[Web] Terrasoft lists Pegasos II as "Freescale OEM motherboard" | ANN.lu |
List of all comments to this articleSorted by date, most recent at bottom |
Comment 1 | Anonymous | | 13-Oct-2004 09:51 GMT |
Comment 2 | takemehomegrandma | Registered user | 13-Oct-2004 10:13 GMT |
Comment 3 | Anonymous | | 13-Oct-2004 10:23 GMT |
Comment 4 | takemehomegrandma | Registered user | 13-Oct-2004 10:26 GMT |
Comment 5 | takemehomegrandma | Registered user | 13-Oct-2004 10:40 GMT |
Comment 6 | Anonymous | | 13-Oct-2004 12:00 GMT |
Comment 7 | takemehomegrandma | Registered user | 13-Oct-2004 12:34 GMT |
Comment 8 | miksuh | | 13-Oct-2004 12:47 GMT |
Comment 9 | Seehund | | 13-Oct-2004 13:02 GMT |
Comment 10 | Anonymous | | 13-Oct-2004 14:36 GMT |
Comment 11 | Anonymous | | 13-Oct-2004 14:39 GMT |
Terrasoft lists Pegasos II as "Freescale OEM motherboard" : Comment 12 of 49 | ANN.lu |
Posted by Anonymous on 13-Oct-2004 14:41 GMT | In reply to Comment 9 (Seehund): I found it quite strange that Pegasos guys try to say that Amigaone is more outdated than pegasos boards.
It's not more outdated than Pegasos, because it's based on exactly the same technology as Pegasos and Pegasos-II. If one board has Articia and other does not, it does not make other more outdated than the other. If you forget Articia and marwell, then those boards are wery similar. Layout of the board is irrelvant.
Also the pice differenc really is not huge, ok Pgeaso maybe is cheaper, but the difference is not huge. Both boards are overpriced when compared to PC.
I would not call G4 MAC's outdated either just because there is G5 etc. |
List of all comments to this article (continued) |
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