[Web] Talk of Hyperion porting games to Linux on slashdot | ANN.lu |
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Talk of Hyperion porting games to Linux on slashdot : Comment 62 of 70 | ANN.lu |
Posted by Bill Hoggett on 25-Apr-2003 15:31 GMT | In reply to Comment 61 (Anonymous): > URL to that pls as i have not seen them say that anywhere since taking
> on & talking about Aos4.
I don't have a URL and I don't know whether they said it after taking on AOS4 or a few weeks before, but they DID use sales of Shogo on Linux to illustrate precisely that point. They made a very big point that there was no market on x86 except the Windows market, and that it is impossible to sell for any other platform on x86.
Still, I don't see the usefulness of dredging up this old story again. |
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