afford nearly £500 for an A1 system?

Bullshit. I used to work at minimum wage when I was a teenager and I bought my first Tandy i80286 based computer by myself. Stop spending your time complaining and making up stupid excuses. Grow up and go find a way to get yourself an AmigaOne instead.

MicroAmiga available in October. : Comment 16 of 126ANN.lu
Posted by drHirudo on 29-Aug-2004 02:01 GMT
In reply to Comment 15 (Ronald St-Maurice):
Sorry for my double post. I didn't saw the previous item. Please don't kill me :-D
MicroAmiga available in October. : Comment 17 of 126ANN.lu
Posted by JoannaK on 29-Aug-2004 03:02 GMT
In reply to Comment 15 (Ronald St-Maurice):
Teenagers live a parent's home and don't need to pay for Rent or Food. That makes a BIG difference.
MicroAmiga available in October. : Comment 18 of 126ANN.lu
Posted by Darrin on 29-Aug-2004 03:49 GMT
At £349 for the cheapo model, that less than a quid a day. I'm sure just about ANYONE can save up that sort of money if they WANT TO.

I managed to buy an A2000 system when I was 18 years old with my own cash from my first job because I REALLY WANTED ONE.

How much is a beer in the UK now? Just cut out 4 pints on the weekend and you're "one schedule" (and rocking) with no other cutbacks.

However, I was hoping to see a sub-£300 intro model, preferably £249.99 in order to start attracting the masses. Oh well, it's simply the reality of low volume production/development/marketing costs...
MicroAmiga available in October. : Comment 19 of 126ANN.lu
Posted by Darrin on 29-Aug-2004 03:52 GMT
Oh, and is there any chance that those who hate Amiga Inc/KMOS/Eyetech/Hyperiod and thus wouldn't even buy one if they cost £50 each could refrain from making asses of themselves in this thread? No? I thought not... troll away...
MicroAmiga available in October. : Comment 20 of 126ANN.lu
Posted by Darrin on 29-Aug-2004 04:13 GMT
Hmmm... better add an extra 100 Euros to the price as OS4 isn't included. A1-I for me, I think. My only gripes are the Radion 7000 graphics and the USB. I'd rather have Radion 9x00 graphics and USB 2.0 (still, there is firewire and it probably works too!).
MicroAmiga available in October. : Comment 21 of 126ANN.lu
Posted by JoannaK on 29-Aug-2004 04:24 GMT
In reply to Comment 19 (Darrin):
Darrin: I could seriously consider one for 50£ (or even 100), but because that's not what you want to hear so let's just pretend you didn't hear that :)

And... To me, Commodore C64 was *THE* machne I really wanted, and I purchased it years before Amiga was even made. I'm not saying Amigas were not exiting, becasue old ones definitely were and I had couple of those and I enjoyed a lot of my A500,200 and 3000 during those years.

But there seems to be extremely elementary mistake in your line of thought. Those good old times and nostagic feelings have *NOTHING* to do with this new 'Amiga' they are trying to sell. This 'New Amiga' ain't even near reachng same level of greatness old machines were, it simply has no innovation, no envelope pushin (ok. it can epmty one's wallet in record breaking time), no real adwantage over competition.
MicroAmiga available in October. : Comment 22 of 126ANN.lu
Posted by Darrin on 29-Aug-2004 04:50 GMT
In reply to Comment 21 (JoannaK):
>I could seriously consider one for 50£ (or even 100), but because that's not
>what you want to hear so let's just pretend you didn't hear that :)

LOL. If they were only £50 then I'd probably buy you one as a gift to make up for some of the nasty things I've said to you ;-)

>And... To me, Commodore C64 was *THE* machne I really wanted, and I purchased
>it years before Amiga was even made.

I'm not going to argue with you there. The first computer I used was an old PET, then I bought (well, my parents did) a VIC-20, then a C-64, a C-128 and then onto the Amigas (2000, 1500, 1200 (x2), CD32, 3000)...

>But there seems to be extremely elementary mistake in your line of thought.
>Those good old times and nostagic feelings have *NOTHING* to do with this
>new 'Amiga' they are trying to sell.

As some people point out, it has The Name and it has OS4 which is a direct upgrade from the classic OS.

>This 'New Amiga' ain't even near reachng same level of greatness old machines
>were, it simply has no innovation, no envelope pushin

What does these days? We see things like Firewire come along which can go on any machine, USB 1.1 to USB 2.0, Graphics cards improving (again, for any machine). What sort of "innovation" are you lookin for? Short of throwing away the whole desktop computer design and replacing it with a chip-in-the-brain machine, we're not going to see any real breathtaking innovations anytime soon for any platform.

>(ok. it can epmty one's wallet in record breaking time), no real adwantage
> over competition.

LOL. That's true for any computer platform. I hate to think how much I spend in any given 12 months on computer hardware and software.

The fact is, that even though my classic Amigas and WinUAE are good enough to satisfy my "nostalgic cravings", I want to see a modern Amiga OS running on some decent hardware and I'm prepared to support a company that's trying to do this. We should all have a charity to support. Mine is Amiga Inc ;-)
MicroAmiga available in October. : Comment 23 of 126ANN.lu
Posted by Anonymous on 29-Aug-2004 07:41 GMT
There is just a "tiny" problem.
They use the same ArticiaS than on AOne Xe which doesn't work...

Too bad...
MicroAmiga available in October. : Comment 24 of 126ANN.lu
Posted by The_Gunner on 29-Aug-2004 08:12 GMT
In reply to Comment 9 (Anonymous):
Where do these Fuckheads get their figures from ?

27K Average wage ? .... Wake up and smell the coffee Bozo.

On Planet reality the average wage is around 16K p.a. Thats why BOTH parents HAVE to work and why their snotty nosed kids get in big shit with the law !!

btw ..YES I'm a B.A.F. but that dozy comment about wages just pisses me off BIG TIME.
MicroAmiga available in October. : Comment 25 of 126ANN.lu
Posted by Anonymous on 29-Aug-2004 08:39 GMT
In reply to Comment 20 (Darrin):
> (still, there is firewire and it probably works too!)

Well, aren't we getting careful? ;) But you are right, with MAI boards, the rule is to assume that it doesn't work and then be positively surprised.
MicroAmiga available in October. : Comment 26 of 126ANN.lu
Posted by Don Cox on 29-Aug-2004 08:47 GMT
In reply to Comment 9 (Anonymous):
Those are household incomes, not individual incomes. A large proportion of households have two or more people working.

However, there are plenty of people around who can easily find a few hundred pounds, as is obvious from the hi fi magazines.
MicroAmiga available in October. : Comment 27 of 126ANN.lu
Posted by Seer on 29-Aug-2004 09:23 GMT
In reply to Comment 17 (JoannaK):
> Teenagers live a parent's home and don't need to
> pay for Rent or Food. That makes a BIG difference.

I did pay my parents for "rent and food" and still was able to buy my own A4000/030 when it first came out in 1992.. I was about 16 or 17 then, and did't have a steady job.

Hell, I could afford both a Peg2 and AmigaONE, I just couldn't justify spending my savings on either now.
MicroAmiga available in October. : Comment 28 of 126ANN.lu
Posted by Darrin on 29-Aug-2004 09:24 GMT
In reply to Comment 26 (Don Cox):
>However, there are plenty of people around who can easily find a few hundred
>pounds, as is obvious from the hi fi magazines.

Exactly. If someone wants something badly enough then they'll find a way to pay for it. Just look at all of the people who have children when they (in theory) can't afford them. Anything above food, water and shelter is a luxury. We don't need computers, we don't need DVD players, we don't need Coke - rainwater collected in a barrel will sustain you perfectly well.

If you want an A1 then cough up and pay the price otherwise go and buy a Gameboy or something. Do these same people complaining now walk into their local supermarket and then argue with the poor girl at the register when she tells them what they owe? Sheesh!!!

If you want to discuss the specs of the board then fine, but if you think typing "I'm not paying that price so count me out" is constructive then save yourself some effort don't bother typing it. I paid more than 600 quid for a C64, B&W TV, 5.25" floppy and a pathetic MPS801 printer!!!
MicroAmiga available in October. : Comment 29 of 126ANN.lu
Posted by Amon_Re on 29-Aug-2004 09:28 GMT
In reply to Comment 7 (Anonymous):
I was thinking the same.. man what a crappy salary
MicroAmiga available in October. : Comment 30 of 126ANN.lu
Posted by Amon_Re on 29-Aug-2004 09:36 GMT
In reply to Comment 25 (Anonymous):
Funny, i have the same opinion about anything coming from Genesi (assume the opposite of what they say/promise)
MicroAmiga available in October. : Comment 31 of 126ANN.lu
Posted by Amon_Re on 29-Aug-2004 09:44 GMT
Ok, so the µA1-C is 500 Euro's, plus another 100 Euro's for the os, that's 600 Euro's, what's the price of a mini itx case these days?
MicroAmiga available in October. : Comment 32 of 126ANN.lu
Posted by Anonymous on 29-Aug-2004 09:45 GMT
In reply to Comment 30 (Amon_Re):
> Funny, i have the same opinion about anything coming from Genesi

Yes, that is funny, because the Pegasos 2 is very stable. I'm not aware of any thread that questions elementary function. Let's look at a typical MAI mainboard: no sound, no (compatible) DMA, no AGPx2 bandwidth, BIOS not flashable, many SD-RAM modules do not work ... don't you think this list is a bit too long? I mean, how long can it possibly take MAI's developers to realize that you can't hear the sound and can't run Linux?!
MicroAmiga available in October. : Comment 33 of 126ANN.lu
Posted by Amon_Re on 29-Aug-2004 09:51 GMT
In reply to Comment 32 (Anonymous):
Take a good look at the Pegasos 2, it's history, and it's parent company & their history, and come back when you are aware of their own problems.

I'm not going to go the ArticiaS war route yet again with someone who's probably just repeating what others have fed them.
MicroAmiga available in October. : Comment 34 of 126ANN.lu
Posted by Anonymous on 29-Aug-2004 09:53 GMT
In reply to Comment 31 (Amon_Re):
> Ok, so the µA1-C is 500 Euro's, plus another 100 Euro's for the os, that's 600 Euro

Before tax. In the shop, it will cost you 700 EUR (or more, if your local VAT rate is higher than 16%).
MicroAmiga available in October. : Comment 35 of 126ANN.lu
Posted by Don Cox on 29-Aug-2004 09:56 GMT
In reply to Comment 23 (Anonymous):
"They use the same ArticiaS than on AOne Xe which doesn't work..."

It doesn't actually say in the announcement which Northbridge is used.
MicroAmiga available in October. : Comment 36 of 126ANN.lu
Posted by Anonymous on 29-Aug-2004 10:09 GMT
In reply to Comment 3 (Lando):

Business's are not charities.

You carry on like they must all make sure like they should make there products cheap enough for the lowest income.

That would = poor profits income from products poor wages for the workers who made the products so they are poor.

Aint that what happened with Amiga.inc & Genesi poor income = poor workers andin some cases no pay.

Your not owed a living get a better job.
MicroAmiga available in October. : Comment 37 of 126ANN.lu
Posted by Anonymous on 29-Aug-2004 10:11 GMT
In reply to Comment 33 (Amon_Re):
> Take a good look at the Pegasos 2, it's history, and it's parent company & their history, and come back when you are aware of their own problems

Firstly, the board is made by bplan and not by Genesi (which is not their "parent company", as you put it). Secondly, why would I want to look at the history of a company?! I haven't investigated ASUS before my last purchase. If one really want to get into ethics, it means good-bye to Coke, Shell, Nike, Nestle and who knopws who else. Did I mention Amiga Inc? Hardware should be selected on its technical merits and price. My point is that MAI's current products are not nearly as good as bplan's current products. They are bug-ridden and unstable and lack development and bug fixes. As to the Pegasos 2 problems implied by you: Since this is not a Pegasos 2 thread, I'll keep it short: no fundamental Pegasos 2 hardware problems are known at this point.
MicroAmiga available in October. : Comment 38 of 126ANN.lu
Posted by Fei on 29-Aug-2004 10:33 GMT
In reply to Comment 24 (The_Gunner):
I like your discussion ;). With about 100£ net a month for most unqualified jobs here in Poland we can only laugh at "affordable" news like that. Oh, you can get four times as much if you are well educated, lucky and work all day (2 jobs for example). Then you spend half of it on food, car, accommodation and can save the rest for your hobby which... you don't have time to practise. I don't care about A1, just wanted to make you feel a bit happier ;). Of course, there will be some A1 users from Poland. 10 people at most, I estimate.
MicroAmiga available in October. : Comment 39 of 126ANN.lu
Posted by Anonymous on 29-Aug-2004 10:43 GMT
In reply to Comment 37 (Anonymous):
"Hardware should be selected on its technical merits and price."

Your right!

I want any new hardware that can run Aos4 native so i will take whats the best that is on offer.

Your judgment is clouded by the fact is that the pegmos combo is what you want anyway and the fact that it is cheaper than the other product is a bonus.

People should not only buy what is cheaper if they can afford to pay for the version/type that they really want.

It is upto the individual to what he or she is willing to forgo to buy a cheaper prodcut or not because in the end you nearly always loose something you wanted for doing so.

When the A1200 came out i was not that happy with the cpu specs when atari falcon had an 030 but that did not make me go out buy a falcon was i would loose the one thing that mattered to me most.

Anyway your not talking to a bunch of kids who dont know any better, most ppl here are old enough to make there own minds up to what is the most important factor to them to buying things so leave them to it.
MicroAmiga available in October. : Comment 40 of 126ANN.lu
Posted by itix on 29-Aug-2004 10:57 GMT
In reply to Comment 35 (Don Cox):
"It doesn't actually say in the announcement which Northbridge is used." It doesn't, but I'd assume it is Articia S. http://www.mai.com/products/teron%20mini.htm
MicroAmiga available in October. : Comment 41 of 126ANN.lu
Posted by Anonymous on 29-Aug-2004 11:09 GMT
In reply to Comment 39 (Anonymous):
> Your judgment is clouded by the fact is that the pegmos combo is what you want anyway and the fact that it is cheaper than the other product is a bonus.

You mean I somehow "want" a Peggy board and only then recognize its price and specs? Sorry, I'm not ticking that way and do not buy hardware on an emotional basis. It must work, it must be good, it must be cheap.
MicroAmiga available in October. : Comment 42 of 126ANN.lu
Posted by Amon_Re on 29-Aug-2004 11:29 GMT
In reply to Comment 34 (Anonymous):
I can live with that, my GPS was in the same price range
MicroAmiga available in October. : Comment 43 of 126ANN.lu
Posted by Amon_Re on 29-Aug-2004 11:32 GMT
In reply to Comment 37 (Anonymous):
I wasn't talking about ethics, i was pointing out that they too, have run into various problems, and last i heard MOS (the OS that comes with the board) still doesn't support all the features the hardware offers.

As for the rest of your statements, they are un factual, for starters, the µA1 isn't a MAI product (even tough they are involved with it) and you have no technical knowledge of their chip, nor do you know what goes on at Mai.

*last reply about this*
MicroAmiga available in October. : Comment 44 of 126ANN.lu
Posted by Anonymous on 29-Aug-2004 12:29 GMT
In reply to Comment 41 (Anonymous):
"hardware on an emotional basis"

You have been reading to many post by pegasos/mos owners who go on about feeling & spiritst ect...

I buy what i want & when i can be bothered to do so.

The things that to many here are arguing about here have no effect on my buying power.

There are too many tight fisted ppl here who are not worth bothering about because getting money out of these ppl is like getting blood out of a stone & thats why bothing eyetech & genesi are loocking out side from the users here for the profits needed so if ppl here think that they are going to save any of these firm what whayt little money that they are will to put forwards are kidding them selfs.

The success of what genesi & eyetech have to offer totally relies on how well they do out side of the amiga fan base & as you can see from what eyetech has now put forward its aimed at embedded wich is much more worth while effort then aimming at the amiga fan base only.

The amiga fan base is the slde line not the main line & if you knew the history of eyetech you would know that it has always been the case.

Even Genesi has put the MOS as the sideline now.

So dont any of you lot patt your selfs on the back for the growth of any of these platforms. But some credit can go towords developers.
MicroAmiga available in October. : Comment 45 of 126ANN.lu
Posted by Anonymous on 29-Aug-2004 12:34 GMT
In reply to Comment 43 (Amon_Re):
"the µA1 isn't a MAI product (even tough they are involved with it)"

The Teron Mini was developed by Inguard for MAI to use as a development board. MAI certainly sells the TeronMini/"A1" as their product, just like they do with their other development boards:

MicroAmiga available in October. : Comment 46 of 126ANN.lu
Posted by Dan on 29-Aug-2004 12:37 GMT
"affordable" -Not compared to the A500 or the PS2/Xbox!
This wont sell in millions of units and neither will Pegasos2. And there is no good games for it.
I won´t save my pocketmoney to buy an Amiga this time and I doubt anyones parent´s will buy it as christmas/birthday gift.
You can go on about A1/2/3/4000 or A1200s and how you financed them but it was A500s and C64s that financed Commodore( and PCs that they blew it on).
MicroAmiga available in October. : Comment 47 of 126ANN.lu
Posted by Anonymous on 29-Aug-2004 13:09 GMT
Hello !

A little comparaison between the Pegasos II GB ethernet controller and the new AOne one: RTL8110 Gb/100/10 controller Vs Marvell MV64361.

I saw a big draw back for the AOne: the Realtek chipset is a PCI device, so I guest it will be "attached" on the PCI bus of the AOne. Unfortunatly, the "conventional" PCI bandwidth is not that much for Gb ethernet...

GB max speed: about 120 Mo/s
PCI max speed: about 130 Mo/s.

If you take in account that the PCI bus also have to handle FireWire, IDE/UDMA, USB... It's just too much for the PCI: the GB speed is likely to be limited by the PCI bus itself.
Whereas, the MV64361 won't be because it's directly "inside" the northbridge.

Also, the AOne Indus "only" have a G3/800 which migh not be enough to follow the Gb performance as the CPU will also have to deal with the high level protocol (HTTP, SSH, FTP...).

At last, while the industrial version (which as far as I understood, is for network server) has a "good" sound chipset? It will just increase the cost for nothing (It's not really usefull to have high-quality sound in a server...).

About the FireWire, Which chipset is used ? Is it directly inside the southbridge ?

And for everything (FireWire, USB, UDMA, NIC ...) still the buggy ArticiaS ?? Is it the same than in the current AOne, or one with the same issue? without April?

If the wekk known issue are not solved *in hardware*, there is absoluty "0" chance than any serious Linux user will buy that computer...

Well, my 2 cents...
MicroAmiga available in October. : Comment 48 of 126ANN.lu
Posted by Don Cox on 29-Aug-2004 13:56 GMT
In reply to Comment 38 (Fei):
"Of course, there will be some A1 users from Poland. 10 people at most, I estimate."

How is it that there are any computer owners at all in Poland? It sounds as though any computer would be too expensive.

Hopefully incomes will start to rise now that Poland is in the EU. How long is it before Poles can work in any country in Europe?
MicroAmiga available in October. : Comment 49 of 126ANN.lu
Posted by marcik on 29-Aug-2004 14:22 GMT
In reply to Comment 48 (Don Cox):
> How is it that there are any computer owners at all in Poland? It sounds as though any computer would be too expensive.

Come and live in the country, that didn't existed since 1795, restored independence in 1918. After that it was completly destroyed in WW2, sold by the west to the Stalin, and once again restore independence in 1989. When you'll realize that, I hope you'll twice before writing sentence like this.

MicroAmiga available in October. : Comment 50 of 126ANN.lu
Posted by Anonymous on 29-Aug-2004 14:44 GMT
In reply to Comment 48 (Don Cox):
That was uncalled for!
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