[News] ext2 filesystem/handler for MorphOS released | ANN.lu |
Posted on 12-Oct-2004 08:51 GMT by Happy MOS User | 35 comments View flat View list |
A first version of a ext2 fs/handler was released for MorphOS. It's still beta, but was reported to work well.
Read more about it on MorphOS-News.de
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ext2 filesystem/handler for MorphOS released : Comment 35 of 35 | ANN.lu |
Posted by top on 13-Oct-2004 16:42 GMT | In reply to Comment 29 (Anonymous): >>...will be great to see an amigaos 68k port at least too.
>> for UAE users.
>> this will help community.
>Non sense
Amiga UAE users as WinUAE, Amithlon, LinuxUAE, others UAE and now AROS need several times to access to Linux partitions.
As several a Linux system in installed on their computer.
AND as only 68k AmigaOS 3.X apps can run on these Amiga systems, a 68 k port of that Linux File system will help that Amiga community to get access to their Linux partitions...
I hope you understand, why it is important, if a 68k port is made.
Sincerely |
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