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[News] AROS UpdateANN.lu
Posted on 02-Mar-2001 03:27 GMT by Christian Kemp2 comments
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Peter Eriksson wrote: Another update has been made over at www.aros.org. Check out the details for a brief summary. (As project coordinator Aaron Digulla pointed out some days ago, the AROS project is looking for more developers - this is your chance of rewriting history as AmigaOS is migrating from the MC68k architechture to other computer systems) AROS is the "Amiga Research Operating System", aiming to clone the AmigaOS API allowing you to compile and run virtually any piece of properly written AmigaOS code on any supported platform including Intel x86)
AROS now features a semi complete Locale system. locale.library is there together with the Locale 'Preferences' program.
The 'IPrefs' core component is now tracking the Preferences programs written so far.
Various bugfixes and several enhancements have been made including a working filesystem. Check out all the action on the official AROS website.
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