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[News] x86 modules for akMPEGANN.lu
Posted on 05-Jul-2002 18:57 GMT by Andreas Kleinert6 comments
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I've done some x86 elf plugins and other optimizations for akMPEG now, with Amithlon in the mind. On my Athlon 1800 it's now possible to achieve better audio/video results than I previously could with any PPC card. Also, some questions on x86 plugins were answered here
x86 modules for akMPEG : Comment 1 of 6ANN.lu
Posted by Ole-Egil on 05-Jul-2002 18:31 GMT
I would hope your athlon 1800 is faster than any ppc card you have tested. If it wasn't, I would SERIOUSLY consider chucking the athlon out the window ;-)
However, I'm curious as to whether you can use 3d-now or sse from within Amithlon? I'm starting to miss having a vector unit on the G3...
x86 modules for akMPEG : Comment 2 of 6ANN.lu
Posted by cOrpse on 05-Jul-2002 18:33 GMT
"On my Athlon 1800 it's now possible to achieve better audio/video results than I previously could with any PPC card."
Hmmm old 240mhz max ppc vs an athlon 1800 , its not hard to see whos going to win that race :P. Good work btw.
x86 modules for akMPEG : Comment 3 of 6ANN.lu
Posted by Andreas Kleinert on 05-Jul-2002 18:38 GMT
Well, 90% still runs in the emulation and the JIT already was faster than PPC when there were no x86 native plugins at all.
x86 modules for akMPEG : Comment 4 of 6ANN.lu
Posted by Mike Veroukis on 05-Jul-2002 19:08 GMT
In reply to Comment 3 (Andreas Kleinert):
Good job!
Could you comment on how easy/hard it is to write x86 code for the Amithlon? Is it as simple as re-compiling with different settings? Curious programmer...
- Mike
x86 modules for akMPEG : Comment 5 of 6ANN.lu
Posted by pixie on 05-Jul-2002 21:45 GMT
In reply to Comment 4 (Mike Veroukis):
I would only wish that every answer given here were so clearly exposed as yours... because it's a question taken from the simplest rules of journalism: 'keep it simple stupid'!
Good one, wish I was the one who made it! :)
pixie -writing from a paradise called portugal
x86 modules for akMPEG : Comment 6 of 6ANN.lu
Posted by Andreas Kleinert on 06-Jul-2002 06:07 GMT
In reply to Comment 4 (Mike Veroukis):
First of all: interested people should download it again, since 5.03 had the ELF loader disabled accidentally. Works in 5.04 (exe version string).
Regarding your question:
The ELF plugins took me only one day, and most of the time was spent checking
alternatives, getting familar with the compiler includes, finding some initial workarounds and tweaking GCC/nasm options under Linux.
I'd say, if you have the basic framework and know which routines you'd like to have x86 native,
it's a 1-2 hour job - including debugging - to for example make a DCT or dithering routine x86 native.
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