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[News] Bring out yer AROS bootlogs!ANN.lu
Posted on 05-Jul-2002 22:50 GMT by Fabio Alemagna11 comments
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Want to help AROS development but don't have programming knowledges? Don't worry, here's a way for you to contribute to the AROS effort. If you have two computers at home, one of which must by force be a PC IBM AT compatible, please try out this floppy image and follow the instructions below:

1) Connect the two machines trough a null-modem cable
2) Start a terminal program on one machine and set it to 9600 bps, 8 data bits, No parity, 1 stop bit. Start logging.
3) Boot up the AROS image on the PC and let the boot log flow trough your serial cable.
4) When finished, please email the log to aros-bootlogs@lists.sourceforge.net

The more time you keep AROS running the more informations will be logged, the more you'll help AROS development.

Thank you for your support!
Fabio Alemagna
AROS Developer

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