[News] Elbox photos from O.A.S.E. 2002 | ANN.lu |
Posted on 17-Sep-2002 12:31 GMT by Wojtek Kozlowski | 29 comments View flat View list |
Photos from the ELBOX presentation at O.A.S.E. 2002 in Graz are placed in NEWS | Tradeshows & Events | O.A.S.E.
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Elbox photos from O.A.S.E. 2002 : Comment 13 of 29 | ANN.lu |
Posted by Jürgen Schober on 17-Sep-2002 13:16 GMT | In reply to Comment 3 (Anonymous): >So, SharkPPC is dead.
I do not know where you got that information from.
Elbox had a SharkPPC at the show, though, it does't make
sence to talk about that here. It also wasn't "shown",
but Mr. Bilek did show it on request.
In talks it was sure, that Elbox will figure out how to
handle the OS4 support when its finished and running
on the One, since this should be very easy to adopt and is the
philosophie of Elbox to release / show products, when they are
BTW: The A3000D tower is nice, first of the production run ever,
signed with Elbox, Michael Böhmer, Chris Hodges and the MOS guys.
An it's now mine ;) It will house the A3000 SerNo 13 soon ;)
Jürgen |
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