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[News] Bill McEwen, CEO/President of Amiga, Inc. will attend AmiWestANN.lu
Posted on 29-Apr-2003 21:07 GMT by Peter Gordon167 comments
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Bill McEwen has posted a very short press release explaining that he'll attend the AmiWest show. Click here to see.
Bill McEwen, CEO/President of Amiga, Inc. will attend AmiWest : Comment 151 of 167ANN.lu
Posted by Bill Hoggett on 01-May-2003 15:20 GMT
In reply to Comment 148 (z5):
> So the obvious questions are: if support is so good, if everything is so
> great on the other side, where are the products? Where is the next dev kit?
> Where are the deals?

"It's a secret and none of your business" ;-P
Bill McEwen, CEO/President of Amiga, Inc. will attend AmiWest : Comment 152 of 167ANN.lu
Posted by Alkis Tsapanidis on 01-May-2003 16:28 GMT
In reply to Comment 149 (Amon_Re):
About my negative tone... I trusted every single Amiga company since Commodore.
When Amiga Inc was founded, I put all my trust on them. I believed every word
they said. Then... promise after promise, they failed in everything they said.
The last hit was the failiure to make an inhouse OS4 and then the coupon stuff...
Sorry, but after reading the Executive Updates after that, I realized that they
just underestimated our intelligence. Every word they said was either a lie or
an excuse, and a stupid one. They let use down. They managed to make me lose ALL
the trust I had on them. After that they managed to make me ANGRY with them...
My anger is now fed by the lies they say about their situation... If they had
the balls to say the truth, I would even donate them money. They don't.
For me Amiga Inc, they are gone...
Bill McEwen, CEO/President of Amiga, Inc. will attend AmiWest : Comment 153 of 167ANN.lu
Posted by Frank on 01-May-2003 17:22 GMT
In reply to Comment 147 (Alkis Tsapanidis):
Now, I wonder who could've written that one... :)
Bill McEwen, CEO/President of Amiga, Inc. will attend AmiWest : Comment 154 of 167ANN.lu
Posted by hammer on 01-May-2003 20:59 GMT
In references to http://www.theinquirer.net/?article=1628

To quote the "Intel's Guide to the European Press"....
Don't lie.

Don't exaggerate the facts or make claims that cannot be substantiated or that are self-serving statements. If you do not know the correct answer, or are unsure of your facts, it's more than acceptable to say '1 don't know' and offer to get a reply to the journalist later.

Don't speculate.

Don't speculate or respond to a journalist's hypothetical questions. You may lend credibility to something that is purely rumour or innuendo. Be prepared to say 'I am afraid I am not well informed enough to comment on that' or 'You'll have to ask company XYZ.' In Europe in general, do not answer 'No comment' as that can be viewed as substantiation. Don't knock the competition. It's one thing to say our product is superior to our competitor's, or to position the competitor in a lower class of application. It is another to say that our competitor has done a lousy job. We want to take the 'higher ground.' Let's focus on the positives of Intel's products. If a journalist leads by saying "I understand that XYZ's memory business is in trouble ..... "let that be his/her view. Don't express any opinion that names individuals, products or companies in a manner that could be construed as slanderous. Don't respond in anger. Don't become defensive or respond angrily to a journalist's probing questions. This will work against you and Intel. The journalist has the final say when he/she prints the story and the freedom to use it. "


While there may be times to go 'off the record' (such as to clarify a point or maintain credibility with a journalist), there is really no such thing as a completely private exchange with a journalist – no matter how trusted. 'Off the record' means the journalist cannot use the information. If you don't want him/her to use the information, don't give it to them. Once the information is given, they can always substantiate it elsewhere and use that information instead.

Asking not to be quoted usually results in the infamous 'unnamed Intel spokesperson' attribution. If you don't want to see something in print, don't talk about it. If a journalist presses the point, explain that the subject is one you can't discuss at the present time, but will be willing to discuss with the journalist at the appropriate time. (Note: When the timing is right, make sure to keep your commitment. It will go a long way toward building your credibility.)
Bill McEwen, CEO/President of Amiga, Inc. will attend AmiWest : Comment 155 of 167ANN.lu
Posted by Hammer on 01-May-2003 21:03 GMT
In reply to Comment 154 (hammer):
In addition to Comment 154; The said entities could learn something from Intel Corp....
Bill McEwen, CEO/President of Amiga, Inc. will attend AmiWest : Comment 156 of 167ANN.lu
Posted by Anders Kjeldsen on 02-May-2003 05:08 GMT
In reply to Comment 152 (Alkis Tsapanidis):
I agree with that.

Either Amiga Inc is a bunch of naive people that really believe over and over again that they can deliever, or it is a bunch of people with no moral at all - "Stealing" money over and over again. I'm glad I've never let them take MY money. And I'm disappointed that there are still poeple that have not lost faith in them.

And not that I know anything about it at all, but I'm having big problems imagining Bill McEwen having too much work to do (Which would be the reason for him to chance position in the company, according to "Fleecy") :)
Bill McEwen, CEO/President of Amiga, Inc. will attend AmiWest : Comment 157 of 167ANN.lu
Posted by SC on 02-May-2003 06:20 GMT
There's going to be mudslinging until OS4 is here, there's going to be more
if it sells well, there's going to be mudslinging,trolling, whatever, even if Amiga once again sold millions and achieved even second-rank in the industry and replaced the mac. That's how it is, some said it was dad in 1987, it wasn't, it isn't and it wont be.
Bill McEwen, CEO/President of Amiga, Inc. will attend AmiWest : Comment 158 of 167ANN.lu
Posted by Turrican on 02-May-2003 06:43 GMT
In reply to Comment 154 (hammer):

Hey cowboy, first, why do you post Intel crap here? You are totally off topic, plus we don't care what that F.U. company says anyway.


>Why Raquel and Bill even mention Gary Hare when it has near zero relations to with MOS camp's product except for spin doctoring?

Maybe because they have actually had a conversation with him and he gave them his buisness card as reported? Why they should keep it a secret?

Third, are you an AInc employe? Because you surrely sound like one!
Bill McEwen, CEO/President of Amiga, Inc. will attend AmiWest : Comment 159 of 167ANN.lu
Posted by greenboy on 02-May-2003 07:36 GMT
In reply to Comment 158 (Turrican):
Hammer needs to see this: http://www.ann.lu/comments2.cgi?show=1051799407&category=forum&number=32#comment

Notice this: "So, its like this. Yesterday, (april 30, 2003) Bill McEwen told my attorney under oath that he's no longer CEO of Amiga, Incorporated. 50 percent of the company is in fact owned by a Dutch consortium, or so Bill said under oath. That came out of HIS MOUTH.
This is in relation to our attempts to gain collection on the judgement against Amiga, for the months they didn't pay me for working-of which there are plenty!
So, DOUG, who is lying here? Is it Bill McE, perjuring himself under oath to my collections attorney? Or is it Fleecy and Co. who are mistaken?"

Maybe some of you have made BBRV out to be a bad guy, but I'll tell ya - in my experience he has been doing a hella lot to seed development, present opportunities, and make a lot of victims of hit-and-run have a shot at making some headway. I'm liking it every time I see a great guy like Dave Crawford get a job that makes use of his energy and talents, and hope this trend continues.

The minute checks start bouncing and double-talk about it ensues, I know what to do. I hope tronman and others find some way to recoup their losses.
Bill McEwen, CEO/President of Amiga, Inc. will attend AmiWest : Comment 160 of 167ANN.lu
Posted by Bill Hoggett on 02-May-2003 10:53 GMT
In reply to Comment 158 (Turrican):

> Hey cowboy, first, why do you post Intel crap here? You are totally off
> topic, plus we don't care what that F.U. company says anyway.

He's not off topic at all. He's not talking about Intel products, he's talking about professional business behaviour, and yes, BOTH sides of this current argument would do well to take a leaf out of Intel's book. Criticising and deriding your rivals is UNPROFESSIONAL behaviour. It gives the clear indication that you don't think your product is good enough to win out due to its own qualities, so you start putting down your rivals instead. Saying that your product is better than that of your rivals is fine, saying that your rivals' product is crap or telling people they are bankrupt or thieves is not. Look at what happens when Microsoft do it: everyone points at Steve Ballmer or whoever and says "what a jerk!".

I repeat: BOTH sides are guilty of unprofessional behaviour. BOTH sides should clean up their act. No wonder the forums are full of flamefests.
Bill McEwen, CEO/President of Amiga, Inc. will attend AmiWest : Comment 161 of 167ANN.lu
Posted by Fabio Alemagna on 02-May-2003 21:38 GMT
In reply to Comment 160 (Bill Hoggett):
> Criticising and deriding your rivals is UNPROFESSIONAL behaviour. It gives the
> clear indication that you don't think your product is good enough to win out due
> to its own qualities, so you start putting down your rivals instead.

That's very true, but I don't seem to recall Genesi (or the former Thendic, or bPlan) having ever said anything bad about AmigaOS, if not, maybe, in response to attacks made by the other party.
Bill McEwen, CEO/President of Amiga, Inc. will attend AmiWest : Comment 162 of 167ANN.lu
Posted by Bill Hoggett on 03-May-2003 08:28 GMT
In reply to Comment 161 (Fabio Alemagna):

> That's very true, but I don't seem to recall Genesi (or the former Thendic,
> or bPlan) having ever said anything bad about AmigaOS, if not, maybe, in
> response to attacks made by the other party.

I recall various attacks on the companies and individuals involved. Then there's the practice of _provoking_ attacks from the other side, which then give the appearance that retailiation is justified. Not to mention the fact that both sides have what I would (unflatteringly) describe as "cronies": people who can be relied upon to spread any "rumour" or "story" that they are fed, sometimes without even realising they are doing it.

As I said, I do not absolve either side of guilt on this "unprofessional approach" issue. But then, I am not beholden to anyone so do not feel I am either personally or morally obliged to support either party, be that because they might expect it or because I want to justify my own position. I am not neutral, but I am impartial.
Bill McEwen, CEO/President of Amiga, Inc. will attend AmiWest : Comment 163 of 167ANN.lu
Posted by Don Cox on 03-May-2003 11:24 GMT
In reply to Comment 160 (Bill Hoggett):
"Criticising and deriding your rivals is UNPROFESSIONAL behaviour. "

The computer trade is not a profession. I don't see why you would expect "professional" behaviour from computer sellers any more than from scrap metal merchants, secondhand horse dealers, patent medicine sellers, or other similar trades.

The classic simple program should be

10 TYPE "Caveat Emptor"
20 GOTO 10
Bill McEwen, CEO/President of Amiga, Inc. will attend AmiWest : Comment 164 of 167ANN.lu
Posted by Hammer on 04-May-2003 20:54 GMT
In reply to Comment 159 (greenboy):
>Maybe some of you have made BBRV out to be a bad guy,
That’s an assumption on your part.
Bill McEwen, CEO/President of Amiga, Inc. will attend AmiWest : Comment 165 of 167ANN.lu
Posted by Hammer on 04-May-2003 21:11 GMT
In reply to Comment 158 (Turrican):
>Hey cowboy, first, why do you post Intel crap here?

An example of a successful practice from a successful business. A company with a much better track record than the said company. The label "cowboy" is irrelevant. One should decouple character-based childish name-calling since this kind of line detracts the issue at hand i.e. it doesn’t advance your position.

Just remember that you fired the first shot in regards to character based attacks.

>Maybe because they have actually had a conversation with him and he gave them >his buisness card as reported? Why they should keep it a secret?

Why being involve with the sorry mess in the first place?

>Third, are you an AInc employe? Because you surrely sound like one!

You assume too much... My alias should indicate that.
Bill McEwen, CEO/President of Amiga, Inc. will attend AmiWest : Comment 166 of 167ANN.lu
Posted by Hammer on 04-May-2003 21:55 GMT
In reply to Comment 163 (Don Cox):
>The computer trade is not a profession. I don't see why you would >expect "professional" behaviour from computer sellers any more than from >scrap metal merchants, (SNIP)

Note that Intel builds and sells CPUs, motherboard and network solutions...
Bill McEwen, CEO/President of Amiga, Inc. will attend AmiWest : Comment 167 of 167ANN.lu
Posted by Druideck on 06-May-2003 08:36 GMT
I use my amiga daily, but Amiga inc. has done very little the last
couple of years. I heard lots of promises again, like they would
communicate what's happening. (Remember the executive updates?)
Anyway, we got a pegasos here and it exists and works great.
Whatever you think of Bill Buck, we finally got a product that
lives up to the hype and even got a t-shirt!
I love Amiga for being a kick-ass computer, I would love to see better
support for keeping it going with OS4. Any company that quits communicating
must not have nothing new to say. At least bbrv are still talking, that's
important, whether they are right or wrong about things.

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