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[News] New MorphOS 0.4 ReleaseANN.lu
Posted on 15-Feb-2001 03:29 GMT by Christian Kemp109 comments
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Ralph Schmidt announces the MorphOS 0.4 Release with a lot of new native OS modules, an OS Module Plugin, a WarpOS/Warp3d emulation and a 2hour timeout.
Finally, the 3rd MorphOS Release is available.
Quite a while has passed since the 2nd release
but we hope that the new features and overall
improved stability are appreciated.
This is a snapshot of our current version with
the timeout increased to 2 hours.

Major new functionalities are

o support for AmigaOS3.5/3.9 update rom
No need anymore for dangerous resets.

o support for external rom modules so that
everybody can write his own rom module
replacements and put them into the load

o WarpOS emulation, finally you are able to
play HereticII with Warp3D while running

o new native modules

o exec(fully independent)
o expansion.library
o romboot
o input.device
o keyboard.device
o battclock.resource
o battmem.resource
o cardres.resource
o cia.resource
o potgo.resource

o Improved CyberGraphX PPC with native

o Improved BlizzardPPC support

o native jfif.datatype for completeness

o better devpackage

o more efficient ppc/68k switch which
results into better compiled code and
lower latencies.

New native 3rd party software

o Bochs(PC Emulator)

o New MUIPPC Snapshot

o New MagicMenuPPC

o xpk

o cnet.device


New MorphOS 0.4 Release : Comment 1 of 109ANN.lu
Posted by Christophe Decanini on 14-Feb-2001 23:00 GMT
WOW ! I'am impressed. I had many discussions on the non feasable WarpOS emulation on top of MorphOS. Now it has been released and we have to test it !
New MorphOS 0.4 Release : Comment 2 of 109ANN.lu
Posted by Kay Are Ulvestad on 14-Feb-2001 23:00 GMT
This project is starting to look a lot more interesting with Warp support... Still holding my breath for Mediator/Shark support though...
New MorphOS 0.4 Release : Comment 3 of 109ANN.lu
Posted by Sinan Gurkan on 14-Feb-2001 23:00 GMT
At least we will able to play Hyperion's games on BPlan motherboard..
I hope Eyetech sends a developer board to MorphOS team for support..I guess
AmigaOne users will want to run MUI PPC on their new machines
A new chapter in the long story of Amiga PPC kernels :)
New MorphOS 0.4 Release : Comment 4 of 109ANN.lu
Posted by Marcin 'Cooler' Kulinski on 14-Feb-2001 23:00 GMT
Great job!
New MorphOS 0.4 Release : Comment 5 of 109ANN.lu
Posted by Ben Hermans/Hyperion on 14-Feb-2001 23:00 GMT
Good to hear that there now is a WarpOS emulator so people wanting to play Hyperion games are not left in the cold.
Although I am a bit worried about performance because I have extensive posts by Ralph Schmidt on this very site where he claimed no WarpOS emulation would be made and secondly that if it were made, it would be dead slow.
Care to comment Ralph?
What happened?
New MorphOS 0.4 Release : Comment 6 of 109ANN.lu
Posted by Amifan on 14-Feb-2001 23:00 GMT
"Why do we need WarpOS? This is a native PPC OS"
"If someone wants do make an emulation then he's free to do so, we won't..."
And suddenly there's useable WarpOS support, and even listed in the MorphOS features list :)
Nice to see that you (Ralph) can be flexible sometimes and add support for your worst nightmare, because it's needed for MorphOS to be a succes :)
Well, AmigaDE works on a bPlan mainboard too, and can run classic and WarpOS programs aswell....
As far as I know there will be no version of AmigaDE for MorphOS, so I'm afraid i'll have to go for AmigaDE :-(
Finally I can wish you good luck with your project :)
Well euh....
Good luck with your project :)
New MorphOS 0.4 Release : Comment 7 of 109ANN.lu
Posted by Anonymous on 14-Feb-2001 23:00 GMT
In reply to Comment 5 (Ben Hermans/Hyperion):
>Good to hear that there now is a WarpOS emulator so people<BR>
>wanting to play Hyperion games are not left in the cold.<BR>
>Although I am a bit worried about performance because<BR>
I'm sure that Hyperion & Partner are worried but
surely not about a lack of performance.
>I have extensive posts by Ralph Schmidt on this very site<BR>
>where he claimed no WarpOS emulation would be made and<BR>
I always said that *I* won`t do it...and exactly that happened.
I haven`t done it.
>secondly that if it were made, it would be dead slow.<BR>
It was implemented in a different way...with the consequence
that no warpos program is able to use MorphOS directly.
Only through the call gates but that`s like it is today
and therefore no disadvantage.
>Care to comment Ralph?<BR>
>What happened?<BR>
You should be even more worried what will happen next.
New MorphOS 0.4 Release : Comment 8 of 109ANN.lu
Posted by Ben Hermans/Hyperion on 14-Feb-2001 23:00 GMT
In reply to Comment 7 (Anonymous):
Now why would be "worried"?
As long as it runs our games at a decent speed, I certainly am not worried at all.
This just means more potential sales for us.
And why would we be worried about what happens next?
You intend to break compatibility again or what? :)
Oh, I know ...
No, we're not worried. Sorry ;)
New MorphOS 0.4 Release : Comment 9 of 109ANN.lu
Posted by Ben Yoris on 14-Feb-2001 23:00 GMT
I have a Mediator in my Amiga tower.
Will Morphos run even if I don't use the Mediator and the boards on it (but everything is plugged and powered) ?
New MorphOS 0.4 Release : Comment 10 of 109ANN.lu
Posted by Ben Yoris on 14-Feb-2001 23:00 GMT
In reply to Comment 7 (Anonymous):
Why saying "Hyperion and Partners" ?
Why this mysterious tone ?
Why don't you give your name ?
You said too much or not enough...
New MorphOS 0.4 Release : Comment 11 of 109ANN.lu
Posted by Mike on 14-Feb-2001 23:00 GMT
In reply to Comment 9 (Ben Yoris):
IIRC, the Mediator still works, it just doesn't have any MorphOS native support.
New MorphOS 0.4 Release : Comment 12 of 109ANN.lu
Posted by StAn on 14-Feb-2001 23:00 GMT
MorphOS is *really* interesting now..
(so bad AWeb has not been ported yet ;p)
New MorphOS 0.4 Release : Comment 13 of 109ANN.lu
Posted by Anonymous on 14-Feb-2001 23:00 GMT
Are the MorphOS blokes working with the AROS project, if not why not?
New MorphOS 0.4 Release : Comment 14 of 109ANN.lu
Posted by David Shipman on 15-Feb-2001 23:00 GMT
Now, let me see if I've got this right... the MorphOS team are ex-P5 programmers (who worked on PowerUp etc), but also, there are ex-p5 hardware people in bPlan, who are partnership with Amiga Inc, rather than (apparent) competition?
New MorphOS 0.4 Release : Comment 15 of 109ANN.lu
Posted by Amifan on 15-Feb-2001 23:00 GMT
In reply to Comment 14 (David Shipman):
Something like that....Both operating systems will be able to run on the bPlan mainboard.......
New MorphOS 0.4 Release : Comment 16 of 109ANN.lu
Posted by its about time on 15-Feb-2001 23:00 GMT
In reply to Comment 10 (Ben Yoris):
I think it is clear that he is Ralph...
New MorphOS 0.4 Release : Comment 17 of 109ANN.lu
Posted by its about time on 15-Feb-2001 23:00 GMT
In reply to Comment 8 (Ben Hermans/Hyperion):
I hate criptic messages...
Ralph had said
"You should be worried about what will happen..."
so Ben replied
"Oh I know, i don't..."
Please, does anyone cares to explain this a bit?
New MorphOS 0.4 Release : Comment 18 of 109ANN.lu
Posted by Ralph Schmidt on 15-Feb-2001 23:00 GMT
In reply to Comment 16 (its about time):
Yes...forgot the name. But by the context it should have been clear.
If you read through the lines of my response you should understand
that what happens here on the surface is not what happens behind
the curtain.
That means...people represent themselves here in a neutral and
positive way while they say and *do* the exact opposite on other
information channels.
Hypocracy in its extreme.
New MorphOS 0.4 Release : Comment 19 of 109ANN.lu
Posted by Thomas Würgler on 15-Feb-2001 23:00 GMT
In reply to Comment 18 (Ralph Schmidt):
Feel free to enlighten me - through email if you don't want to post it here. As a 68k/ppc developer it would be nice to know what's going on behind the scenes - preferably both scenes (if they even exist). No matter what, though, it's great to see Warp support on MorphOS, and I'll be interested to see if Earth 2140 runs on it when (and if) I get my ppc board running again or one of the upcoming PPC solutions.
New MorphOS 0.4 Release : Comment 20 of 109ANN.lu
Posted by Nicolas Sallin on 15-Feb-2001 23:00 GMT
In reply to Comment 19 (Thomas Würgler):
Earth2140 doesn't work with MorphOS AFAIK
neither on a blizzppc nor on a cybppc
neither the 68k version nor the wos one
New MorphOS 0.4 Release : Comment 21 of 109ANN.lu
Posted by Anonymous on 15-Feb-2001 23:00 GMT
In reply to Comment 18 (Ralph Schmidt):
That's quite shocking really.
New MorphOS 0.4 Release : Comment 22 of 109ANN.lu
Posted by Menthos on 15-Feb-2001 23:00 GMT
In reply to Comment 18 (Ralph Schmidt):
Isn't it kind a lousy way to post that kind of comments here (public) when you don't want to explain why? If shit is happening keep it behind the curtain or move EVERYTHING to the surface! Posts with a message like "Hyperion is working against us and hate us but I won't tell anyone what they have done, just that they are soooo baaad!" is childish and should not be posted! Either you speak up all or you should keep quiet! The things inbetween just hurts the community... =(
Hey, this is just my opinion! Correct me if I'm wrong here.
Kindly regards
New MorphOS 0.4 Release : Comment 23 of 109ANN.lu
Posted by Ralph Schmidt on 15-Feb-2001 23:00 GMT
In reply to Comment 22 (Menthos):
Because of a trust relationship with others...
but well..there was a huge morphos thread here
after the fair in december where somebody posted
annonymous that we're just some hobby developers.
Compare the IP in that thread with the IP of
the Hyperion boss in the same thread.
The same arguments and other stuff happened
from that side in other channels for the sole
purpose to put us down and to push their & Partners.
But haven't they said that they are neutral
and that they only do what's best for the
New MorphOS 0.4 Release : Comment 24 of 109ANN.lu
Posted by Anonymous on 15-Feb-2001 23:00 GMT
In reply to Comment 23 (Ralph Schmidt):
I wonder how many other worthwhile Amiga-related projects have suffered similar mis-information by the "Partners".
New MorphOS 0.4 Release : Comment 25 of 109ANN.lu
Posted by Darrin on 15-Feb-2001 23:00 GMT
In reply to Comment 23 (Ralph Schmidt):
You mean his comments about your precious MorphOS were almost as bad as the comments you and your henchmen have made about the Mediator? Careful Ralf, your halo may slip.
At least Hyperion and H&P have delivered solid products. Apparently Phase5 had their own version of the Mediator years ago which they failed to release as the last thing they wanted was Amiga users with the ability to use cheap PCI cards instead of their expensive hardware. PCI for the A3k, A4k and A1200 several years ago would have resulted in a much larger existing user base today. What have you actually delivered to the Amiga community? Misinformation, community splits and an "interesting" example of a possible OS which runs for less time than Windows without crashing.
I have no problem with you "blowing your own trumpet", but why do you feel the need to attack some of the few producers left in this shrinking Amiga market? Perhaps you should get a girlfriend and let her "blow your trumpet" - it might make you more relaxed :) Try a trip to Hamburg with DM150 in your pocket if all else fails.
New MorphOS 0.4 Release : Comment 26 of 109ANN.lu
Posted by Anonymous on 15-Feb-2001 23:00 GMT
In reply to Comment 25 (Darrin):
Or amsterdam, ha ha
New MorphOS 0.4 Release : Comment 27 of 109ANN.lu
Posted by Thomas Würgler on 15-Feb-2001 23:00 GMT
In reply to Comment 20 (Nicolas Sallin):
It would seem then that the WarpUp emulation works less well than I hoped for :/ Oh well, I guess it will improve in time..
New MorphOS 0.4 Release : Comment 28 of 109ANN.lu
Posted by Darrin on 15-Feb-2001 23:00 GMT
In reply to Comment 26 (Anonymous):
I never made it to Amsterdam, but I've spent many a drunken weekend in Hamburg when I lived in Bergen. I award the Germans 10 out of 10 for nightlife :)
New MorphOS 0.4 Release : Comment 29 of 109ANN.lu
Posted by Nicolas Sallin on 16-Feb-2001 23:00 GMT
In reply to Comment 27 (Thomas Würgler):
if earth2140 doesn't work, it's not because of wosemu
even the 68k version crash
New MorphOS 0.4 Release : Comment 30 of 109ANN.lu
Posted by SimplePPC on 16-Feb-2001 23:00 GMT
In reply to Comment 23 (Ralph Schmidt):
Comparing IP's is indeed fun, unless they come from a university ofcourse.
New MorphOS 0.4 Release : Comment 31 of 109ANN.lu
Posted by Ralph Schmidt on 16-Feb-2001 23:00 GMT
In reply to Comment 25 (Darrin):
:You mean his comments about your precious MorphOS were almost as bad as the
:comments you and your henchmen have made about the Mediator? Careful Ralf, your
:halo may slip.
He hasn't talked about the product...he talked about its developers.
I'm quite sure that he hasn't even tried it ever.
My comments about Mediator were about its implementation limitations
and their obvious desinterest to licence sw they need and the reaction
of people about the whole deal.
(Even Hyperion people agreed about that on ann...surprisingly:-)
It gets pretty tiring to repeat myself the xth time about this issue
as it was discussed to death by now.
:At least Hyperion and H&P have delivered solid products. Apparently Phase5 had their
:own version of the Mediator years ago which they failed to release as the last thing they
Phase5 hadn't failed to release it because they never planned to
release it.
Phase5 wasn't in any Tower Amiga business..they only were interested
to test their pci chipset and get a working driver for the final ppc
card which must work in std 4000/1200 cases.
You probably think that this was a wrong decision...i may even agree
but what's the point here and now ? This isn't about Elbox or Phase5.
This was about saying something publicly and saying/doing the exact
opposite outside the public viewpoint.
:wanted was Amiga users with the ability to use cheap PCI cards instead of their
:expensive hardware. PCI for the A3k, A4k and A1200 several years ago would have
:resulted in a much larger existing user base today. What have you actually delivered to
And ?..So be it. I wasn't the owner of Phase5.
Neither do you have any idea about the financial situation of
the company at that time.
:the Amiga community? Misinformation, community splits and an "interesting"
You ? Who is you here ?
Misinformations about what ?
Do *you* have any more inside informations than I about the whole situation
at that time. Surely not...only 3rd hand informations.
Besides that...most left Amigausers use Phase5 HW and SW in their system
which kept the amiga market alive for the last 6-7 years so if it sucks
so badly you're free to remove it.
:example of a possible OS which runs for less time than Windows without crashing.
And ?..It's beta. I haven't seen a bug report yet by some Darrin where
he describes what crashes. We *really* appreciate detailed bugreports
and technical critism as they improve the product which should be also
in your interest..if your interest is to have a PPC AmigaOS.
This is a really honest paragraph:-)
:I have no problem with you "blowing your own trumpet", but why do you feel the need
:to attack some of the few producers left in this shrinking Amiga market? Perhaps you
Look..it would be such a nice life if Mr. Hermans wouldn't do his 2face
actions here and elsewhere concerning MorphOS.
Then i would have believed what he said in this thread but as his actions
collide with what he writes here publicly it has bothered me to document
this hypocracy.
:should get a girlfriend and let her "blow your trumpet" - it might make you more
:relaxed :) Try a trip to Hamburg with DM150 in your pocket if all else fails.
Where is the argument ?
New MorphOS 0.4 Release : Comment 32 of 109ANN.lu
Posted by Darrin on 16-Feb-2001 23:00 GMT
In reply to Comment 31 (Ralph Schmidt):
<:You mean his comments about your precious MorphOS were almost as bad as the
:comments you and your henchmen have made about the Mediator? Careful Ralf, your
:halo may slip.
He hasn't talked about the product...he talked about its developers.
I'm quite sure that he hasn't even tried it ever.
My comments about Mediator were about its implementation limitations
and their obvious desinterest to licence sw they need and the reaction
of people about the whole deal.
(Even Hyperion people agreed about that on ann...surprisingly:-)
It gets pretty tiring to repeat myself the xth time about this issue
as it was discussed to death by now.>
Your comments on certain limitations were WRONG. I haven't seen a retraction of them yet. I believe, like a lot of people, that Elbox have done nothing wrong with the driver situation and it is the responibility of the Mediator user who also uses Picasso96 (rather than CGX) to register P96 and pay the registration fee - so cough up you cheap gits and pay!!! :) And I agree with you - it's DEFINATELY been discussed to death...
<:At least Hyperion and H&P have delivered solid products. Apparently Phase5 had their
:own version of the Mediator years ago which they failed to release as the last thing they
Phase5 hadn't failed to release it because they never planned to
release it.
Phase5 wasn't in any Tower Amiga business..they only were interested
to test their pci chipset and get a working driver for the final ppc
card which must work in std 4000/1200 cases.
You probably think that this was a wrong decision...i may even agree
but what's the point here and now ? This isn't about Elbox or Phase5.
This was about saying something publicly and saying/doing the exact
opposite outside the public viewpoint.>
Yes, but they did develop it so someone, somewhere in the company saw a market for it or they wouldn't have wasted the R&D costs. And how did anyone expect to jam a PCI card interface into a standard A1200 case? Come on - it's a major undertaking to fit a 3.5" hard drive.
<:wanted was Amiga users with the ability to use cheap PCI cards instead of their
:expensive hardware. PCI for the A3k, A4k and A1200 several years ago would have
:resulted in a much larger existing user base today. What have you actually delivered to
And ?..So be it. I wasn't the owner of Phase5.
Neither do you have any idea about the financial situation of
the company at that time.>
Very true - I don't know their financial situation, but it may have been a hell of a lot better if they sold a Phase5 PCI card/cheap PCI graphics card bundle.
<:the Amiga community? Misinformation, community splits and an "interesting"
You ? Who is you here ?
Misinformations about what ?
Do *you* have any more inside informations than I about the whole situation
at that time. Surely not...only 3rd hand informations.
Besides that...most left Amigausers use Phase5 HW and SW in their system
which kept the amiga market alive for the last 6-7 years so if it sucks
so badly you're free to remove it.>
The "You" is "You". According to your previous statements, the Mediator wouldn't work, but it obviously does - despite your very informative and technical aguments to the contrary. Never mind - according to the laws of physics and aerodynamics the bumble bee should be able to fly either.
I didn't (and never will) say that Phase5 products "suck" - I am the proud owner of 2 Phase5 boards and they still work perfectly. I was sorry to see Phase5 go to the wall too - nobody likes to see a company fold unless they're a rip off merchant and nobody can say that of Phase5.
<:example of a possible OS which runs for less time than Windows without crashing.
And ?..It's beta. I haven't seen a bug report yet by some Darrin where
he describes what crashes. We *really* appreciate detailed bugreports
and technical critism as they improve the product which should be also
in your interest..if your interest is to have a PPC AmigaOS.
This is a really honest paragraph:-)>
I know it's beta - which is exactly my point. When you deliver an Alpha version then feel free to attack your competition. Personally I'd like to see a PPC Amiga OS, however I wan't it "official" and called OS4.0. As far as I can see there should be no reason for MorphOS to be released as OS4.0 as long as you swallow your pride and ensure that MorphOS has perfect WarpOS compatibility AND runs the software of firms on your hit-list with no "hidden code" designed to take them out with creative Gurus. :)
<:I have no problem with you "blowing your own trumpet", but why do you feel the need
:to attack some of the few producers left in this shrinking Amiga market? Perhaps you
Look..it would be such a nice life if Mr. Hermans wouldn't do his 2face
actions here and elsewhere concerning MorphOS.
Then i would have believed what he said in this thread but as his actions
collide with what he writes here publicly it has bothered me to document
this hypocracy.>
So come on - tell us exactly what's going on... pleeezzze!!! :)
<:should get a girlfriend and let her "blow your trumpet" - it might make you more
:relaxed :) Try a trip to Hamburg with DM150 in your pocket if all else fails.
Where is the argument ?>
There is no argument here - it's a statement of fact. Better still, take Ben with you, find some high class strip joint, get drunk on Grolsh while some old slapper rams a buzzing plastic phallus where only Customs Men dare to probe. You might find you both have something in common (like the Amiga) and you may actually like each other. It's just a thought...
New MorphOS 0.4 Release : Comment 33 of 109ANN.lu
Posted by Mike Bouma on 16-Feb-2001 23:00 GMT
Please people don`t over-react. :(
In my opinion Phase5 was THE most important and best 3rd party company within the Amiga community during the last years of their existance. They deserve a lot of credit for the things they had accomplished despite financial hardships. They made some mistakes but H&P also made some major mistakes. :(
Hyperion Software has some amazing developers within their team, certainly one of the few remaining Gems within the community.
Certain things have happened and we can`t change history. The only thing we can do is learn from our mistakes and hopefully work together. Many of the things which happened can be blamed on the lack of clear leadership within the Amiga community. I look at Amiga Inc provide us with a strong leadership once again. :)
Sincerely, Mike Bouma.
AmigaRing http://www.stormloader.com/amiga
New MorphOS 0.4 Release : Comment 34 of 109ANN.lu
Posted by Ben Yoris on 16-Feb-2001 23:00 GMT
In reply to Comment 29 (Nicolas Sallin):
My dear Neness :)
Earth 2140 never crashed in 68k or PPC mode here.
Maybe a problem of configuration ? A faulty hardware ?
That's strange because neither the 2 demos nor the game crashed AT ALL here.
See you soon my Neness !
New MorphOS 0.4 Release : Comment 35 of 109ANN.lu
Posted by Kal-L on 16-Feb-2001 23:00 GMT
In reply to Comment 33 (Mike Bouma):
I could not have said this better than you. Partnership between all Majors in Amiga World could bring some very great things.
And please, why does everyone feel like attacking each other? This won't make things go further and what's more, this will scare many of us who won't be willing to stay on the Amiga.
See Ya
New MorphOS 0.4 Release : Comment 36 of 109ANN.lu
Posted by Steffan Katz on 16-Feb-2001 23:00 GMT
Hyperion should certainly clarify their position.
Why are they spreading rubbish about MorphOS in secret and taking a different position in public?
This kind of hypocracy is disgusting, they owe some people an explanation.
New MorphOS 0.4 Release : Comment 37 of 109ANN.lu
Posted by Ralph Schmidt on 16-Feb-2001 23:00 GMT
In reply to Comment 32 (Darrin):
The bankswitching problem i described isn't wrong when you have a gfxcard
with a framebuffer which is bankswitched and access it directly from
the PPC side and from the 68k side at the same time.
The bankswitching problem is there for direct framebuffer accesses from
the 68k when the mmu isn't used.
This is not a trivial issue.
And everybody can write a test program testing these things.
(Afaik Elbox avoids the issue at the moment by only mapping 8MB
of the 16MB Voodoo3 framebuffer)
Only because you or others haven't experienced problems yet
doesn't mean there isn't this race condition nobody can handle.
2) The PCI board Phase5 has made contains the same chips you see on a
There is just some slot on it instead of the permedia stuff.
This isn't just some PCI sample card to test a PCI bus card
which Phase5 hasn't planned to produce.
(The BVision fits into the 1200 desktop)
I thought i had already explained that clearly in my last
:The "You" is "You". According to your previous statements, the Mediator wouldn't work, but it obviously does - despite
:your very informative and technical aguments to the contrary. Never mind - according to the laws of physics and
:aerodynamics the bumble bee should be able to fly either.
I explained *where* it can't work correctly...where its design limitations
are. Is that so difficult to handle ?
These aren't misinformations as you can prove them technically.
:I know it's beta - which is exactly my point. When you deliver an Alpha
:version then feel free to attack your competition. Personally I'd like to see a
Oops..they are suddenly my competition ? Why ?
I don't produce games, they don't wanna produce an
OS which runs amiga 68k/ppc binaries.
Haven't they always said that they are neutral ?
Got it now ?
When Mr. Hermans interpretes that his company is in
competition to us i have no problem with that...he
should just say it publicly and not act that way
below the surface and make a nice face here.
It would make the whole situation a lot simpler as
everybody can see who is supporting who for what
:PPC Amiga OS, however I wan't it "official" and called OS4.0. As far as I can
:see there should be no reason for MorphOS to be released as OS4.0 as long as
:you swallow your pride and ensure that MorphOS has perfect WarpOS
:compatibility AND runs the software of firms on your hit-list with no
:"hidden code" designed to take them out with creative Gurus. :)
Oh well...
New MorphOS 0.4 Release : Comment 38 of 109ANN.lu
Posted by Ben Hermans/Hyperion on 16-Feb-2001 23:00 GMT
In reply to Comment 37 (Ralph Schmidt):
Ralph, I really don't have a clue as to what you are talking about.
We obviously are not in competition with MorphOS because we don't produce any operating systems, just games and 1 application.
My main worry about MorphOS in the past was the fact that our stuff wouldn't run on it and that this would further shrink the already tiny Amiga market.
And as you know, and I will also be repeating myself here, we could not officially support MorphOS because of legal reasons: MorphOS is not Amiga OS so we could not code specifically for it without getting sued all over the place by our licensors.
Moreover, development cost would be hiked up further if we would have had to move our entire code-base over to MorphOS from WarpOS/Warp3D. In essence, we would have to support the same number of users with two different versions of our games.
This would have made it economically even more impossible to continue Amiga support.
I believe these are valid concerns.
Now you seem to have a working WarpOS emulator which means our games will run on MorphOS.
Case closed I would say. As long as your emulator works and I have no reason to doubt that at this point, users can buy and enjoy our product without us having to spend extra time on development.
Perhaps you would care to go into more detail about your conspiracy theories?
New MorphOS 0.4 Release : Comment 39 of 109ANN.lu
Posted by Thomas Frieden on 16-Feb-2001 23:00 GMT
In reply to Comment 36 (Steffan Katz):
Sorry to interrupt, but please tell me where anybody of Hyperion has spread "rubbish" about MorphOS.
New MorphOS 0.4 Release : Comment 40 of 109ANN.lu
Posted by Ralph Schmidt on 16-Feb-2001 23:00 GMT
In reply to Comment 38 (Ben Hermans/Hyperion):
Read Comment 15 of 64...remember the IP number...
Read Comment 18 of 64...compare the IP number
and look at the name who wrote it.
The same arguments came from Mr. Hermans to other commercial
parties. People involved on that level know them exactly.
New MorphOS 0.4 Release : Comment 41 of 109ANN.lu
Posted by Mike on 16-Feb-2001 23:00 GMT
>And as you know, and I will also be repeating myself here, we could not
>officially support MorphOS because of legal reasons: MorphOS is not
>Amiga OS so we could not code specifically for it without getting sued
>all over the place by our licensors.
In the same case WarpOs isn`t AmigaOs it was never official that Amiga goes
to WarpOS that means you do already illegal ports ;)
New MorphOS 0.4 Release : Comment 42 of 109ANN.lu
Posted by Darrin on 16-Feb-2001 23:00 GMT
In reply to Comment 40 (Ralph Schmidt):
Rubbish? I see no rubbish - Ben obviously feels you are a hobby coder and MorphOS (as it was then - with no WarpOS support AND a statement that there would be no WarpOS support) would be of little practical value. You obviously agree with the latter part of this because you have finally implemented WarpOS support which has been gratefully acknowledged by Hyperion. From a lot of the comments read here we can also clearly see that the community appreciate the inclusion of WarpOS into MorphOS too. OK, so posting the offending remark without including a name is kind of cheap - but perhaps Ben just "forgot" to enter his name and email address (?) - I've done it and I'm sure lots of others have too - after all I'm sure noone on this site is dumb enough to think they can hide who they are when their IP address is clearly stamped next to each comment... surely not!!! :)
New MorphOS 0.4 Release : Comment 43 of 109ANN.lu
Posted by victor # on 16-Feb-2001 23:00 GMT
In reply to Comment 41 (Mike):
It was officially supported by AInc., and it's now even shipped/integrated with OS3.5/3.9 ..
New MorphOS 0.4 Release : Comment 44 of 109ANN.lu
Posted by Ben Yoris on 16-Feb-2001 23:00 GMT
In reply to Comment 41 (Mike):
I doubt that Ben Hermans, being a lawyer would make such a big mistake.
Then, WarpOS is not an OS it's the kernel officially attached to AmigaOS so that PPC applications can run.
Thus, our ports are perfectly legal.
And if you have doubts about myself, please consider that I also have a lawyer formation.
That doesn't make us better or being right in everything we do/say, but I least we know what Hyperion is doing.
Bye !
New MorphOS 0.4 Release : Comment 45 of 109ANN.lu
Posted by victor # on 16-Feb-2001 23:00 GMT
In reply to Comment 37 (Ralph Schmidt):
Elbox says 8MB is enough for the display, the remaining memory on GFX cards can be used to store textures (for 3D), accessed only by upload-time (then even by interrupt-bypass).
New MorphOS 0.4 Release : Comment 46 of 109ANN.lu
Posted by Mike on 16-Feb-2001 23:00 GMT
In reply to Comment 37 (Ralph Schmidt):
2) The PCI board Phase5 has made contains the same chips you see on a
There is just some slot on it instead of the permedia stuff.
This isn't just some PCI sample card to test a PCI bus card
which Phase5 hasn't planned to produce.
(The BVision fits into the 1200 desktop)
I thought i had already explained that clearly in my last
If that's actually what they/you were thinking, they were pretty ignorant, weren't they? While the BVision might "fit" in the A1200 case, it certainly won't WORK in a stock A1200 (at least not for very long), due to the VERY OBVIOUS power and heating concerns.
New MorphOS 0.4 Release : Comment 47 of 109ANN.lu
Posted by Liluh on 16-Feb-2001 23:00 GMT
Well, I suppose that spoofing IP is also possible?
New MorphOS 0.4 Release : Comment 48 of 109ANN.lu
Posted by Mark Olsen on 16-Feb-2001 23:00 GMT
In reply to Comment 47 (Liluh):
Sure, you can spoof the source IP for your packet, but that doesn't help much when you have to recieve data too, which is needed to establish a TCP connection. Anyways, if someone could spoof his address just to be evil, don't you think the person would leave the name also?
New MorphOS 0.4 Release : Comment 49 of 109ANN.lu
Posted by victor # on 16-Feb-2001 23:00 GMT
In reply to Comment 46 (Mike):
And also blind if they really didn't seen the market-possibility and the need..
New MorphOS 0.4 Release : Comment 50 of 109ANN.lu
Posted by Thomas Frieden on 16-Feb-2001 23:00 GMT
In reply to Comment 40 (Ralph Schmidt):
Ralph, you should acknowledge that somebody might forget to insert his name and email address. It happened to you in this thread as well. I don't think that was any bad will from you, and it surely wasn't bad will from Ben in the older thread, just a mistake...
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