[Web] Pegasos, Freescale & Gentoo | ANN.lu |
Posted on 04-Oct-2004 15:35 GMT by Emil 'opi' Oppeln Bronikowski | 35 comments View flat View list |
In this interview Gentoo developer, Pieter Van den Abeele mentions PegasosPPC. But I bet there's few people who will say: there's no connection between Genesi and Freescale. ;-)
Article quote:
Our mindshare is definitely growing leaps. Just recently we gained a lot of mindshare by making all our PowerPC products natively compatible with Pegasos PowerPC Systems.
Freescale semiconductor, (a subsidiary of Motorola Inc.) has donated ten Open Desktop Workstations to this cause. Gentoo is obviously quite popular on these machines because our product, unlike other Linux distributions, just works on them.
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Pegasos, Freescale & Gentoo : Comment 28 of 35 | ANN.lu |
Posted by Neko on 05-Oct-2004 10:14 GMT | In reply to Comment 2 (Anonymous): > Other Linux distro's don't work flawlessly on the Pegasos?
Some other distros do - Debian, YellowDog, Crux etc.
Some other distros don't - Fedora Core (as standard), Mandrake, SuSE, etc.
Considering the ones that don't are the "bigname" ones, and although we have
guys like the ImageInstaller team working to get these available on Pegasos,
they are hardly shipping out of the box with a Pegasos sticker on it (2 that
I mentioned above no longer officially even support PowerPC as a processor)
and that's enough to say they don't really support it.
If you can generate PowerPC binaries for ANY distribution, the first step is
to just replace the kernel with the one from Debian PowerPC - after that the
rest is pretty much just tweaking.
Neko |
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