[Web] Talk of Hyperion porting games to Linux on slashdot | ANN.lu |
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Talk of Hyperion porting games to Linux on slashdot : Comment 55 of 70 | ANN.lu |
Posted by AmiTroll on 25-Apr-2003 09:02 GMT | In reply to Comment 32 (AmiTroll): Yay, i been modded! But just for the record Chris, that comment wasent a slam on you (or anyone really). Oh well, i guess it just proves how horribly lost sarcasm is in a text based environment. :)
What i find really suprising (here and in slashdot) is how people can moan about having more games. Yeah, it isnt Quake7 and there is no private sattelite to manage the PvP feature but come on, you have more wares than you did before. Why cry about it? If you want those brand spankin new games, bug those big software houses. As far as Hyperion goes, great, more toys for my Amiga. I'd prefer something like Alien Breed, The Settlers, Fields of Battle, etc (only with better computer AI), but even a crumby racing game (yay i can go in a circle) is fun at times too.
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