[News] Old Usenet Archives are back online | ANN.lu |
Posted on 04-May-2001 00:35 GMT by Christian Kemp | 1 comments View flat View list |
Aram Iskenderian wrote: If you haven't heard yet, old usenet posts and archives from March 29 1995 and up are back online now. Google restored deja.com archives, which you can find using their usenet search engine now. Although threading is not as good, and there is no option currently to display message headers. But you can still search by message ID.
[Files] VirusExecutor 2.17 | ANN.lu |
[News] IBM's and Motorola's PowerPC Roadmap | ANN.lu |
[News] Martin Schüler (AmigaOne designer from Escena) german interview | ANN.lu |
[Files] IFusion v 1.1.2 update | ANN.lu |
Posted on 02-May-2001 10:58 GMT by Christophe Decanini | 0 comments |
From Blittersoft website:
We are pleased to make a new update available to iFusion users. This upgrades iFusion to V1.1.2 and fixes some issues reported on the first release regarding CD mountlist, Direct mode on hard drives, better clean-up and memory issues.
There are two versions of the updater, one to upgrade iFusion 1.0.0 and one to upgrade iFusion 1.0.1
Check the version on your CD by taking note of the version number reported when you run your current version of iFusion. Please ensure you download the appropriate updater for your version.
Please also note that we do not recommend the use of AsimCDFS with iFusion as it does not supports TD_CHANGESTATE, allowing you to detect CD changes on the Mac
Posted on 01-May-2001 16:32 GMT by Christian Kemp | 10 comments View flat View list |
I started implementing a somewhat primitive browser dependency check on ANN. Right now, users of MSIE5 or better should experience better loading times in the "News" and "Unmoderated" categories, since I'm favouring CSS2 over nested tables for layouting. In the Unmoderated section, this reduces HTML loading time by about 10%, or 2.5k. If feedback is positive, I will complete the MSIE part as well as catering specifically for other browsers, since it is obviously impossible to write just one type of code that works best on all browsers.
In unrelated news, the Unmoderated section was once again victim of a number of submitted news items containing nothing but insults and untrue allegations. Since these were all coming from two specific IP addresses, I have blocked posting privileges for them.
[News] Pictures of BPlan's Pegasus motherboard available | ANN.lu |
Posted on 30-Apr-2001 22:00 GMT by Christian Kemp | 65 comments View flat View list |
Henrik Mikael Kristensen wrote:
Pictures of the Pegasus motherboard are now available here. The motherboard on display is equipped with one 400 MHz G4 CPU with room for one more and currently runs LinuxPPC. There is no mention of Amiga.
[News] Photogenics US-Receipts/Reviews/Adverts needed (pre-1998) | ANN.lu |
Posted on 30-Apr-2001 08:03 GMT by Christian Kemp | 21 comments View flat View list |
Paul Nolan wrote:
"I’m fighting a bit of a trademark battle here, and I need to put together hard evidence that Photogenics was marketed and sold in the US prior to 1998, or risk losing the name I have become so attached to. My case is sound and I am certain I will prevail, but your assistance could help to decisively settle the matter. If you live in the USA and own a copy of Photogenics, especially the old 1.2 or 2.0 version, or even the 1.2SE version that came with the Amiga 1200/4000, please read the important information at this link"
Posted on 29-Apr-2001 16:16 GMT by Christian Kemp | 25 comments View flat View list |
Ben Yoris/Hyperion wrote:
Shogo MAD is finished, shipment will start on Monday (30.04).
Shogo requires an Amiga equiped with PowerPC, at least 64MB RAM, Gfx-board,
CD-ROM and 400MB free harddisc space. You can get more information about
Shogo here or on Hyperions Amiga pages. Please remember : piracy harms the Amiga to death. Don't copy games, unless you want that they totally disappear from the Amiga market...
[Files] New version of Amiga http server hserv 26.0 | ANN.lu |
Posted on 26-Apr-2001 19:57 GMT by Christophe Decanini | 6 comments View flat View list |
hserv is an ARexx http server. Yesterday I could set it up on a few minutes.
Here is my hserv server with more information.
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