New in PageStream 5.0:
- Alpha Blending for Text and Objects
- Picture Transparency
- Text Widow and Orphan Control
- Definable Printer Marks
- More Shortcuts
- Path Flatten and Smooth
- Hanging Bullets, DropCaps and Number
- New Duplicate Objects Method
- and more!
New in PageStream 5.0 Pro:
- Place PDF Objects
- Export Objects as Bitmap
- Automatically Adjust Text Width Justify
- Gradient/Radial Blend Masks for Pictures/EPS/PDF/Drawings
- Path Math: Union/Add/Unique/Subtract
- and more!
The Windows and Linux versions are the first available for download. Additional web site details, online documentation, and demos will be updated over the next week.
The Amiga 68k and MorphOS download are to follow later this month. Due to internal problems, the Mac OSX version will come shortly later but those patient customers will be receive 5.0 instead of 4.1 at no additional charge. The AmigaOS4 version schedule will depend on new developments with Amiga Inc now out of the picture.
While the Windows and Linux versions are available for download, they are not available in CD form at this time. We are still working to improve the Windows interface (the same interface code used in 4.1.6 is used in 5.0), and we also hope that feedback from initial users will help mold this version. As anyone who has been a PageStream user in the past knows, we are continually updating our products and the rate of change is greatest when a product is first made available. Four features have already been added this week in response to feedback from our customers, and a fifth and sixth is being worked on now (adding print to bitmap support and support for more TIFF file formats).