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[Rant] So... where's KMOS?ANN.lu
Posted on 19-Mar-2004 11:05 GMT by Dartmouth115 comments
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Where's KMOS? How come they arn't coming forward and speaking to us? It's been a year and they've said nothing. Why is Amiga Inc doing all the talking like "KMOS will honor all contracts" for them, why doesn't KMOS say this themselves? it doesn't matter what Amiga Inc say, as they don't own the OS anymore, I want to hear from the horses mouth!
So... where's KMOS? : Comment 1 of 115ANN.lu
Posted by Elwood on 19-Mar-2004 10:14 GMT
What about giving them a few days ?
So... where's KMOS? : Comment 2 of 115ANN.lu
Posted by Graham_nli on 19-Mar-2004 10:24 GMT
Maybe they will do the sensible thing that all Amiga owning companies should have done, and do stuff and only communicate with the community via press releases!

Let's get some professionality back into the market. :)

I'm sure that telling the community stuff is the last thing on their minds at the moment.
So... where's KMOS? : Comment 3 of 115ANN.lu
Posted by T_Bone on 19-Mar-2004 10:29 GMT
Who knows if KMOS is even the current owner any more?
Next year we may get a message from KMOS "Oh, AmigaOS? We sold that a year ago!"
So... where's KMOS? : Comment 4 of 115ANN.lu
Posted by Eva on 19-Mar-2004 10:51 GMT
In reply to Comment 1 (Elwood):
Elwood, ojne year is enough??????
Ah ..no .. you are waiting from november 2001 ... excuse me.
So... where's KMOS? : Comment 5 of 115ANN.lu
Posted by Johan Rönnblom on 19-Mar-2004 10:55 GMT
Actually we're supposedly waiting since this autumn. But it would of
course also be interesting to know something about this "Itec" company
which supposedly owned AmigaOS for over six months without telling.
So... where's KMOS? : Comment 6 of 115ANN.lu
Posted by T_Bone on 19-Mar-2004 11:15 GMT
In reply to Comment 5 (Johan Rönnblom):
They're coming and going so fast they're gone before we knew AmigaOS has even changed hands! :)
So... where's KMOS? : Comment 7 of 115ANN.lu
Posted by Sam Smith on 19-Mar-2004 11:19 GMT
In reply to Comment 5 (Johan Rönnblom):
The whole situation is causing a lot of mistrust and it is sad to see that we are not even worthy of a press release.

So... where's KMOS? : Comment 8 of 115ANN.lu
Posted by T_Bone on 19-Mar-2004 11:26 GMT
In reply to Comment 7 (Sam Smith):
hell, *2* press releases... a whole owner came and went without saying a word. Goodbye Itec, we hardly knew you.
So... where's KMOS? : Comment 9 of 115ANN.lu
Posted by AdmV on 19-Mar-2004 11:27 GMT
In reply to Comment 7 (Sam Smith):
Mistrust. Now thats funny. I'm curious, so I'll ask, who do you, and others trust.

Out of 10 here are my trust levels:

Bill Buck and Genesi : 0
Bill M and Amiga INC and ANYONE related : 0
Thendic : 0
Pretory : 0
MorphOS Team : 2
Hyperion : 0
Eyetech : 0
Bplan : 0

Did I miss anyone out, if so I'm sorry, but they will probably be happy knowing they would have a big fat ZERO waiting for them.

The MorphOS team still seem to be delivering something so they get a 2, but I would'nt trust them further than I could spit.

So... where's KMOS? : Comment 10 of 115ANN.lu
Posted by Amon_Re on 19-Mar-2004 11:34 GMT
In reply to Comment 9 (AdmV):
Out of 10 here are my trust levels:

Bill Buck and Genesi : 0
Bill M and Amiga INC and ANYONE related : 0
Thendic : 0
Pretory : 0
MorphOS Team : 7
Hyperion : 10
Eyetech : 7
Bplan : 5
So... where's KMOS? : Comment 11 of 115ANN.lu
Posted by AdmV on 19-Mar-2004 11:43 GMT
In reply to Comment 10 (Amon_Re):
Bill Buck and Genesi : 0
Bill M and Amiga INC and ANYONE related : 0
Thendic : 0
Pretory : 0
MorphOS Team : 7
Hyperion : 10

Sorry - 10? I don't see how anyone could even consider giving a ten. What for? Failed delivery, false statements, dates, inaccuracies, Ben Hermans? Geez..

Eyetech : 7

Sorry, no chance.

Bplan : 5


So... where's KMOS? : Comment 12 of 115ANN.lu
Posted by T_Bone on 19-Mar-2004 11:47 GMT
In reply to Comment 10 (Amon_Re):
> Hyperion : 10

Wow. I don't think I'd trust anyone who'd trust any Amiga related company to a 10!
So... where's KMOS? : Comment 13 of 115ANN.lu
Posted by T_Bone on 19-Mar-2004 11:47 GMT
In reply to Comment 12 (T_Bone):
bah, forgot the smiley :)

... kind of :D
So... where's KMOS? : Comment 14 of 115ANN.lu
Posted by Matt Parsons on 19-Mar-2004 12:04 GMT
In reply to Comment 9 (AdmV):
Hey Adam!!! You forgot to give the AROS tem a big fat Zero too!!!
So... where's KMOS? : Comment 15 of 115ANN.lu
Posted by takemehomegrandma on 19-Mar-2004 12:11 GMT
In reply to Comment 1 (Elwood):
> What about giving them a few days ?

They have had a year! But the only thing we got was this great fleecy/amigaworld.net deceivement. Unbelievable!
So... where's KMOS? : Comment 16 of 115ANN.lu
Posted by JoannaK on 19-Mar-2004 12:20 GMT
In reply to Comment 15 (takemehomegrandma):
Stupid, definitely... Unbelivable, no.... :-/ :-/
So... where's KMOS? : Comment 17 of 115ANN.lu
Posted by miksuh on 19-Mar-2004 12:26 GMT
Maybe they do not want to say anything until they are ready for it ? So give them some time. It's quite possible that this KMOS information was made public much earlier than what original plan was. It is possible that they wanted to make it public after the release of OS4, or something like that.
So... where's KMOS? : Comment 18 of 115ANN.lu
Posted by miksuh on 19-Mar-2004 12:28 GMT
In reply to Comment 15 (takemehomegrandma):
Maybe they do not want to say anything until they are ready for it ? So give them some time. It's quite possible that this KMOS information was made public much earlier than what original plan was. It is possible that they wanted to make it public after the release of OS4, or something like that.
So... where's KMOS? : Comment 19 of 115ANN.lu
Posted by T_Bone on 19-Mar-2004 12:31 GMT
In reply to Comment 17 (miksuh):
Why all the cloak and dagger?
So... where's KMOS? : Comment 20 of 115ANN.lu
Posted by miksuh on 19-Mar-2004 12:32 GMT
In reply to Comment 18 (miksuh):
I want to add this. Do remember that this KMOS information first leaked to public awhile ago, it was quickly removed from the newspages. That indicates that the information was released sooner than what was intended.
So... where's KMOS? : Comment 21 of 115ANN.lu
Posted by Gru on 19-Mar-2004 12:45 GMT
It's a shell game by a bunch of crooks to attempt to save the IP from bancruptcy.

Don't forget how much money Amiga Inc stole from you.
Don't forget Garry Hare was presenting himself as CEO of Amiga Inc.

McBill is going to prison for a very long time. Fleecy can't enter the country again or he will go to jail since 1999.
So... where's KMOS? : Comment 22 of 115ANN.lu
Posted by T_Bone on 19-Mar-2004 12:45 GMT
In reply to Comment 20 (miksuh):
it was removed from this site 5 times, not because someone was trying to cover it up, but because CK thought it was a hoax. (After all, why would it be a secret?)
So... where's KMOS? : Comment 23 of 115ANN.lu
Posted by Amon_Re on 19-Mar-2004 12:53 GMT
In reply to Comment 11 (AdmV):
I trust the people at Hyperion, seeing that i know most key personel personally.

If the question is "whose announcements do i trust to be 100% accurate" then all would end up with low results, sorry if i misunderstood your intent

So... where's KMOS? : Comment 24 of 115ANN.lu
Posted by Leif on 19-Mar-2004 12:58 GMT
Ofcource it wasnt supposed to get out.
But it did, thanks to BBRV pressing on the courtcase.
Ainc/Hyp where or felt pressured enough to play out the hidden card.
In the end it was a positive thing. For the first time in
a long time.. another kind of discussions are taking place,
seemingly more sane and more awake than before, like a hole
bunch of deluded people just suddenly woke up.
Something has fundamentally changed, for the better.
So... where's KMOS? : Comment 25 of 115ANN.lu
Posted by takemehomegrandma on 19-Mar-2004 13:03 GMT
In reply to Comment 21 (Gru):
> It's a shell game by a bunch of crooks to attempt to save the IP from
> bancruptcy.

Years of lies and deceivement to the community is one thing. But if some of the Amiga Inc creditors chooses to take Amiga Inc to court because this *asset stripping*, then a judge might rule that this whole affair has been outright criminal. Could there be prison sentences this time? And the how involved has the people behind amigaworld.net been in this grand deceivement; did they know about this and cooperated purpously, or where they just Amiga Inc's puppets? Sorry for the strong words, but IMHO this is what this whole situation calls for.
So... where's KMOS? : Comment 26 of 115ANN.lu
Posted by miksuh on 19-Mar-2004 13:11 GMT
In reply to Comment 22 (T_Bone):
Another possibility. Maybe they don't want that people start to bash KMOS like they do with Amiga.inc, Hyperion, etc.

There is some guys and atleast one "girl"? who would start sending them hate email as soon as they know their email.

If I would start Amiga company, I would communicate with this "community" only using press releases, and only when there is something important to say. Otherwise I would be quiet. I would not be interested to get involved in all of these wars.
So... where's KMOS? : Comment 27 of 115ANN.lu
Posted by Christian Kemp on 19-Mar-2004 13:15 GMT
In reply to Comment 22 (T_Bone):

It looked like a hoax back then, and still looks like a bad joke right now. By the looks of it, either some people are being incredibly stupid, or something incredibly sneaky (not to mention illegal) is going on.

Or we just don't have all the necessary information to see "the big picture", which still makes this a PR disaster.
So... where's KMOS? : Comment 28 of 115ANN.lu
Posted by Graham_nli on 19-Mar-2004 13:17 GMT
In reply to Comment 21 (Gru):





The only thing didn't get is the free t-shirt. They got CAM instead, and maybe KMOS will honour the t-shirt thing.

And Garry Hare was never CEO of Amiga Inc ... Bill McEwan was all the time. Quite why Garry Hare (or someone purporting to be him) was handing out (allegedly) business cards with that on is unknown. Maybe we will know one day.

"McBill is going to prison for a very long time. Fleecy can't enter the country again or he will go to jail since 1999."

So... where's KMOS? : Comment 29 of 115ANN.lu
Posted by T_Bone on 19-Mar-2004 13:18 GMT
In reply to Comment 26 (miksuh):
> Another possibility. Maybe they don't want that people start to bash KMOS like they do with Amiga.inc, Hyperion, etc.

Ahh... more wardialing.

So first one company shuts their phones off to avoid wardialing, then another company keeps the fact they own AmigaOS a secret to avoid wardialing. This sounds like a serious problem. :/

Why would Amiga Inc care that KMOS gets harassed if Amiga inc no longer own the OS?

Why did both Amiga Inc, KMOS, (and Itec) all collude to keep this secret? it doesn't make any sense. Oh screw it. I'm washing my hands of this wierdness anyway :D
So... where's KMOS? : Comment 30 of 115ANN.lu
Posted by Graham_nli on 19-Mar-2004 13:19 GMT
In reply to Comment 25 (takemehomegrandma):
And what is selling AmigaOS got enough money into Amiga Inc in order for them to pay off their creditors?

Amiga Inc aren't bankrupt. Therefore there is no asset stripping.

You guys should give it up already.
So... where's KMOS? : Comment 31 of 115ANN.lu
Posted by brotheris on 19-Mar-2004 13:20 GMT
In reply to Comment 23 (Amon_Re):
You trust them as Dopus5 people trusted them ? :-)
So... where's KMOS? : Comment 32 of 115ANN.lu
Posted by MarkTime on 19-Mar-2004 13:23 GMT
In reply to Comment 10 (Amon_Re):
oh lawdy, these types of numbers polls can only add to the confusion, but so be it...I've taken the challenge.

Bill Buck and Genesi : 5
Bill M and Amiga INC and ANYONE related : 3
Thendic : n/a
Pretory : n/a
MorphOS Team : 6
Hyperion : 4
Eyetech : 5
Bplan : n/a
So... where's KMOS? : Comment 33 of 115ANN.lu
Posted by Graham_nli on 19-Mar-2004 13:25 GMT
In reply to Comment 29 (T_Bone):
" Why did both Amiga Inc, KMOS, (and Itec) all collude to keep this secret? it doesn't make any sense. "

Maybe if the deal wasn't finished, neither party could say anything - NDAs and the like, and possibly the law (no disclosure of things that can affect shares and the like, e.g., if you knew that Company Z was being bought my Microsoft wouldn't you want to get their shares before they went up?)

No-one knows, so stop the accusatory speculation! Speculate, fine. Lots of people here are judging based upon rumour and little fact, and mostly based upon what camp you are in.
So... where's KMOS? : Comment 34 of 115ANN.lu
Posted by Gru on 19-Mar-2004 13:31 GMT
In reply to Comment 28 (Graham_nli):
> The only thing didn't get is the free t-shirt. They got CAM instead, and
> maybe KMOS will honour the t-shirt thing.

Wrong. The $50 was for a teeshirt and a coupon. To date no one has gotten either. By definition this is a scam and fraud. Only much later after they collected the bulk of orders did they introduce any idea of a news letter. People didn't buy a news letter which was full of lies anyhow, they bought a coupon and tee shirt.

>And Garry Hare was never CEO of Amiga Inc ... Bill McEwan was all the time.

That's not what McBill testified in court.

> Quite why Garry Hare (or someone purporting to be him) was handing out
>(allegedly) business cards with that on is unknown. Maybe we will know one .

He was handing them out. Quite a few people got one, including people with no ties to Genesi or any other company.

>>"McBill is going to prison for a very long time. Fleecy can't enter the
>>country again or he will go to jail since 1999."

For McBill just simply see the Martha Stewart case and what she was convicted of. Hint, it has nothing to do with insider trading and everything to do with lying under oath.

For Fleecy, there is an active warrant out for his arrest since 1999 for violating US labor, tax and immigration laws.
So... where's KMOS? : Comment 35 of 115ANN.lu
Posted by T_Bone on 19-Mar-2004 13:49 GMT
In reply to Comment 32 (MarkTime):
Guess I should give this a shot

Bill Buck and Genesi : undecided, but usually believe comments are based on facts he knows that I don't, even if sensationalised. keep salt handy :)
Bill M and Amiga INC : -1 (distrust with prejudice, if they say something, watch out! they're after something!)
Thendic : n/a
Pretory : n/a
MorphOS Team : 6 (no expierence with them, have no reason to trust or distrust, not cautious)
Hyperion : 6 (trust, but disagree with views, causious)
Eyetech : 5 (trust but disagree with policies, causious)
Bplan : n/a
So... where's KMOS? : Comment 36 of 115ANN.lu
Posted by hooligan/dcs on 19-Mar-2004 13:54 GMT
In reply to Comment 30 (Graham_nli):
>And what is selling AmigaOS got enough money into Amiga Inc in order for them to pay off their creditors?

>Amiga Inc aren't bankrupt. Therefore there is no asset stripping.

>You guys should give it up already.

Graham, here you go again about things you don't know anything of. At #MorphOS I would have used !HMetal many times by now.
1) You don't know if any money was paid
2) If money was paid, you don't know how much.
3) Actually, you don't know if KMOS even exists other than on paper.

I am still waiting for KMOS info from you, as you seem to have so much inside-information. Was asking it like three days ago already.

Start with products or services they provide, continue with number of people working... then maybe ...financial situation? Corporations they have sold their services/products.. address maybe? Phonenumber where I can call for an interview? Website would be nice too.
So... where's KMOS? : Comment 37 of 115ANN.lu
Posted by John Block on 19-Mar-2004 14:00 GMT
In reply to Comment 27 (Christian Kemp):
People should drop Christian an email if they feel their news is wrongly taken down.
So... where's KMOS? : Comment 38 of 115ANN.lu
Posted by Graham_nli on 19-Mar-2004 14:01 GMT
In reply to Comment 34 (Gru):
And Bill McEwen (your childish "McBill" shows what way you lean, and how reliable your post therefore is) lied under oath when and said what?

And don't roll out the old "AmigaOS is owned by Amiga Inc" stuff because at the time he said that the sale might not have been completed, signed, etc. He wasn't asked if AmigaOS was in the process of being sold. Anyway, it has no import to the case.

Unlike bbrv lying under oath that an e-mail was from Fleecy. And the dubious one about sending a parcel to Amiga Inc that somehow couldn't be delivered when lots of other parcels were.

I'm not saying that McEwen is trustable, but neither is Buck, in my opinion. Look at his dodgy business past for a start.
So... where's KMOS? : Comment 39 of 115ANN.lu
Posted by Graham_nli on 19-Mar-2004 14:04 GMT
In reply to Comment 36 (hooligan/dcs):
Hence I wrote "what if" in my post. Well, I mistyped it as "what is" but you can see it was meant to be "what if".

So... where's KMOS? : Comment 40 of 115ANN.lu
Posted by hooligan/dcs on 19-Mar-2004 14:08 GMT
In reply to Comment 39 (Graham_nli):
Okie.. but still, my questions remains... :)
So... where's KMOS? : Comment 41 of 115ANN.lu
Posted by Gregg on 19-Mar-2004 14:12 GMT
In reply to Comment 38 (Graham_nli):
Hey, graham_nli : Tigger has made a few points you might like to ignore :


So... where's KMOS? : Comment 42 of 115ANN.lu
Posted by Wayne Dresing, PhD. on 19-Mar-2004 14:16 GMT
Its a shame that Ben Hermans is using Bill McEwen as a 'fall guy'.

KMOS is Ben Hermans brainchild. It is Ben Hermans who is masterplanning this whole scheme. Ben is a Lawyer after all!!!
So... where's KMOS? : Comment 43 of 115ANN.lu
Posted by Gru on 19-Mar-2004 14:17 GMT
In reply to Comment 38 (Graham_nli):
> And Bill McEwen (your childish "McBill" shows what way you lean,

Why should I show respect to a liar and a crook?

> and how reliable your post therefore is) lied under oath when and said what?

Where to start? Oh well, I don't have time to give you a history lesson. I suggest you start reading court documents on Rich's slam site. Sam's site is o-k, but he is missing some important pages for one reason or another.

> And don't roll out the old "AmigaOS is owned by Amiga Inc" stuff because

You can cover your eyes and scream, but it won't make the truths go away. Bolton had not been paid, neither has any of the other judgments. Lying under oath is lying under oath. Really WAKE UP! This couldn't be any more obvious! If life was a snake, it would have already bit you a dozen times!

> Unlike bbrv lying under oath that an e-mail was from Fleecy. -snip-
> I'm not saying that McEwen is trustable, but neither is Buck, -snip-

What has Buck to do with any of this? You may not realise what you are doing, but you are playing the deflection game. Keep on subject, the subject is the ongoing crimes of Amiga Inc.
So... where's KMOS? : Comment 44 of 115ANN.lu
Posted by takemehomegrandma on 19-Mar-2004 14:19 GMT
In reply to Comment 30 (Graham_nli):
> And what is selling AmigaOS got enough money into Amiga Inc in order for them
> to pay off their creditors?

Companies on the verge of bankruptcy can not sell valuable assets freely (and they can certainly not *give* them away). It has to be ensured that the highest possible price is achieved, so as much as possible of the debts to the creditors can be covered, and this is usually achieved through *public* auctions. Besides, the AmigaOS assets was obviously "sold" already a year ago, and later Bill McEwen testified in court that they had only some hundred dollar or so at their bank account (but he has lied in court on other occations, so ...). And wherever the money from that deal went, it was not to the creditors.

My *guess* is that Amiga Inc didn't get any money from this "deal" at all. The big owner(s?) simply put Garry Hare in charge over Amiga Inc a year ago to clean the mess up; to save what could be saved, and let the rest die as smooth as possible. Now we are beginning to see the result of Mr Hare's work back then. OS4 was simply "moved out" from Amiga Inc to holding company, out of reach to the creditors.

> Amiga Inc aren't bankrupt. Therefore there is no asset stripping.

While not officially bankrupt (which is kind of incredible by itself), Amiga Inc has clearly been *on the verge* of bankruptcy for quite some time, even long befor Garry Hare took over to clean up the mess.
So... where's KMOS? : Comment 45 of 115ANN.lu
Posted by Gru on 19-Mar-2004 14:27 GMT
In reply to Comment 44 (takemehomegrandma):
> While not officially bankrupt (which is kind of incredible by itself), Amiga

Another crime. Corporations are required to have a physical address and a phone number, neither of which can be an individuals home. Amiga Inc has neither.

Heck we could even get into the rumors. Rumor has it McBill has been driving a cab to make ends meet for almost a year.
So... where's KMOS? : Comment 46 of 115ANN.lu
Posted by takemehomegrandma on 19-Mar-2004 14:28 GMT
In reply to Comment 42 (Wayne Dresing, PhD.):
> KMOS is Ben Hermans brainchild. It is Ben Hermans who is masterplanning this
> whole scheme.

Could be!

> Ben is a Lawyer after all!!!

Could be! ;-)
So... where's KMOS? : Comment 47 of 115ANN.lu
Posted by Christophe Decanini on 19-Mar-2004 14:44 GMT
In reply to Comment 37 (John Block):
>People should drop Christian an email if they feel their news is wrongly taken down.

Wasn't it an anonymous post ?
If so would the poster have emailed Christian about it ?
So... where's KMOS? : Comment 48 of 115ANN.lu
Posted by T_Bone on 19-Mar-2004 14:49 GMT
In reply to Comment 37 (John Block):
Who would have guessed it was real???
So... where's KMOS? : Comment 49 of 115ANN.lu
Posted by Graham_nli on 19-Mar-2004 14:50 GMT
In reply to Comment 43 (Gru):
"Keep on subject, the subject is the ongoing crimes of Amiga Inc."

No it isn't, the thread title is wondering why KMOS have said nothing.

I'm as interested to find out who they are as anyone else. Maybe it is Ben Hermans and Fleecy, maybe it is Bin Laden looking for an OS for some supercomputer. Maybe it is just a bunch of investors who got pissed off at Amiga Inc wasting their money.

Amiga Inc on the verge of bankrupcy? Were they? They might not have had a lot of money, and they owe Bolton money (then again, Genesi owe their programmers money it appears) which maybe he'll get, maybe not. If the transfer deal was only finalised recently, then the money will only have gone into Amiga Inc recently, hence why they can suddenly affort a lawyer. How much money would this be? Hopefully enough to pay off the debts, if it is then there isn't a problem.

Some people seem to think I'm an Amiga Inc apologist, yet I'm one of those who posts on AmigaWorld saying how useless AmigaInc are, how it would be better without them.

Everyone should stop speculating/judging based upon their prejudices and the little evidence they've bothered to read. It's silly, reading the "McBill is going to jail" crap, yeah right, so's bbrv for the same reasoning. Sheesh. Let's just see what happens next.
So... where's KMOS? : Comment 50 of 115ANN.lu
Posted by Daisy Kogal on 19-Mar-2004 14:57 GMT
Please stop it.

Daisy Kogal
Sales Management
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