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[News] Bill McEwen, CEO/President of Amiga, Inc. will attend AmiWestANN.lu
Posted on 29-Apr-2003 21:07 GMT by Peter Gordon167 comments
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Bill McEwen has posted a very short press release explaining that he'll attend the AmiWest show. Click here to see.
Bill McEwen, CEO/President of Amiga, Inc. will attend AmiWest : Comment 51 of 167ANN.lu
Posted by dammy on 30-Apr-2003 05:07 GMT
In reply to Comment 50 (Remco Komduur):
Then why didn't Bill denounce the card as a fake? Why hasn't Bill announced this new Amiga Inc employee, Garry Hare and his position with Amiga Inc? Lots of questions, but unfortunetly, little answers coming out of Amiga Inc.

Bill McEwen, CEO/President of Amiga, Inc. will attend AmiWest : Comment 52 of 167ANN.lu
Posted by Cyber2th on 30-Apr-2003 05:10 GMT
In reply to Comment 29 (Warrent):
Warrent stated in msg 26 the following:

"Wow, that is a great point and myabe the sad part of all of this, who does one trust???"

There's a simple answer to this, and it's been given time and time again by those with a penchant for sanity, and that answer is as follows:

*** NO ONE ***

[re-read it, all you cattle & trolls out there in TV land]

Forget all this crap you read, forget every word that any serious developer of hardware writes in this or any other forum (unless it is a hardware/software announcement and/or about the status of an actual product), and most certainly avoid the verbal diarrhea dispensed by those who categorize themselves in any "camp".

When you see a product you can order and within a reasonable amount of time actually hold in your hand, THEN believe Amiga Inc or Genesi. Otherwise, anything they say herein means DICK.

Sidenote: I find myself agreeing with "anon" in msg 36, and coincidentally with most of what Bill Hoggett's stated in this waste of time rant. There are important issues to be resolved, but they aren't what he's stated.

Both these nitwit companies need to get off their asses and put out working products.

And yes, that means MorphOS, too, since I know quite a few people with Pegasos systems that bitch about how this or that still doesn't work. Here's a clue, that may be what "industry popular" M$ considers "working" but not the Ah-mee-guh Kommunity.

On the other front, Amiga Inc - we're waiting. Get it done, already.

Y'see folks, you've all forgotten the common denominator here in these B&M sessions (bitch and moan): It will be YOUR currency that determines which of these companies lives or dies. If either company wastes their time in forums with nonsensical "questions [that don't get answered] of the week" or "business card scandals" they lose credibility. PERIOD. That equates to loss of profit. So when the time comes that all the products we've been waiting for are out and fully working, THAT will be the time to express your true opinion of their antics - with cold, hard cash (or the lack thereof).

"Stay alert! Trust no one! Keep your blaster handy!" [Paranoia RPG]
Bill McEwen, CEO/President of Amiga, Inc. will attend AmiWest : Comment 53 of 167ANN.lu
Posted by SlimJim on 30-Apr-2003 05:31 GMT
In reply to Comment 25 (Bill Hoggett):
@Bill Hoggett

> ----------------------------------------

> The burden of explanation for the circumstances around that business card
> (which is very interesting by its very existance)


> lies now firmly at the guy handing it out and/or Bill Buck (if he should
> choose to pursue this further).

So, according to your interpretation, Amiga Inc have categorically denied the possibility that the card is genuine, and it is their position that they have no knowledge about it, yes? Just so there's no confusion, you see.
> ------------------------------------------------------

They have not categorically denied the possibility of the card being genuine, no
(there have been claims in the forums of it being faked, but I cannot beleive
that - it would be so sad it's unbelievable). But whereas the existance of said
card is interesting, I don't think they can be any more clearer than saying that
McEwen IS still CEO - that was what asked of them to confirm.

Look,it might well be that Hare will eventually become CEO, but he isn't right
now, like has been claimed ("Bill McEwen is gone" and all that). When/if that
comes to be (judging from what has been said about the guy, it sounds dubious
for him to take on (salary-wise) a company in such reportedly dire straights as
Amiga, but I've really no idea.), Amiga will announce that normally, if that
should happen. If there had indeed been a (secret?) change of CEO at AInc we
could "demand" knowing about it. But since it hasn't (stated firmly by AInc), we
are actually *too early* in demanding info (assuming such an announcment
is coming at all).
That's why any further explanations, if any, should be from Garry Hare (will
most probably be handled internally within AInc) and/or Bill Buck if he decides
to pursue this (and it would be wisest he didn't, but...).
Bill McEwen, CEO/President of Amiga, Inc. will attend AmiWest : Comment 54 of 167ANN.lu
Posted by Remco Komduur on 30-Apr-2003 05:45 GMT
In reply to Comment 51 (dammy):
Is that usefull?

Amiga Inc. did exactly enough to the stupid rumours on the news-sites and forums and I for one hope they don't say anything more about it.

Responding to every silly rumour in this community would be a day job in itself. Garry Hare could just be a prodeo CEO for Amiga( a second CEO being a helpfull). That's one of a number of possibilities. His possition doesn't matter to me. Bill McEwen is CEO and president!

Amiga are doing the sensible thing. A sensible somment on the site and then continue with what they are doing. The same BB should do and should have done by his own statement a few months ago.
Bill McEwen, CEO/President of Amiga, Inc. will attend AmiWest : Comment 55 of 167ANN.lu
Posted by Delco on 30-Apr-2003 06:02 GMT
In reply to Comment 50 (Remco Komduur):
You may think you're being loyal, but soon you'll look at what you just said and realise you have poisoned the well. You've got nothing to lose by waiting for an announcement... but think of how hard you're making it for Amiga to make that announcement.

It's difficult to make an announcement when all your loyal fans have expressed the opinion that what you're about to anounce is terrible. Why would it be terrible? Garry may have a whole different opinion. Will you stop being loyal if he does? Give the guy a break.
Bill McEwen, CEO/President of Amiga, Inc. will attend AmiWest : Comment 56 of 167ANN.lu
Posted by Peter Gordon on 30-Apr-2003 06:08 GMT
Hahaha this is so funny. Keep it up guys! ANN hasn't been this entertaining for a while!
Bill McEwen, CEO/President of Amiga, Inc. will attend AmiWest : Comment 57 of 167ANN.lu
Posted by CyberZorro on 30-Apr-2003 06:09 GMT
What i don't get is why some of you seem to be happy that McEwen is still CEO apart from BBs intentions. In my opinion a new CEO could not do anything worse than McEwen did in the past years. What is so special about this guy? He could not reach one of is goals, his Company commited nothing to the community but words. So everybody schould be happy if something changes in AInc's management.
Bill McEwen, CEO/President of Amiga, Inc. will attend AmiWest : Comment 58 of 167ANN.lu
Posted by Remco Komduur on 30-Apr-2003 06:19 GMT
In reply to Comment 55 (Delco):
You are missing the complete and utter point!

I am not against a new CEO. Garry Hare sounds great by what Fleecy said and if you consider his resume, he would indeed be good at it.
If he allready did something to get in touch with the community, great!

If this was all done in a sane sensible way, there wouldn't have been any problem. And that's the problem( I allready said what that problem was as did many more people).
Bill McEwen, CEO/President of Amiga, Inc. will attend AmiWest : Comment 59 of 167ANN.lu
Posted by tonya on 30-Apr-2003 06:51 GMT
In reply to Comment 58 (Remco Komduur):
just as a small mind banger , there is now sold 3 times as many a1's as there is sold pegasos's , and it wont slow down it seems ..even with this bizarre act by billB to stop it.

maybe amigainc changes ceo tomorrow , maybe not but still genesi have NO product to sell , mos is bundled with pegasos and pegasos is STOPPED and discontinued.

anyway this is just what i was afraid of, and exactly why i didnt toss any money into the pegasos , but then again i did toss money into the a1.... but i am sure it will make me happy when i get os4..
atleast a1 aint claimed dead yet.
Bill McEwen, CEO/President of Amiga, Inc. will attend AmiWest : Comment 60 of 167ANN.lu
Posted by hooligan/dcs on 30-Apr-2003 06:56 GMT
Well it will be nice to resurrect the old trusty Peg1 to Peg2 in upcoming months
Bill McEwen, CEO/President of Amiga, Inc. will attend AmiWest : Comment 61 of 167ANN.lu
Posted by Kronos on 30-Apr-2003 07:02 GMT
In reply to Comment 59 (tonya):
1800 A1s sold ?

Nice fairy-tale ......
Bill McEwen, CEO/President of Amiga, Inc. will attend AmiWest : Comment 62 of 167ANN.lu
Posted by JoannaK on 30-Apr-2003 07:11 GMT
In reply to Comment 59 (tonya):
Well.. this is way of topic but.. where did you find that info?

"just as a small mind banger , there is now sold 3 times as many a1's as there is sold pegasos's "

I can't remember Eyetech aver announcing sales/delivery numbers to public. So if those are somewhere I'd like to have a look.

Without that, I'll consider your comment a wishfull whinking ... :)
Bill McEwen, CEO/President of Amiga, Inc. will attend AmiWest : Comment 63 of 167ANN.lu
Posted by Turrican on 30-Apr-2003 07:32 GMT
[Quote from Bill Buck's post]
What we have presented here is exactly as it has been discussed with us.

What is the big fuss about? Amiga Inc. was headed for disaster. The main shareholders have stepped in and are now going to clean things up.
[/Quote from Bill Buck's post]

I don't think Bill Buck lied about the whole issue. As a matter of fact I believe what he says is valid and that the "famous buisness card" is real.

I don't think that Fleecy lied either, but he intentionaly did not denied the excistance of the "famous buisness card" and did not explain (if exists), why it writes "Chairman/CEO".

Overall I think that this should not "shadow" the fact that Genesi has two (2) great products (Pegasos, MorphOS), great support to everybody wants to get involved and vision for the future of we call Amiga.
A possible cooperation of AI with Genesi (even with some "cleaning up"!) would be very good for both sides and the platform IMHO.
Bill McEwen, CEO/President of Amiga, Inc. will attend AmiWest : Comment 64 of 167ANN.lu
Posted by Peter Gordon on 30-Apr-2003 07:46 GMT
In reply to Comment 63 (Turrican):
hmmm. I'm not really on anybody's "side", i'm really only following this for its entertainment value, but I should point out that he said that AInc's shareholders have "sacked" Bill and Fleecy, and they don't appear to be very sacked, at least.

Not that any of this really matters.
Bill McEwen, CEO/President of Amiga, Inc. will attend AmiWest : Comment 65 of 167ANN.lu
Posted by Anonymous on 30-Apr-2003 07:47 GMT
In reply to Comment 63 (Turrican):
[[Overall I think that this should not "shadow" the fact that Genesi has two (2) great products (Pegasos, MorphOS)]]

Yeah so great that the pegasos is no longer in production.
Bill McEwen, CEO/President of Amiga, Inc. will attend AmiWest : Comment 66 of 167ANN.lu
Posted by samface on 30-Apr-2003 07:50 GMT
In reply to Comment 51 (dammy):
> Then why didn't Bill denounce the card as a fake? Why hasn't Bill announced
> this new Amiga Inc employee, Garry Hare and his position with Amiga Inc? Lots
> of questions, but unfortunetly, little answers coming out of Amiga Inc.

I dislike arguing with you Dammy but this I simply cannot restrain myself from replying to. You see, it really doesn't matter if the card is fake or not since Bill Buck did not only talk about the card, he also claimed that Bill McEwan had been sacked, that he was gone. This statement from Bill McEwan himself on Amiga Inc.'s corporate website clearly denies this which makes it obvious that Bill Buck was spreading false information.

Now, the *real* question is; was this intentional or not? What is your excuse, mr Buck?
Bill McEwen, CEO/President of Amiga, Inc. will attend AmiWest : Comment 67 of 167ANN.lu
Posted by tonya on 30-Apr-2003 08:08 GMT
In reply to Comment 66 (samface):
one thing is for sure about this, bigmouted billbuck has closed his mouth, yes he have, have anyone seen anything from him in the forums since sunday?

i guess he finally got his lips tied up aswell (like the others).

also to all who says stuff like genesi wans in on the aos deal, well think back some months, genesi said quite open that amiga and genesi aint competitors , genesi will work their own way, so what is all ths about? ..sounds like all my assumptions was cORRECT!!

genesi wants Amiga and the products, now thats atleast 100% for sure, billbuck you should answer to this post asap or else we all will know u are hiding something (or yourself :I)
Bill McEwen, CEO/President of Amiga, Inc. will attend AmiWest : Comment 68 of 167ANN.lu
Posted by Lando on 30-Apr-2003 08:10 GMT
In reply to Comment 59 (tonya):
>there is now sold 3 times as many a1's as there is sold pegasos's

Bill McEwen, CEO/President of Amiga, Inc. will attend AmiWest : Comment 69 of 167ANN.lu
Posted by Anonymous on 30-Apr-2003 08:14 GMT
I would indeed welcome a cooperation between Amiga Inc and the Pegasos team. The more platforms OS4 will run on the better. If a change in leadership is needed for that to happen, so be it. Maybe that would finally end (or at least diminish) the senseless bickering.
Bill McEwen, CEO/President of Amiga, Inc. will attend AmiWest : Comment 70 of 167ANN.lu
Posted by bbrv on 30-Apr-2003 08:35 GMT
Well it seems the issue took a life of its own created a few fireworks! In any case, we kicked the dead body and it seems as though it is still breathing...;-)

Of course, the Amiga Community is still alive and vibrant as ever!!! :-D

Anyway, read this www.osnews.com/comment.php?news_id=3414&offset=33&rows=34 and have a great May 1st everyone!

Best regards,
Raquel and Bill

P.S. We will be taking a few days to relax after last weekend...;-)
Bill McEwen, CEO/President of Amiga, Inc. will attend AmiWest : Comment 71 of 167ANN.lu
Posted by Turrican on 30-Apr-2003 08:40 GMT
In reply to Comment 67 (tonya):

"well think back some months, genesi said quite open that amiga and genesi aint competitors , genesi will work their own way, so what is all ths about? ..sounds like all my assumptions was cORRECT!!

genesi wants Amiga and the products, now thats atleast 100% for sure, billbuck you should answer to this post asap or else we all will know u are hiding something (or yourself :I)"

Well they still say this even today! Just see a few quotes from the "famous buisness card" thread between Bill Buck and SlimJim:


[SlimJim] I have no problem per se with you (theorethically) taking control over AOS. I have no reason to dislike you or anything silly like that. But I would be
concerned about the future of AOS4. I simply cannot see how you could push more
than two OS:es at once, especially if you want to make use of the Amiga brand
recognintion (which I suppose is the main prize here). One of the "next-gen"
OS:es, or part of OS would have to go. It will be a mess and will tear the last
bits of this community to pieces, I fear.


[Bill Buck] Hi SlimJim, there has been enough "tearing" already. We hope all the trolls will just stop now. It is time to build up this community again.

Just to make things clear: we have NEVER been against OS4, just like we are not against AROS, OpenBSD, DebianPPC, NewOS, Gentoo, SuSE, and now OpenBeOS (all these groups have at least one Pegasos!). We just have a hardware, operating system, application software package based on MorphOS and the Pegasos. That is our #1 Priority, but all the other operating systems are interesting for us too as they work with the Pegasos and whatever comes after -- the Pegasos II, the STB, the eclipsis, etc. That is the reason we have been so supportive of Phoenix, because we knew everyone would not want to be "Genesi."

There is plenty of room for everyone and every ambition!


[SlimJim] "Merging the two OS:s" huh?

And you think that would be a clinical and painless process without influence from
personal preferences, politics and old grudges coming to the surface, do you? At
one point, they have to choose one thing before the other. Swords will become
unsheathed, mark my words.


[Bill Buck] SlimJim...MorphOS is MorphOS and WILL NOT be AmigaOS anything! We do not want that. It can and will run old Amiga applications, but it is and will be MorphOS. Please do not read too much into the above discussion. Your fears are NOT well founded.

When we have fancy boxes for the Pegasos II someday we might have all the operating systems logos that can run on the platform printed on the box and one of them might be OS4. That is all.

Our MAIN strength is the hardware, operating system and applications in ONE intellectual property package. The Pegasos becomes a development platform and MorphOS is and will be our priority, but AGAIN there is room for many others!


See? Genesi would benefit from AOS 4 (and most importantlly the Amiga brand) on their Pegasos, but this is not like MOS = AOS or Pegasos = AmigaOne.
Bill McEwen, CEO/President of Amiga, Inc. will attend AmiWest : Comment 72 of 167ANN.lu
Posted by bbrv on 30-Apr-2003 08:52 GMT
In reply to Comment 71 (Turrican):
Turrican, thanks for re-posting that. Maybe it will sink in this time...;-)

Bill McEwen, CEO/President of Amiga, Inc. will attend AmiWest : Comment 73 of 167ANN.lu
Posted by samface on 30-Apr-2003 08:55 GMT
In reply to Comment 70 (bbrv):
>In any case, we kicked the dead body and it seems as though it is still

Should we interpret this as you did it just to see how Amiga Inc. would react? Where you hoping that they wouldn't respond (as in the dead body would remain dead after beeing kicked)? I'm sorry but I wouldn't even purchase a candybar from a business man acting like you, not even if there was no other candybars available in the whole world.
Bill McEwen, CEO/President of Amiga, Inc. will attend AmiWest : Comment 74 of 167ANN.lu
Posted by takemehomegrandma on 30-Apr-2003 08:57 GMT
In reply to Comment 59 (tonya):
> atleast a1 aint claimed dead yet.

The A1 hasn't come alive *as an Amiga* yet (I hope it will though)! It's born, but it resides in an incubator, breathing linux. I hope that will change soon, so you can use your A1 mobos as they were meant to be used (as Amigas). But you are wrong when you call the Pegasos "dead". My Pegasos is certainly not dead, and I am using it in the way I want to (as an "Amiga")! Have fun (I have)!
Bill McEwen, CEO/President of Amiga, Inc. will attend AmiWest : Comment 75 of 167ANN.lu
Posted by samface on 30-Apr-2003 08:58 GMT
In reply to Comment 71 (Turrican):
[Bill Buck]: We hope all the trolls will just stop now.

ROTFL!!! You, my man, is the chieftain troll.
Bill McEwen, CEO/President of Amiga, Inc. will attend AmiWest : Comment 76 of 167ANN.lu
Posted by bbrv on 30-Apr-2003 09:05 GMT
In reply to Comment 75 (samface):
Oh thanks Slammy! Coming from you that is a real complement!!!

Bill McEwen, CEO/President of Amiga, Inc. will attend AmiWest : Comment 77 of 167ANN.lu
Posted by Fabio Alemagna on 30-Apr-2003 09:17 GMT
In reply to Comment 64 (Peter Gordon):
> hmmm. I'm not really on anybody's "side", i'm really only following this for
> its entertainment value, but I should point out that he said that AInc's
> shareholders have "sacked" Bill and Fleecy, and they don't appear to be very
> sacked, at least.

Nitpicking just for the sake of it, aren't you? It's easy to quote ONE word out of context, and then claim BB is the culprit. Just read when the guy you answered to has quoted, and say if THAT is a lie.
Bill McEwen, CEO/President of Amiga, Inc. will attend AmiWest : Comment 78 of 167ANN.lu
Posted by samface on 30-Apr-2003 09:30 GMT
In reply to Comment 76 (bbrv):
Well, I really have nothing to say about your subjective view on things. What I'm questioning here is your objectivity; your way of claiming to know the "truth" about your competitors.
Bill McEwen, CEO/President of Amiga, Inc. will attend AmiWest : Comment 79 of 167ANN.lu
Posted by Peter Gordon on 30-Apr-2003 09:30 GMT
In reply to Comment 77 (Fabio Alemagna):
The quote "...shareholders have stepped in..."? Well, I don't know whether anybody stepped in to clear up anything, so I can't comment on that exact quote, however i'm sure sacking was mentioned elsewhere, and that much appears to be false. That was all i was saying. This is not nitpicking, this is pointing out another quote that DOES appear to be false.

Its not taking sides, either. I really don't care who is right or wrong.
Bill McEwen, CEO/President of Amiga, Inc. will attend AmiWest : Comment 80 of 167ANN.lu
Posted by Troels Ersking on 30-Apr-2003 09:30 GMT
In reply to Comment 76 (bbrv):
"Comment guidelines: Using Abusive language and swear words, or insulting other persons is not tolerated"

"Oh thanks Slammy! Coming from you that is a real complement!!!



(Other websites would ban people that constantly behaved the way you do...)
Bill McEwen, CEO/President of Amiga, Inc. will attend AmiWest : Comment 81 of 167ANN.lu
Posted by John Block on 30-Apr-2003 09:33 GMT

Bill president/ceo
Gary chairman/ceo
Bill McEwen, CEO/President of Amiga, Inc. will attend AmiWest : Comment 82 of 167ANN.lu
Posted by koan on 30-Apr-2003 09:51 GMT
In the past I was thinking of waiting to see which
is the best out of the Pegasos or A1.

Right now I'm thinking that Amiga have 10x the
credibility. Sure, BB might be doing some anti Amiga
marketing in order to push the Peg but it seems
a bit incompetent to produce this poorly mocked up
business card and expect the Amiga community to bite
so easily. BB's attitude seems to reflect an opinion that
Amigans are fools.

It doesn't even matter to Amigans who CEO of *Amiga Inc*
is. Amigans "own" Amiga. IMHO, the most compelling thing
about Amiga is the community, then the OS, then the applications.

McEwen did the right thing by not replying to the obvious bait.

koan, CEO Amiga ;)
Bill McEwen, CEO/President of Amiga, Inc. will attend AmiWest : Comment 83 of 167ANN.lu
Posted by derf on 30-Apr-2003 09:53 GMT
In reply to Comment 70 (bbrv):
whats the policy here on cross posting the same thing from other sites ?
Bill McEwen, CEO/President of Amiga, Inc. will attend AmiWest : Comment 84 of 167ANN.lu
Posted by Anonymous on 30-Apr-2003 10:16 GMT
In reply to Comment 16 (Bill Hoggett):
>I don't think it's that important whether BBRV told the exact truth any more

Of course not, how else would you defend the precious bullshit of Buck?
Amiga sent the message that McEwen is still CEO, the questions raised after are unimportant to them because how they conduct their business is their business only, not yours and certainly not Buck's.
Bill McEwen, CEO/President of Amiga, Inc. will attend AmiWest : Comment 85 of 167ANN.lu
Posted by Anonymous on 30-Apr-2003 10:23 GMT
In reply to Comment 32 (MarkTime):
Why did it take so long for people to open their eyes? It's not like Buck doesn't have a long history of stories like this one
Bill McEwen, CEO/President of Amiga, Inc. will attend AmiWest : Comment 86 of 167ANN.lu
Posted by BADHead on 30-Apr-2003 10:27 GMT
I would love to beat up Buck and smash his face in with a hammer

Buck next time your in the UK do contact me as i would like to give you a good kicking.
Bill McEwen, CEO/President of Amiga, Inc. will attend AmiWest : Comment 87 of 167ANN.lu
Posted by Alkis Tsapanidis on 30-Apr-2003 10:31 GMT
In reply to Comment 48 (warrent):
Of course it will be a sad event but some people talk as if our life is depending
on the Amiga related companies, which of course is not true for most of us.
Bill McEwen, CEO/President of Amiga, Inc. will attend AmiWest : Comment 88 of 167ANN.lu
Posted by Delco on 30-Apr-2003 10:40 GMT
In reply to Comment 86 (BADHead):
I thought you said you were from the middle east, badhead?
Bill McEwen, CEO/President of Amiga, Inc. will attend AmiWest : Comment 89 of 167ANN.lu
Posted by samface on 30-Apr-2003 10:51 GMT
In reply to Comment 81 (John Block):
That would still not explain why Bill Buck claimed that Bill McEwan would be "gone".
Bill McEwen, CEO/President of Amiga, Inc. will attend AmiWest : Comment 90 of 167ANN.lu
Posted by vortexau on 30-Apr-2003 11:06 GMT
In reply to Comment 85 (Anonymous):
Of course - like its not to hard to;

° Take a 'certain' business card.

° Pick up a fresh Tippex brush.

° Eyeball that 'Consultant' description.

° Opaque the 'onsultant' part.

° Pick up a fine black pen.

° Carefully print 'O' after the remaining 'C'.

° FAX off an image of the doctored card to certain impressionable individuals.

° Post a STORY (maybe Fairytale) to get a '''Large Ball Rolling'''.

° Smile!

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

This, after "... there's no MAI without April".

"Those Northbridges need fixing!" ((note - I'm unsure of the wording here, but the meaning was to the effect that the A1 was hosed by the Northbridges fitted. Eyetech would NEVER fix it on their own, etc, etc.))
Bill McEwen, CEO/President of Amiga, Inc. will attend AmiWest : Comment 91 of 167ANN.lu
Posted by dammy on 30-Apr-2003 11:25 GMT
In reply to Comment 66 (samface):
> In Reply to Comment 51:
>> Then why didn't Bill denounce the card as a fake? Why hasn't Bill announced
>> this new Amiga Inc employee, Garry Hare and his position with Amiga Inc?
>> Lots of questions, but unfortunetly, little answers coming out of Amiga Inc.

> I dislike arguing with you Dammy but this I simply cannot restrain myself from > replying to. You see, it really doesn't matter if the card is fake or not
> since Bill Buck did not only talk about the card, he also claimed that Bill
> McEwan had been sacked, that he was gone. This statement from Bill McEwan
> himself on Amiga Inc.'s corporate website clearly denies this which makes it
> obvious that Bill Buck was spreading false information.

You obviously want to deflect this to Buck, but that's not going to happen. Buck is mearly the messenger of this and that is the sole portion of this equation. Why are you trying to shoot the messenger and not the one who apparently has been stating that he is the new CEO/Chairman? If anyone, you should be blasting Garry Hare, shouldn't you?

> Now, the *real* question is; was this intentional or not? What is your excuse, > mr Buck?

How typical, news comes out that you do not like and you blame the messenger. Come on Samface, be HONEST for once and take your wrath out on the guy who is responsiable for all this, Garry Hare. Oh, you can't because he maybe the real CEO/Chairman now? Tsk tsk tsk! What a rock and hard place you find yourself in. Hmmm, shoot the messenger! You don't like the messenger anyways, best to go slag him instead of the man who going around stating he is the new CEO/Chairman, right?

BTW, check out a Moo posting:


Anyone a Gold member can tell us what those four memos are?

Bill McEwen, CEO/President of Amiga, Inc. will attend AmiWest : Comment 92 of 167ANN.lu
Posted by Alkis Tsapanidis on 30-Apr-2003 11:29 GMT
In reply to Comment 67 (tonya):
Unlike others, he's certainly not hiding... I talked to him a while ago...
Bill McEwen, CEO/President of Amiga, Inc. will attend AmiWest : Comment 93 of 167ANN.lu
Posted by Anonymous on 30-Apr-2003 11:36 GMT
In reply to Comment 91 (dammy):
> http://flyingmice.com/cgi-bin/squidcgi/mbmessage.pl/amiga/85233.shtml

(Link to fuckedcompany.com's Amiga, Inc coverage)

> Anyone a Gold member can tell us what those four memos are?

Such a membership would be antithetical to belonging to the WorshipWhoeverHappen'sToOwnTheAmigaTrademarkAtAnyGivenTime cult.

1. Bad news cannot exist.
2. If they should exist, it's the fault of the one who tells the news.

Bill McEwen, CEO/President of Amiga, Inc. will attend AmiWest : Comment 94 of 167ANN.lu
Posted by Anonymous on 30-Apr-2003 11:39 GMT
In reply to Comment 93 (Anonymous):
> WhoeverHappen's

Help, help! I've acquired Internet Brain Damage! I've forgotten proper usage of apostrophes! ;-)
Bill McEwen, CEO/President of Amiga, Inc. will attend AmiWest : Comment 95 of 167ANN.lu
Posted by samface on 30-Apr-2003 11:41 GMT
In reply to Comment 91 (dammy):
"Why are you trying to shoot the messenger and not the one who apparently has been stating that he is the new CEO/Chairman?"

Messenger? Try misinformer. It is obvious that his claims were false, period.
Bill McEwen, CEO/President of Amiga, Inc. will attend AmiWest : Comment 96 of 167ANN.lu
Posted by Ketzer on 30-Apr-2003 11:53 GMT
In reply to Comment 70 (bbrv):
The level of your arrogance is simply astonishing. But by now you've probably driven off anyone disliking this practice anyways, so why not continue.
Bill McEwen, CEO/President of Amiga, Inc. will attend AmiWest : Comment 97 of 167ANN.lu
Posted by Alkis Tsapanidis on 30-Apr-2003 11:56 GMT
In reply to Comment 90 (vortexau):
Ehm, no, Eyetech were NOT able to fix it alone. They have no hardware engineers.
The bugs were discovered and first fixed by Gerald Carda.
Gerald Carda proved to MAI that the chip has bugs.
At that time Eyetech denied the existance of any problems...
Bill McEwen, CEO/President of Amiga, Inc. will attend AmiWest : Comment 98 of 167ANN.lu
Posted by Ketzer on 30-Apr-2003 11:56 GMT
In reply to Comment 91 (dammy):
> Buck is mearly the messenger of this and that is the sole portion of this equation.

If he did simply state they have received said business card ... but no ... bb made up his usual bull shit to flesh a lame message out a bit.
Bill McEwen, CEO/President of Amiga, Inc. will attend AmiWest : Comment 99 of 167ANN.lu
Posted by Anonymous on 30-Apr-2003 12:06 GMT
In reply to Comment 90 (vortexau):
Early reports said A1 firmware seemed, er... dodgy...
...Eyetech said that the A1 firmware was tested and is fine...
...Rumours were started that it was hopelessly broken...
...There was a long wait...
...Eyetech announced a completely new firmware, based on PPCBoot

(but maybe it's a coincidence)

Non-Amiga people reported that the MAI northbridge is broken
...Eyetech said that the MAI chipset was fine, and no need for any "fix"
...Then there was a delay...
...Eyetech announces that consumer boards will include a fix...
...Alan says bug not important...
...but MAI announce revised chipset with bugfix built in

(another coincidence?)

Rumours circulate that XE boards and G4 processors will be "months away"
...Alan says they'll be there by Christmas...
...or early in January...
...but there's another delay (oh!) so...
...they're announced for March...
...and finally ship in quantity during late April
Bill McEwen, CEO/President of Amiga, Inc. will attend AmiWest : Comment 100 of 167ANN.lu
Posted by samface on 30-Apr-2003 12:10 GMT
In reply to Comment 95 (samface):
Even if this Garry person would have made such claims, surely Bill Buck knows better than announcing these kind of claims on the internet before having it verified from reliable sources. Buck was pretty detailed about how shareholders would have replaced Bill McEwan and "cleaned out" their offices in Snowqualmie, and then talked about how they would have discussed the future of the supposedly "new" Amiga Inc. Furthermore, he also talked about that they would have postponed their lawsuit against Amiga Inc. since they were considering to take up on the partnership negotiations with the new managment of Amiga Inc. Are you saying that this Garry person would have "informed" all this to Bill Buck and that all he ever did was forwarding Garry's words? I don't think so.
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