[News] Motion for Summary Judgement Against Amiga to be Heard on Nov 21, 2003. | ANN.lu |
Posted on 16-Nov-2003 08:23 GMT by Rich Woods | 263 comments View flat View list |
Motion for Summary Judgement Against Amiga to be Heard on Nov 21, 2003 in Washington Federal District Court.
Motion for Summary Judgement Against Amiga to be Heard on Nov 21, 2003 in Washington Federal District Court.
It also looks like Amiga is again without counsel.
"This matter comes before the Court on "Plantiffs' Motion for Judgement and dismissal of Counter Claims for Lack of Representation." Although corporations must be represented by counsel, defendant's failure to retain new counsel has not yet been given rise to a sanctionable failure to prosecute. Plantiff's motion for judgement and dismissal of the counterclaims is DENIED. Defendant must, however, obtain counsel to defend this litigation if it hopes to avoid an adverse ruling on plaantiff's pending motion for summary judgement.
DATED this 7th day of November,2003.
robert S. Lasnik
United States District Judge
Get it here .
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Motion for Summary Judgement Against Amiga to be Heard on Nov 21, 2003. : Comment 257 of 263 | ANN.lu |
Posted by samface on 26-Nov-2003 00:27 GMT | In reply to Comment 256 (Tigger): >Why dont you tell us why you follow a man (or Sheeplord if you prefer)
No, why don't you tell me? I mean, I didn't even mention his name nor implied that any of my information would come from him.
Anyway, when it comes to investigating crimes you begin with the motive. Exactly what would Amiga Inc.'s motive be for ruining themselves as well as people working for them and their customers? And why keep working without pay when the company is so obviously going to remain insolvent? I mean, for beeing people that are trying to scam the Amiga community, I must say that they are awfully bad scammers. Aren't they supposed to disappear to some exotic island with a giant briefcase full of money?
I'm sorry Tigger but I really do think you lack the ability to see things from any other point of view than your own. I can understand the frustration of having to wait so long for them to deliver and I can understand the disappointment when they once more fail to keep things they have promised. But hey, there is another side of the story and I can assure you that their is just as much frustration and disappointment on that other side. All you have to do is open your eyes. |
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