[Events] The End is Nigh | ANN.lu |
Posted on 12-Oct-2004 20:19 GMT by Mikey C | 22 comments View flat View list |
The long wait is finally over, No more wondering if the postman will deliver intact, No more having to pay for postage and Packing, No more waiting!
This coming saturday at Big Bash 2, You can finally get your hands on the Consumer version of the Micro A1 from Stellar Dreams. Turn up, pay and walk away with one of the most eagerly awaited Amiga products in over a decade.
Be the first in the world to own one. Come to Big Bash 2, Peterborough, Saturday 16th of October from 18:30
Plus. Forematt Home Computing, Total Amiga Magazine, Live OS4 U-Boot update Amigaworld Radio and more.
Big Bash2. Why miss out?
Visit http://www.emag.me.uk
The End is Nigh : Comment 1 of 22 | ANN.lu |
Posted by Wayne Dresing, PhD on 12-Oct-2004 19:08 GMT | Most people would have more fun buying an ultra-rare Mac Cube and running an OS4 emulator on it. |
The End is Nigh : Comment 2 of 22 | ANN.lu |
Posted by Jon Bovi on 12-Oct-2004 19:10 GMT | If all the bugs are worked out of the Articia, and the PIOS and audio work, will the MorphOS team port their operating system to it? |
The End is Nigh : Comment 3 of 22 | ANN.lu |
Posted by Anonymous on 12-Oct-2004 19:56 GMT | Does it run MorphOS? If not, sorry, not interested! :-P |
The End is Nigh : Comment 4 of 22 | ANN.lu |
Posted by John Block on 12-Oct-2004 20:01 GMT | Thought for a second he was talking about the t shirts :) |
The End is Nigh : Comment 5 of 22 | ANN.lu |
Posted by Zylesea on 12-Oct-2004 21:06 GMT | I am not waiting for this product...
My personal waiting history top3:
3. I was waiting helluvalot for OS 3.5
2. Then had a tough time waiting for the Peg
1. unbeatyble was my waiting for the BVision
Those waiting for the µA1 may be happy now to finnish their waiting
time. |
The End is Nigh : Comment 6 of 22 | ANN.lu |
Posted by Anonymous on 12-Oct-2004 22:33 GMT | Will MikeyC's trousers be split for fun? |
The End is Nigh : Comment 7 of 22 | ANN.lu |
Posted by Anonymous on 12-Oct-2004 22:50 GMT | In reply to Comment 5 (Zylesea): > I am not waiting for this product...
Oh yes you are. This news item says so.
Maybe you need to get a 'boumese-samfacial official confirmation' before you'll see your error? Ie, it's an indisputable axiom if someone from a company that has something to do with the Amiga trademark claims (sorry, 'confirms') that the Teron Mini is the product you've been anticipating the most during these last ten years. Oh yeah, it's confirmed that it is an 'Amiga product' as well. :'D |
The End is Nigh : Comment 8 of 22 | ANN.lu |
Posted by Anonymous on 12-Oct-2004 23:02 GMT | In reply to Comment 3 (Anonymous): > Does it run MorphOS? If not, sorry, not interested! :-P
Didn't they make a quick "port" of MorphOS to the A1 (in the matter of a day or two) just by replacing the firmware and then running MorphOS as-is? I suppose we haven't heard of it again because allowing the A1 to run MorphOS isn't such a bright idea if your pimary source of income is Pegasos sales. |
The End is Nigh : Comment 9 of 22 | ANN.lu |
Posted by T_Bone on 13-Oct-2004 05:15 GMT | In reply to Comment 8 (Anonymous): That depends on why you would have bought a Pegasos. Because of Morphos, or the hardware? If people are buying for MorphOS, it doesn't really matter if the vehicle of delivery is a proprietary included-in-the-price board or a third party concern. If people are buying for the hardware, a port wouldn't make any sense anyway. |
The End is Nigh : Comment 10 of 22 | ANN.lu |
Posted by T_Bone on 13-Oct-2004 05:18 GMT | In reply to Comment 9 (T_Bone): Bah, left off the last paragraph.
If the primary source of income is Pegasos sales, yet the reason people have for buying your product is for the included product "Morphos" indifferent to the Pegasos motherboard, then the wrong product is being marketed. |
The End is Nigh : Comment 11 of 22 | ANN.lu |
Posted by Anonymous on 13-Oct-2004 05:22 GMT | In reply to Comment 8 (Anonymous): "Didn't they make a quick "port" of MorphOS to the A1 (in the matter of a day or two) just by replacing the firmware and then running MorphOS as-is? I suppose we haven't heard of it again because allowing the A1 to run MorphOS isn't such a bright idea if your pimary source of income is Pegasos sales."
The A1 has Articia and my guess is that MorphOS will NEVER be rewritten to supports its many features. |
The End is Nigh : Comment 12 of 22 | ANN.lu |
Posted by Anonymous on 13-Oct-2004 05:28 GMT | Nice, I might get one of these.......
But will they sell a PCI riser card, or can one use standard miniITX PCI riser cards?
And what about CPU cards?
Anyway...it's great news(TM) |
The End is Nigh : Comment 13 of 22 | ANN.lu |
Posted by Anonymous on 13-Oct-2004 06:23 GMT | In reply to Comment 12 (Anonymous): Will these be sold as a real, fully tested, consumer product with
full warranty, or is it still some "who knows, it might turn out that
it's not working properly, but hey, blame yourself for buying it"? |
The End is Nigh : Comment 14 of 22 | ANN.lu |
Posted by miksuh on 13-Oct-2004 07:07 GMT | It would be great to be there and buy one of those MicroA1-C boards :) I really would like to have one of those, or MircoA1-I..
But unfortunately I have to wait a bit longer :( I don't even have enough money for the travelling tickets :(
I hope that I have enough money when we are closer to christmas.. |
The End is Nigh : Comment 15 of 22 | ANN.lu |
Posted by Joe on 13-Oct-2004 08:49 GMT | Stellar Dreams? take one look at their website and ask yourself "Would i order from a company with a website like that?". Even scam companies have better sites. |
The End is Nigh : Comment 16 of 22 | ANN.lu |
Posted by Sicky on 13-Oct-2004 09:28 GMT | In reply to Comment 15 (Joe): The look of the website is a personal thing, so what if you don't like the look of the website! What matters is that the products are there and the service is reliable. I know Sven quite well and he is someone you can trust to deliver what he says he can deliver, no broken promises there. |
The End is Nigh : Comment 17 of 22 | ANN.lu |
The End is Nigh : Comment 18 of 22 | ANN.lu |
Posted by ikir on 14-Oct-2004 10:48 GMT | In reply to Comment 2 (Jon Bovi): Articia is not broken, only the VIA on the earlybird XE. The new XE will not have the problem. Audio onboard works.
MOS on A1? It would be nice.
Looking forward for a reportage.
Gday to all. |
The End is Nigh : Comment 19 of 22 | ANN.lu |
Posted by John Block on 14-Oct-2004 11:11 GMT | In reply to Comment 17 (takemehomegrandma): Actually, the mailto: there for spam robots to collect shows lack of smarts. |
The End is Nigh : Comment 20 of 22 | ANN.lu |
The End is Nigh : Comment 21 of 22 | ANN.lu |
Posted by JoannaK on 15-Oct-2004 07:56 GMT | In reply to Comment 18 (ikir): Ok.. So It's the SAME Via chip on all of those boards.. It's suddenly magically 'fixed' itself on upcoming systems? |
The End is Nigh : Comment 22 of 22 | ANN.lu |
Posted by Johan Rönnblom on 15-Oct-2004 18:06 GMT | Oh, we'll see. If the normal Linux drivers work on the microA1, then
this must mean either that we were all wrong and the Articia isn't
broken, or that they have made a fixed revision of it.
But that's a pretty big *if*. :) |
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