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[Motd] MOTD 01/Apr/2001ANN.lu
Posted on 01-Apr-2001 06:58 GMT by Christian Kemp0 comments
I corrected a site glitch earlier this morning, and apologize for any incovenience this might have caused. A lot of news have been posted from the show already, but I just wanted to remind everyone that today is April 1st, and as such everything you hear, read or see should be taken with a grain of salt, unless already announced yesterday, or confirmed tomorrow. :)
[Motd] Server Move on MondayANN.lu
Posted on 25-Mar-2001 20:03 GMT by Christian Kemp0 comments
Dreamhost will move ANN and my other sites to a new server sometime on Monday. I'm not yet sure whether there will be any outages, or if some of my scripts will need to be updated to reflect the new environment, but I will try to adopt to the new conditions as fast as possible. In case everything fails I'm currently doing a full backup of all 35 MB of data, but I'm confident that the move will be smooth, and that I'll soon be able to offer an even better and faster service. Update: As of Tuesday, 12:40 CET, ANN wasn't moved yet, and I don't know when it will finally happen. Tomorrow, my phone line will be cut off for maintenance, so according to Murphy's Law, I bet that's when it's going to happen. :)
[Motd] Minor site updatesANN.lu
Posted on 15-Mar-2001 20:54 GMT by Christian Kemp2 comments
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Seeing how the search script test was successful, ANN can now be searched from the permanent forms in the navigation table on the right. I also removed the "suggest this page to somebody" form at the bottom of the main page, since hardly anyone ever used it anyway. Finally, I managed to sell the other half of ANN's ad space for the next six months to come, which should ensure ANN's survival in the short and mid-term.
[Motd] New ANN moderatorANN.lu
Posted on 15-Mar-2001 11:46 GMT by Christophe Decanini17 comments
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Hi, I will help Christian to manage ANN. I will try to post interesting and objective Amiga related news. My English is far from perfect (french is my native language). I own and use Amiga computers since 1989.
[Motd] Search ANN ExplanationsANN.lu
Posted on 09-Mar-2001 20:49 GMT by Christian Kemp5 comments
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I just finished implementing an experimental search engine for ANN. Even though I implemented it in true trial&error, quick&dirty (TEQD) fashion - copying various parts of ANN's existing code and changing things around until it gave the desired results - it should work fairly well. Speed was excellent, considering it does a full text search of a few thousand files. How it works is you enter a single word (multiple words, and/or cases, or upper/lowercase distinction are all not supported yet), select in which category or categories you want to search, and whether you just want to check the titles (headlines) or the full article. Note that in some cases a word might only be found in the "Read More" part, which is not displayed right away, but you have to click on it like you usually do in such cases.

Please let me know if you encounter any bugs or inconveniences, and do not hesitate to add any other ideas and suggestions in the comments section.

[Motd] Search ANNANN.lu
Posted on 09-Mar-2001 20:42 GMT by Christian Kemp2 comments
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Search for:
Search in categories: News
Query: Titles only
Entire News item
[Motd] MOTD / VariousANN.lu
Posted on 04-Mar-2001 22:09 GMT by Christian Kemp16 comments
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Depending on a number of factors, ANN will soon be moved over to a new Dreamhost backend/server. I'm not sure if that means there will be downtime, but I just thought I'd let you know. / On an unrelated subject, I applied and was accepted for an evening/weekend job in a helpdesk-related position, since I need a way to pay for my living expenses. / Answers to the current poll question are pretty unconclusive, and I'd appreciate more votes. / Visitor numbers are stagnating around 2000/day, perhaps because I don't update as often, perhaps because more and more people are leaving. / I still hope to get back to daily updates one day.
[Motd] MOTD 27/Feb/2001ANN.lu
Posted on 27-Feb-2001 21:02 GMT by Christian Kemp0 comments
Hello. Things are progressing slowly here at ANN, but I can assure you that there are indeed still things happening. I appointed a new moderator, who's just waiting for me to revise the admin scripts. My DSL line will finally be installed in about two weeks. ANN will be migrated to Dreamhost 2 in the next two weeks, too. I'm about to send the first ANN_Notify message in many months. I apologize for the inactivity, but remember that there's always something interesting in the Unmoderated section or in the comments. Oh, and there's a new poll to give me a rough impression of what you, the visitors, want to see on here: same style of news, more news, even more news. :)
[Motd] Comments script changedANN.lu
Posted on 23-Feb-2001 12:52 GMT by Christian Kemp4 comments
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Due to popular demand, author information in the comments section is now displayed at the top of every box. Please let me know what you think of this, as well as any other suggestions you might have.
[Motd] MOTD 18/Feb/2001ANN.lu
Posted on 18-Feb-2001 19:12 GMT by Christian Kemp17 comments
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As you might have noticed, I did some minor maintenance on ANN's layout and re-arranged a few things while fixing a few inconveniences. What do you think?
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