[Forum] MicroAmiga available in October. | ANN.lu |
Posted on 28-Aug-2004 19:07 GMT by drHirudo | 126 comments View flat View list |
After some delay, the first Next generation Amiga at affordable price will be available at the dealers in start of October. More info is Here
The suggested end user price for these boards is as follows:
µ-A1-C - gbp349/euro499/USD599 (ex VAT/sales tax)
µ-A1-I - gbp399/euro599/USD699 (ex VAT/sales tax)
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MicroAmiga available in October. : Comment 44 of 126 | ANN.lu |
Posted by Anonymous on 29-Aug-2004 12:29 GMT | In reply to Comment 41 (Anonymous): "hardware on an emotional basis"
You have been reading to many post by pegasos/mos owners who go on about feeling & spiritst ect...
I buy what i want & when i can be bothered to do so.
The things that to many here are arguing about here have no effect on my buying power.
There are too many tight fisted ppl here who are not worth bothering about because getting money out of these ppl is like getting blood out of a stone & thats why bothing eyetech & genesi are loocking out side from the users here for the profits needed so if ppl here think that they are going to save any of these firm what whayt little money that they are will to put forwards are kidding them selfs.
The success of what genesi & eyetech have to offer totally relies on how well they do out side of the amiga fan base & as you can see from what eyetech has now put forward its aimed at embedded wich is much more worth while effort then aimming at the amiga fan base only.
The amiga fan base is the slde line not the main line & if you knew the history of eyetech you would know that it has always been the case.
Even Genesi has put the MOS as the sideline now.
So dont any of you lot patt your selfs on the back for the growth of any of these platforms. But some credit can go towords developers. |
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