[Forum] MicroAmiga available in October. | ANN.lu |
Posted on 28-Aug-2004 19:07 GMT by drHirudo | 126 comments View flat View list |
After some delay, the first Next generation Amiga at affordable price will be available at the dealers in start of October. More info is Here
The suggested end user price for these boards is as follows:
µ-A1-C - gbp349/euro499/USD599 (ex VAT/sales tax)
µ-A1-I - gbp399/euro599/USD699 (ex VAT/sales tax)
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MicroAmiga available in October. : Comment 87 of 126 | ANN.lu |
Posted by Fei on 30-Aug-2004 14:24 GMT | In reply to Comment 80 (Anonymous): "The point was that I did have enough money to buy a computer like that which was light years behind MicroA1. You can do so much more with MicroA1."
Yes, it WAS. But now we have 2004 and computers evolved a bit since '81, don't you think? Your ZX was then a hi-tech machine (as for desktop). MicroA1 is just a toy compared to hi-tech desktop machines nowadays. Nice for playing but not much use for serious things. Of course, a hobby is a good thing but I know many less expensive and more exciting hobbies than testing developer exhibits with systems in perpetual beta state. Especially those in which you actually meet other people and have good time together. There are many such and I don't necessarily mean drinking.
"And I bought that A1200 with money I got from summerwork."
Yeah, and I bought my A4000 with PPC for such a tremendous sum of cash that could have bought me a pretty decent car. But I didn't want it back then. I was a student, not much to worry about, no family to think of, no job to maintain. It was fun then and I've never considered that money wasted. I had a wonderful time with it but it's gone now. Like a favourite bike you get for your 4th birthday. A dream machine for a child but would you use it now?
"If you can buy something like that with money you get from 2 month summerwork, then it can't be so damn expensive."
My first post here was to show those of you that it is not cheap for everyone. Why should you bother about some poor bastards from a country named Poland or something like that? You see, UK users alone will not make Eyetech live long and prosper. You need more users from other countries. For some of whom this piece of hardware is more than 8 months of work. It'd require quite a summer...
"MicroA1 is not so expensive that you could not change your life a bit so that you save money for it every month."
But what for? I tried to convince myself to buy it once. I did the same with Pegasos (even had one for testing for an Amiga portal I write for). And I simply don't see a point. The system may be a great step ahead compared to good, old Worbench but other systems have evolved too. I remember laughing at W95 and 98, what pieces of junk they were. But now we have XP. Yeah, sure it is evil Microsoft but it doesn't crash or hang that often. You have differend flavours of Linux, if you like (I don't but that's not the point here). But there's no decent browser (which is a software I use the most), there's no decent word processor (which is a software I use the second most). Why should I save for A1? When I sold my A4000, I had a choice to wait with the money I got (quite a sum, it was a lucky sale ;) and buy something new. I decided not to wait and bought a digital camera instead (they were expensive back then). If I chose otherwise, I'd be very angry now. Two years have passed and all I read at portals is "next year". There's always some "next year", I assume. |
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