[News] Explanations from Fleecy, part 2 | ANN.lu |
Posted on 01-Apr-2001 10:41 GMT by Christian Kemp | 49 comments View flat View list |
Fleecy writes: AmigaOS4 will only run on hardware that conforms to the zico
specification - currently that is the Eyetech AmigaOne (which also offers full backwards compatibility with AA chipset access applications) and the bPlan AmigaOne, which will run AmigaOS4 apps and older apps which use retargetable coding. We look forwards to other Amiga hardware companies developing zico based solutions and are actively talking to them.
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Explanations from Fleecy, part 2 : Comment 28 of 49 | ANN.lu |
Posted by Donovan Reeve on 31-Mar-2001 22:00 GMT | In reply to Comment 20 (Keith Blakemore-Noble): I have 2 A-4000s. I intend to buy the new EyeTech Amiga-One bords
as soon as they become available. They aren't going to be near as
expensive as a Phase-5 PPC board for the A-4000 was, and they will
be a million times better. I consider this to be a much better AND
cheaper solution than has ever been available to us befor, and it
even has a future. You can do the same thing. How is that
abandoning us? I have tried, and I can't think of any possible
better solution. For a relatively small investment we get to have
our cake and eat it too, running our old software while still
ramping up into the new Amiga systems with modern hardware and still
our clean and friendly beloved Amiga O.S. is with us, in a much
improved and powerful form. And in another year, it will also run
directly on my x86 (presently Linux) machine as well!
The only thing that could possibly make me happier is if it would
run on the Boxer which I paid for 3 years ago (and may never see).
Oh well, if I get the Boxer I will just have to run O.S.3.9 on it.
My only gripe is that the A-4000 version of the Amiga-One is still
several months away and my A-4000s both hardly run at all anymore
due to dying power-packs. But with new cases and power-packs and
the Amiga-one boards, I will suddenly have two very powerful, modern
Amigas to run my software on, and I can buy cheap and wonderful PCI
and USB based cards and add-ons for them.
Cacha later,
Donovan Reeve (bubby@inebraska.com) |
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