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[News] Amiwest showANN.lu
Posted on 17-Jun-2002 04:32 GMT by FWD Computing13 comments
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AmiWest 2002 is rolling! The venue is the now-familiar Holiday Inn Northeast in Sacramento, California, this year under new ownership and management. As announced last year at the close of AmiWest 2001, the dates for the show are July 27 & 28, the last weekend of July. This year, we also have a co-sponsor, Extreme Computing, who have been hard at work to enhance our show through their many Amiga community contacts.. See below for their complete contact information. Right up front, let's get some IMPORTANT DATES in front of you. This coming Saturday, June 15, is the LAST DAY that vendors can get their deposits in at the discount prices listed on our web site. Just in case you didn't know, we are offering a 17% discount off the already low, same-as-last-year prices for AmiWest exhibit space. It's the same discount we offered last year. So we need your deposit checks NOW. SEND THEM IN TODAY!! We will honor postmarks up to June 15th for the discounted rates.

Second, the time is also coming up when we will begin to release blocks of rooms that our hotel has committed to our attendees. Again, these are LAST YEAR'S RATES we are talking about. IT COSTS YOU NOTHING to call in and reserve a room at the Holiday Inn Northeast in Sacramento when you hold it with a credit card. CALL IN TODAY to ensure that your room is not taken by someone who is thinking farther ahead. THERE ARE NO OTHER HOTELS in close proximity that even come close to the quality of accomodations you will be getting. BE SURE TO TELL THEM THAT YOU ARE WITH AMIWEST for the special rates. Here is the contact info:

Holiday Inn, Sacramento Northeast
5321 Date Avenue
Sacramento California 95841-2597
Phone 1-916-338-5800 or
1-800-388-9284 - Toll Free (Hotel directly)

Also, please send in your ticket requests ASAP. We need to know how many to estimate for so we can start stuffing those show packets. This year, the packet includes a CD full of useful information in addition to your schedule for the show, your pass and information about the surrounding area as well as any vendor info that we receive. We will also have a Saturday night banquet with Bill McEwen speaking. Here are the ticket prices:

Banquet tickets are $35 per plate and must be purchased in advance. They will NOT be sold on Friday nor Saturday due to the hotel needing attendance figures for planning the banquet.

Admission Tickets Main exhibit hall - Saturday & Sunday.
Specially priced tickets are available in advance by mail.
Two day admission tickets.....$17.
One day admission ticket......$12.

If you elect to purchase tickets at the door, the prices are as follows:
Two day ticket at the door....$20
One day ticket at the door... $15

Send checks to:

AmiWest 2002
c/o Chuck Washburn
7051 Dolan Way
Citrus Heights, CA 95621

Make checks payable to "AmiWest".

As promised, Extreme Computing does have a great surprise in store for the show this year. Todd Gustafson just emailed us that "Amiga transportation for AmiWest 2002 will be provided by Extreme Limousine." In an earlier email, he said, "We are bringing the Extreme Corporate Limousine to the show. It is a newer full 8-passenger black stretch limousine with all accouterments, and will be available for VIP service to/from the airport for our "Special" guests. We are stocking it full of "Diet Coke", and other non-alcoholic beverages. We have a nice Magnetic "Amiga" Sign on the outside for it as well. That's all I can say about it for now. I will keep you posted as I confirm the "Guests"."

So yet more surprises are in store. Who will they be, the ones who ride the Extreme Limousine? And why will they be coming to AmiWest? You'll know as soon as we do! Just keep watching for these releases.

Bill McEwen of Amiga Inc. will also be at AmiWest 2002 along with as yet unknown others from Amiga Inc. Bill has been at every AmiWest show since the beginning in 1998 and has always provided scintillating commentary and inside information on the health and future of Amiga. I think his first title was "Software Evangelist." And now he is at the top of the heap. We welcome Bill's participation. It just wouldn't be AmiWest without him.

Another welcome participant just confirmed in the last few days is Kermit Woodall of Nova Design, another regular at our AmiWest shows. He is enthusiastic (as he usually is) about our show and said in a recent email, "I SHOULD have something extremely cool to show off...and no, I can't ship the Amiga-based Slot Machine to the show! ." Now when Kermit says it's cool - it's C-O-O-L!! Come and see his latest Image FX enhancements.

As you can see, the excitement is building! Don't be left out. Make your plans to attend the biggest Amiga show on the West Coast of the U.S., AmiWest 2002. All the people that you want to see are going to be there. Be sure to visit our website at www.sacc.org/amiwest, download that ticket order form and get those ticket orders coming in. And don't forget to reserve your room at the Holiday Inn Northeast, being sure to mention that you're with AmiWest 2002. We'll see you there!

Amiga Forever,

Brian Deneen, President
Sacramento Amiga Computer Club
for the AmiWest 2002 Committee

Contact our co-sponsors, Extreme Computing, using any (or all!) of these channels:

PO Box 2319 Voice: 503.793.5797 or toll free 1.888.288.1757
Clackamas, OR 97015 toll free fax: 1.877.370.7045
URL: www.computing-extreme.com e-mail: sales@computing-extreme.com

Go to their website for more data. Should be a worthwhile show this year.
~~~~~ ~~~~~
FWD Computing

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