[News] RadeON Drivers for CyberGraphix! | ANN.lu |
Posted on 26-Jul-2002 23:12 GMT by Alkis Tsapanidis | 11 comments View flat View list |
There are a number of new VFD CyberGraphX V5 driver projects in the works.
One such project has been with ATI. The CyberGraphX V5 driver has been working with the Radeon range of cards from ATI for a few months now.
There are a number of new VFD CyberGraphX V5 driver projects in the works. One such project has been with ATI. The CyberGraphX V5 driver has been working with the Radeon range of cards from ATI for a few months now. Most all of the real work is now done by the CGX drivers not externaly.. such as display setup/init, 2d, ect. This means in time that the driver can be back-ported to run on any PCI adaptors such as the G-Rex PCI adaptor. The Radeon VE and Radeon 7500 models, along with a few others have been tested and are working great. Currently the driver supports the PC based BIOS Radeon cards out of the box. Here is a snapshot of MUIScreenMode running under CGX V5 on a ATI Radeon:
Radeon Snapshot VE
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